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Quote Explanation It pummels your house The word pummel means to hit somebody or something with repeated blows, this conveys the image of the house being attacked by an aggressive force. Technique Definition Simile Using as or like to compare two things her eyes shone like diamonds Metaphor The use of the same letter at the start of words the sea sizzled on the sandy shore Alliteration A figure of speech not meant literally I was over the moon Onomatopoeia describing an object as if it had human qualities The lonely crippled tree Personification A word which imitates the sound it represents smash, crack, plop.
Copy down the chart below. Find examples in the poem and write down the effect created. By the end of the poem the people appear helpless, isolated and at the mercy of the elements, waiting and hoping for the storm to end.
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The strength of the storm is conveyed through the use of images of war and the people in the poem appear weak and vulnerable. The storm pummelling the island in the poem is a metaphor for the violence in Northern Ireland. Storm on the Island The poem has a hidden meaning do you know what it is?
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- Seamus Heaney’s poetry.
On another level Storm on the Island refers to the troubles in Northern Ireland that took place in the latter years of the twentieth century. Images of terrorist violence can be found throughout the poem. The first 8 letters of the poem spell out the word Stormont — the name of the Government buildings of Northern Ireland in Belfast. The word island also has an obvious phonetic similarity to the word Ireland. Therefore the poem works on two levels: Each gave their allegiance to different countries. Protestants wanted to continue to be part of the United Kingdom whereas Catholics wanted Northern Ireland reunited with the Republic of Ireland.
Protestants feared the idea of union with the Republic of Ireland and believed that Catholics would not be tolerant of Protestant beliefs. Homes were petrol-bombed and looted, businesses and pubs were burnt and destroyed. Within 2 decades of the conflict , many people were killed. The conflict resulted in many deaths involving innocent victims an increasing number of people growing up with intense prejudice towards each other and an adverse development on the economic and social landscape of the country.
Podcast reading and discussion: Essay Question Answers to questions in this section should refer to the text and to such relevant features as: Seamus Heaney. Birth Seamus Heaney was born on 13 th April, He was born at the family farmhouse, called Mossbawn, between Castledawson and Toomebridge,. First and foremost an Irish poet, Heaney is renowned for ways in which he combines in his work personal memories with images of.
English Literature Comparing Poems. What do you have to do? In the exam you will be asked to compare four poems from the Anthology. You will be assessed.
Similar presentations. Upload Log in. My presentations Profile Feedback Log out. Log in. Auth with social network: Registration Forgot your password? Download presentation. Cancel Download. The stories share a theme of being closely based upon fairytales or folk tales. However, Carter has stated: My intention was not to do 'versions' or, as the American edition of the book said, horribly, 'adult' fairy tales, but to extract the latent content from the traditional stories. The tales vary greatly in length, with the novelette "The Bloody Chamber" being "more than twice the length of any of the other stories, and more than thirty times the length of the shortest [the vignette "The Snow Child"].
John Lancaster born 18 April is a British poet and writer. He has published five collections of poetry: He qualified as a town and regional planner in and then worked in local government and the housing association movement. Writing career John Lancaster first came to prominence as a second prizewinner in the National Poetry Competition, In he moved to Hudd This is the list of the Muslims in entertainment and the media. Comedy American comedian Dave Chappelle in Ahmed Ahmed — standup comedian, actor[1] Humza Arshad — English comedian[2] Dave Chappelle — standup comedian converted in [3] Said Durrah — standup comedian [4] Maz Jobrani — standup comedian, actor[5] Mohammed "Mo" Amer — standup comedian, actor[6] Hasan Minaj — standup comedian[7] Preacher Moss — standup comedian, comedy writer[8] Dean Obeidallah — standup comedian[1] Aamer Rahman - Australian standup comedian Azhar Usman — standup comedian[9][10][11] Maysoon Zayid — standup comedian, actress[1] Film and television Indian film actor Aamir Khan, one of the Three Khans of Bollywood, in She was the daughter of Abu'l-Hasan Asaf Khan, a wealthy Persian noble who held high office in the Mughal Empire, and the niece of Empress Nur Jahan, the chief wife of Emperor Jahangir and the power behind the emperor.
Although betrothed to Shah Jahan since ,[8] she ultimately became his second wife in Sadegh also spelled as Sadeq Hedayat Persian: Best known for his novel The Blind Owl, he was one of the earliest Iranian writers to adopt literary modernism in their career. In , he was among a select few students who travelled to Europe to continue their studies.
