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Finally, you can click Convert button to start iTunes audiobooks conversion. After the conversion process started, you can select Open Output Folder option on the right panel.

Thus, the converted DRM-free audiobooks in Output Folder will open automatically while conversion completed. Now you can connect your phone with the computer, and drag and drop the converted Audible audiobooks to your phone. To transfer the converted Audible audiobooks to your Samsung Gear, launch the Samsung Gear app on your phone and make sure your Gear is connected to your phone.
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Switch to the Settings panel, select the Send content to Gear option. Touch Select tracks to transfer the converted audio books.
You can also turn on Auto sync which will automatically sync selected playlists from your phone to your Gear. Inside the Select tracks option, find the converted audiobook files, and mark the checkbox next to the audiobooks you want to import to your Gear, and then touch DONE. The transferred audiobooks will appear in the Music player on the Gear. From the Apps screen, tap Music player , navigate to the added Audible audiobooks, and tap Player. Now you can play Audible audiobooks on Samsung Gear S3 successfully without the phone.
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