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I still like the ease of use and it's the only app I use for music however I'd like to see some updates pertaining to customer complaints. Back to 4 stars. Fewer crashes! Some bugs still when paired with Bluetooth but overall a great app. I am currently subscribed to the unlimited and will be done with it for good after June is over. Otherwise save your money. I like to listen to stations as it gives me a better variety; first off the variety of similar artists was soo off pace for the first few days I was pressing thumbs down more than I was anything else.
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Amazon FreeTime Unlimited. Tales From Deep Space. Til Morning's Light. Lost Within. The highest penetration of such apps can be found in Asian and a small selection of Latin American markets. In European markets, where there are often restrictions on ride-hailing apps and public transit networks, penetration is lower. It will perhaps be of interest that the US — the home of ride-hailing — also reports relatively low penetration. Precise figures were not made available by App Annie. The top here is dominated by mature markets, with the exception of Brazil — which climbs past Canada — and Vietnam, which enters the top for the first time.
We discuss app revenue in more depth elsewhere, but here we can see a little of the relationship between downloads and revenue.

While there are many similarities between the two, we see the more mature markets of Taiwan, South Korea, and Australia edge out the younger Russia, Brazil, and Vietnam. The latter three app markets are at a more immature stage at present see below. The Google Play ranking must be read as such, not as an Android ranking.
For this reason, you might notice China, in which Google is blocked, is absent from the list. The presence of this relatively immature market at the top of the download charts is a reflection of the deeper penetration of Android devices in such markets. The US and South Korea are the only mature markets to make it into the top by this measure.
Once again, however, downloads do not equal revenue, and the top countries by revenue chart features exactly the same names in a different order to the iOS revenue table. The only difference is the absence of China, which allows Russia to sneak into the top One name perhaps may catch the eye: Japan, which has been nudged off the top-spot this year by the US.
Its presence here is interesting, given that aforementioned split in favour of Android devices. Not losing sight of the fact that Japan is a populous nation with very high mobile penetration, this perhaps is something that developers with their eyes on the short and medium-term bottom line might want to take into consideration. Notably, India overtook the US in terms of total app downloads in This is despite, notes the report, a crackdown on games.
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Any given market will move through these stages, the first of which drives app downloads, the second app usage, and the last app revenue. As we reach the point where app revenue is being generated, downloads begin to tail off. South Koreans install and use the greatest number of apps of the selected countries assessed by App Annie. Interestingly, of the included countries in this measure, China comes last. The report authors posit that this is due to the prevalence of Android devices with limited storage. This mobile app data reveals an interesting disparity between the number of apps installed and the number of apps used in both the US and Japan.
Clearly users in these nations will happily install an app that they are not really interested in using regularly. On the other hand, Chinese and Indian users seem to be most careful as to what apps they install though as with every other nation in this indicator, a good deal more apps are installed than used. At the bottom end of the scale, we find a host of nations with huge potential for growth, nations like South Africa, India, and Nigeria.
The highest absolute growth in social media users was to be found where we might expect it to be: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, and the Philippines, etc — countries with large populations at various stages of rapid development. This list is dominated by African and Central Asian nations and Cuba! Ethiopia, you may have noticed, also features in the top nations by absolute growth. Hootsuite and We Are Social app statistics break down social media users using Facebook data for Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram specifically by age and gender.
In both of these age groups, we find a greater share of male than female users, something that is the case in all age categories up to age After this point, we see parity between the men and women. It seems that while the social media revolution has spread across the world, access to the platforms is more readily available to some than others. Back then, it offered up a selection of apps.
That number seems almost farcically small in comparison with contemporary app store statistics. Indeed, in the first quarter of , one could choose from 1. Source: Statista. The figures quoted above seem to be a conservative estimate of the number of apps in the App Store. Lifewire peg the volume of iOS apps available in the App Store at 2. This number has been relatively consistent over the past couple of years according to these iOS App Store statistics — with a slight dip occurring between and In the early years, it was not uncommon for the number of apps in the iOS App Store available to double over the course of 12 months.
The 1 million app mark was reached in October , and 2 million app threshold was crossed in June Between June and June we saw an increase of , apps — though by this stage, this represents a stabilisation, as the increase from 1. The process of getting listed on the iOS App Store is noted for being more arduous and costly than getting a Play Store listing.
We see a lower number of apps added as a consequence see below. Between March and May , we saw between 35, and 42, apps per month added to the App Store. On a weekly basis, this works out at between 6, and 11, The average daily figure comes in at 1, Source: 42matters. Perhaps this also reflects a wider shift toward a freemium model, with revenue generated through in-app purchases, rather than initial outlay on the app itself.
Unlabelled in second-place we find business apps, followed by education. Notably in education apps we find a slightly higher preponderance of paid apps — a little under one in six. Indeed, we find more paid apps in absolute terms among education apps than in any other category. It seems that the revenue model of educational apps is still geared towards relatively speaking an initial user outlay — reflective somewhat of educational establishments in the real world….
App Store (iOS)
Lifestyle apps are unlabelled as the fourth-most common app type available in the App Store, followed by utilities. Interestingly, two of the biggest categories, games at 3. Travel 3. The y-axis here is mislabelled on the source graph, and should refer to stars rather than a percentage.
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According to a different source, the greatest proportion of rated apps in the App Store fall into the 4. We see nearly exactly the same number of apps in the Outside of this podium, the lower we go, the fewer apps we find. Interestingly, we see the greatest average number of reviews for apps in the upper echelons in rankings terms, with apps rated 4.
Both of these ratings brackets see at least four times as many average times as the next closest contender, at The more reviews, the higher the rating it seems.