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There, he initially went on to study engineering in Belgium, which he abandoned after a year to study architecture in France. There he gave up architecture in turn to pursue dentistry. In Hedayat Biography He received his earlier education in his native Tabriz city, mastering the elements of Arabic and the religious sciences. Tyldesley miners outside the Miners' Hall during the strike The general strike in the United Kingdom was a general strike that lasted nine days, from 3 May to 12 May Some 1.
The government was prepared and enlisted middle class volunteers to maintain essential services. There was little violence and the TUC gave up in defeat. Though nine days in, the TUC leadership knew 'the government could hold out longer than the workers', it was perceived at the time as a 'brilliant failure'. According to a leading TUC researcher, Walter Milne-Bailey, 'There has never been a more amazing display of labour solidarity and the effect of such a demonstration must inevitably be deep and enduring. Workers have lea She read history at St Hilda's College, Oxford.
She now lives in Ely, Cambridgeshire, with her husband, the poet Lachlan Mackinnon. Five years later she became a freelance writer and was a television critic for The Spectator magazine until She ha His first book of poetry, The North Ship, was published in , followed by two novels, Jill and A Girl in Winter , and he came to prominence in with the publication of his second collection of poems, The Less Deceived, followed by The Whitsun Weddings and High Windows After graduating from Oxford in with a first in English language and literature, Larkin became a librarian. It was during the thirty years he worked with distinction as university librarian at the Brynmor Jone Mirza Fatali Akhundov Azerbaijani: He was also the founder of materialism and atheism movement in Azerbaijan[5] and one of forerunners of modern Iranian nationalism.
His parents, and especially his uncle Haji Alaskar, who was Fatali's first teacher, prepared young Fatali for a career in Shi'a clergy, but the young man was attracted to the literature. In , while in Ganja, Akhundzade came into contact with the poet Mirz William C. Chittick born is a philosoper, writer, translator and interpreter of classical Islamic philosophical and mystical texts. He is best known for his work on Rumi and Ibn 'Arabi, and has written extensively on the school of Ibn 'Arabi, Islamic philosophy, and Islamic cosmology. He taught comparative religion at Tehran's Aryamehr Technical University and left Iran before the revolution.
An Introduction Tehran: Aryamehr University Press, A new edition, The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi, released in see below. The Sufi Path of Love: The Spiritual Teachings The following is a list of notable British Pakistanis, namely notable citizens or residents of the United Kingdom whose ethnic origins lie in Pakistan: Academia and education Humanities Khizar Humayun Ansari — academic who was awarded an OBE in for his work in the field of race and ethnic relations.
Literary criticism Persian: However, there is tantalizing mention of the titles of such works, such as Karvand. Greek culture was cultivated during the philhellenic Arsacid dynasty, so much so that "in the courts of Arsacid kings Greek plays were performed in the original language". However, it remains a matter for speculation how much influence Greek ideas had on the literature of the period before Islam. It is divided into several dialects.
The Eskimo languages are divided into two branches: Inuit, which covers a huge range of territory, is divided into several varieties. Neighbouring varieties are quite similar, although those at the farthest distances from the centre in the Diomede I Tom Leonard 22 August — 21 December was a Scottish poet, writer and critic. His work frequently dealt with the relationship between language, class and culture. Biography Leonard was born in Glasgow in His father was a train-driver who had moved to Scotland from Dublin in His mother, also of Irish descent, came from Saltcoats and had previously worked at the Nobel dynamite factory in Ardeer.
Edward Kamau Brathwaite ; born 11 May is a Barbadian poet and academic, widely considered one of the major voices in the Caribbean literary canon. The Safavid dynasty ; Persian: The Safavid dynasty had its origin in the Safavid order of Sufism, which was established in the city of Ardabil in the Azerbaijan region. It was of mixed ancestry Kurdish[32] and Azerbaijani,[33] which included intermarriages with Georgian,[34] Circassian,[35][36] and Pontic Greek[37] dignitaries.
From their base in Ardabil, the Safavids established control over parts of Greater Iran and reasserted the Iranian identity of the region,[38] thus becoming the first native dynasty since the Sasanian E This is an incomplete list of notable British Muslims. His work often focuses on technology and posthumanism.
Seamus Heaney. Retrieved 15 July Member feedback about AQA Anthology: Member feedback about AQA: Education for Leisure topic "Education for Leisure" is a poem by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy which explores the mind of a person who is planning to commit a murder.
