Live wallpapers for mobile java
Engine class and check the results. The full implementation of our WallpaperService. Engine class can be found in FallSnowWallpaperService. Live wallpapers are a great place to make highly efficient and great performing graphical effects. But you need to do so realizing that the user isn't necessarily sitting there watching a demo you know, like those from scene.
What this means is that you may need to reduce frame rates, reduce pixels, polygon counts, or texture details to keep the wallpaper interesting, but not stressful on the CPU, GPU, and battery. If users find that your live wallpaper is eating their battery, it makes your app look bad and it makes their device seem weak with low battery life. A bad experience with an Android device causes all developers to suffer a bad rap.
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The demo view and activity from the previous tutorial is still available when the app launches. Instead of removing it, why not just add a handler so that when a user clicks on it, the live wallpaper settings will come up so the user can select the live wallpaper? Why not, indeed! That was easy. Live wallpapers are a convenient way to expand your application beyond its typical boundaries. Got a role-playing game? Make some neat live wallpapers featuring the main characters.
When not writing, they spend their time developing mobile software at their company and providing consulting services. Save Now. Subscribe Sign In. Web Design. Game Development. Computer Skills. Learning Guides. Code Android SDK.
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Creating Live Wallpapers on Android. Step 1: Service or Engine?
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Let's see what this looks like. Step 2: Defining the Wallpaper Since a live wallpaper is a service, you must register the service in your manifest file. Mobile developers Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have coauthored numerous books on Android development. Lauren and Shane run a boutique consulting firm specializing in the development of commercial-grade Android applications for smartphones, tablets, wearables i.
Google Glass , and more. Feed Like Follow Weekly email summary. Motion blur. Thanks for sharing! I'll start working on a desktop version.
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Cool looking forward to it. Btw, I prototyped this on the pc first using lwjgl. Games published by our own members! Check 'em out! Awww yeah it looks nice on my phone. But it slows down everything on my shitty Samsung Infuse so I won't use it.
Follow me on Twitter! Is there a way to delete the previous renderer, or do I likely have a different problem. Sorry for double-posting, I have fixed one problem but still have another. The problem comes after I see the preview window and click set wallpaper, it crashes without error on device and reverts to the previous wallpaper. I have no idea what is causing this, though I assume it is a mistiming with when a surface is destroyed, my code is similar to yours for the switching live wallpaper example.
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Thank you. Initially I want to thank you very much for this lesson. I found it very useful and developed both solutions successfully.

Did you found any? I was seeing similar crashes but not on all devices.
Digital Lotus live wallpaper
I believe the problem may lie in onVisibilityChanged. You can turn this on with a call to glSurfaceView. How would i call glSurfaceView. It seem some devices lose the Context when switching to applications and back at the moment and am looking for a way to fix this. You can see a sample implementation of this in the following source code package:. First off, thanks for the great tutorials! I am fairly novice at Android programming. I am trying to implement a preference screen to change textures used by my renderer. Textures are initialized in the OnSurfaceCreated method.
After I change the preference, the textures will not update until OnSurfaceCreated gets called again. How are you trying to update the textures? Are you only doing it on OnSurfaceCreated?
Android Open Source - WallPaper/Live
You could add a custom method to update the textures when the preferences are changed; just make sure you run that on the renderer thread by calling glSurfaceView. Admittedly, I was at wits-end when I posted the other day. But I figured a few things out over the past few days. Then began making calls to glSurfaceView. MyRunnable is able to do all of the heavy lifting when making changes! There are also ways of catching those exceptions and preventing them from crashing your process. To catch those errors, I install an UncaughtExceptionHandler like this:. You will undoubtedly still run into issues in the field.
Hey so the opengl 2. Wow Android is fucking retarded. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.
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Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Skip to content. Adding a thumbnail and description to the live wallpaper. Using a GLSurfaceView to drive the live wallpaper.