Blackberry bed and moon symbol
The leaves are often used to wash wounds and help stop them from excess bleeding or drank as a healing tea. One of the Slavic folklore around blackberries is the Bulgarian Folklore.
According to Bulgarian folklore, blackberry bushes posed the greatest threat to Ispolini giants , who would trip in their thorns and die. I make Blackberry smudge sticks for my shaman work in boundaries on the land and people, so I was very pleased when I found this out. Celtic lore said that blackberries are a pagan fey fruit. Blackberries are considered protective against earthbound spirits, bad sorcerers, shadow witches and energy sucking vampire people.
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If planted near a home a vampire cannot enter. Blackberries have multiple meanings across religious, ethnic and mythological realms. They have been used in Christian art to symbolize spiritual neglect or ignorance. A legend also exists where the blackberry was once beautiful, but was cursed by evil men when they would fall into the bush when forced out of heaven. Some folklore associates the blackberry with bad omens because they can also symbolize sorrow.
Walk Two Moons
In an old proverb they signify haste. A man is so excited to pick the berries that he jumps into the bush and the thorns cause him to lose his eyesight. He regains it, however, upon jumping back out of the bush. In Greek mythology, Belleraphon who killed the sacred Chimera, was thrown into brambles when he dared to ride the Pegasus in his heroism attitude and was blinded by the thorns and wandered outcast and alone thereafter. This is his punishment for trying to take the power of the gods. Therefore, the fruit also symbolizes arrogance.
Blackberries are a cooling herb. Fresh leaves, bruised can be applied to give some relief to burns, especially from steam or boiling water and is also useful for hemorrhoids, skin ulcers, and eczema. The tea from leaves can also be used as a mouth rinse is also good for sore throats. The fruit is especially good for the liver and kidneys, while the leaf acts on the stomach and intestines. Medical uses include using the leaves in a cure for diarrhea; it could cure dropsy and is considered to have fantastic curative powers for coughs and colds.
The fruit should be eaten, either fresh, or in jam or wine, by those having trouble with stones or diarrhea. A decoration of the root bark or an infusion of the leaves may also be used. For stones, simmer 1 tbsp of root per cup of water for 20 minutes. In the summer when the berries are ripe, make this syrup to help ease winter colds and flu- cover fresh berries with malt vinegar and let them stand for three days. Mash and strain. Add one pound of sugar for each pint of juice that results and bring it all to a boil. Allow it to boil for five minutes, then let cool and seal. Add a teaspoon of this syrup to a cup of water to help keep your feverish little ones hydrated.
The root is used to make an astringent tea to ease diarrhea. Blackberry leaves are used both as healing tinctures and in magical rites, they are ruled by the Venus and Scorpio and the element water. They are used for everything related to female fertility or female wellness, so using them with a healing chant, incantation or spell that invokes healing fires or the goddesses Brigid, Vesta, Sehkmet or Durga makes them more powerful. Dip nine leaves in a natural water source and lay them on a burned or infected area. Different parts of the blackberry plant have different correspondences. The thorny branches are ruled by Aries and Fire and are used for protection, so when making a smudge stick, this is the part you want to gather.
Blackberry vines can be woven into protective wreaths, especially in combination with Rowan and Ivy and the thorns and leaves can also be added to medicine bags and other preparations for general household protection and prosperity. In Dream Symbolism, blackberries represent loss, sorrow and remorse so if you dream of them, you are either working on some loss yourself or a friend or family member will soon experience sadness and sorrow. If you are pricked in your dream, know that an enemy was in your dream and its wise to take care of some of your boundary issues of your inner circle.
Berries also represent sweet fruit and the positive sides of any type of berries is that internal nourishment is needed for your emotional body by ingesting more sweetness, peace and purity into your life as a practice. These are bundles of blackberry twigs, traditionally bound on one end, and lit to be used as a cleansing smoke to eradicate shadows. The process of making one is rather simple:.
By next summer they will be ready as most of the thorns fall off and you can cut them to size and tie off with your string, rope, hemp or twine. Or you can make them your self and find a local blackberry bush or path or neighbors and ask if you can harvests a handful of twigs. When you are binding herbs or canes, bind things with a special chant or a spell so the object, talisman, sage or amulet has the direction of power of what its intention is, when you make it. The witches in the West Country and folk healesr and shamans of other places were said to light them and weave around and about to make an area ready for witch work that was more pure and clear.
The blackberry in England and old American, has a lot of folklore, each pointing to a common piece of wisdom:. Since many people use Sage to smoke and smudge, next time try to find some Blackberry twigs. There are tales that those who are evil, greedy, unconscious are thrown out of Heaven and into a blackberry bush.
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Chapters 5–8
Margaret Cadaver, on the other hand, has bright red hair, very different from hair Sal's mother's. This symbolizes how Margaret Cadaver is not meant to be and does not want to be a replacement for Sugar, either as a mother to Sal or a wife to John. In Chapter 15 Sal describes how Sugar cut off her long black hair right before she left. John is upset and tells his wife, "I loved your hair. Sal sweeps up her mother's hair and saves it in a bag underneath the floorboards in her bedroom.
Both John and Sal sense that Sugar's haircut signals that she is undergoing an identity crisis and that she is rejecting a certain part of herself and her life because she feels confined by it. When Mrs. Winterbottom leaves her family temporarily after Mike, the son she gave up for adoption, finds her, she cuts her hair short.

Phoebe is particularly offended by this: "Did you notice her hair? She's cut it. It's short. Indeed, when Mrs.
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Winterbottom returns home, Sal notes Mrs. Winterbottom's new hairstyle and remarks that "she looked magnificent, but she did not look like Phoebe's mother. Blackberries symbolize Sal's mother. In Chapter 20 Sal describes watching her mother kiss a tree after eating the blackberries that grew wild on their Kentucky farm.
Since then Sal has adopted the practice of kissing trees and claims that every tree she kisses tastes slightly of blackberries. Sal writes about this "blackberry kiss" when Mr. Birkway gives her a writing assignment, noting she wrote "about [her] mother, because everything was connected to her. When Sal visits Phoebe's house for the first time, Mrs. Winterbottom is making blackberry pie. Sal "couldn't keep [her] eyes off the blackberries," and Mrs.
Winterbottom senses something is wrong. Sal tells Mrs. Winterbottom she is allergic, but in truth, she "could not admit that the sight of blackberries reminded [her] of [her] mother. In Chapter 6, Sal remembers a time that her mother became sad after her father left flowers at the breakfast table.
Sugar felt that she would never be as kind, thoughtful, or good as her husband. The next morning Sugar left dishes of fresh-picked blackberries on the breakfast table for Sal and her father and said, "See? I'm almost as good as your father. In Chapter 7 Sal describes the emotional confusion she felt after her mother left. She had always mirrored her mother's emotions, matching Sugar's happiness or sadness with her own.
When Sugar first left Sal felt numb. One day, a few weeks after Sugar left, Sal watched a newborn calf struggling to walk. When the calf gave her "a sweet, loving look," Sal realized that she felt "happy at this moment in time.