Critical essay
Member feedback about Education for Leisure: Half Caste poem topic "Half Caste" is a poem by John Agard that looks at people's ideas and usage of the term "half-caste". Member feedback about Half Caste poem: English poems Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Vultures poem: Poems Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Search for My Tongue: Imtiaz Dharker topic Imtiaz Dharker born is a Pakistan-born British poet, artist and documentary filmmaker. Member feedback about Imtiaz Dharker: Member feedback about Night of the Scorpion: Indian poems Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Member feedback about Not My Business: Member feedback about This Room: Member feedback about Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan: Belfast Confetti poem topic Look up Belfast confetti in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Member feedback about Belfast Confetti poem: Wessex Tales topic First edition title page Wessex Tales is an collection of tales written by English novelist and poet Thomas Hardy, many of which are set before Hardy's birth in Member feedback about Wessex Tales: Member feedback about Simon Armitage: English writer navigational boxes Revolvy Brain revolvybrain 21st-century British male writers Revolvy Brain revolvybrain 21st-century male writers Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Gillian Clarke topic Gillian Clarke born 8 June in Cardiff is a Welsh poet and playwright, who also edits, broadcasts, lectures, and translates from Welsh into English. Member feedback about Gillian Clarke: Member feedback about On the Train: Member feedback about The Ruined Maid: Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded Revolvy Brain revolvybrain poems Revolvy Brain revolvybrain poems Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Seamus Heaney - AQA Anthology for GCSE
Elvis's Twin Sister topic "Elvis's Twin Sister" is a frequently cited poem by Carol Ann Duffy[1] that is said to reflect "the hidden lives of generations of overlooked women" as part of the collection The World's Wife, of 30 similar poems dealing with the female relatives of famous men throughout history. Member feedback about Elvis's Twin Sister: Censorship in the United Kingdom topic Censorship in the United Kingdom has a long history with variously stringent and lax laws in place at different times. Member feedback about Censorship in the United Kingdom: Censorship in the United Kingdom Revolvy Brain revolvybrain.
Member feedback about Syed Ahmed Rizvi Kashmiri: What Were They Like? Member feedback about What Were They Like?: The Falling Leaves topic The Falling Leaves Today, as I rode by, I saw the brown leaves dropping from their tree In a still afternoon, When no wind whirled them whistling to the sky, But thickly, silently, They fell, like snowflakes wiping out the noon; And wandered slowly thence For thinking of a gallant multitude Which now all withering lay, Slain by no wind of age or pestilence, But in their beauty strewed Like snowflakes falling on the Flemish clay.
Member feedback about The Falling Leaves: Nothing's Changed poem topic Nothing's Changed Small round hard stones click under my heels, seeding grasses thrust bearded seeds into trouser cuffs, cans, trodden on, crunch in tall, purple-flowering, amiable weeds.

Member feedback about Nothing's Changed poem: South African poetry Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Syed Saleh Haigam: Member feedback about Grace Nichols: Guyanese emigrants to England Revolvy Brain revolvybrain 20th-century Guyanese writers Revolvy Brain revolvybrain Guyanese short story writers Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Carol Ann Duffy: Member feedback about Poetry Live: British poetry Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about John Agard: Member feedback about in poetry: Havisham topic "Havisham" is a poem written in by Carol Ann Duffy.
Member feedback about Havisham: Member feedback about The Bloody Chamber: Short story collections by Angela Carter Revolvy Brain revolvybrain short story collections Revolvy Brain revolvybrain Horror short story collections Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about John Lancaster writer: List of Muslims in entertainment and the media topic This is the list of the Muslims in entertainment and the media.
Member feedback about List of Muslims in entertainment and the media: Lists of Muslims Revolvy Brain revolvybrain. Member feedback about Mumtaz Mahal: Member feedback about Sadegh Hedayat: Member feedback about Muhammad Husayn Tabataba'i: Member feedback about United Kingdom general strike: Member feedback about Wendy Cope: Member feedback about Philip Larkin: Member feedback about Mirza Fatali Akhundov: William Chittick topic William C.
Member feedback about William Chittick: List of British Pakistanis topic The following is a list of notable British Pakistanis, namely notable citizens or residents of the United Kingdom whose ethnic origins lie in Pakistan: Member feedback about List of British Pakistanis: Literary criticism in Iran topic Literary criticism Persian: Member feedback about Literary criticism in Iran: Member feedback about Eskimo—Aleut languages: