Ipad injustice gods among us controls
Staying away from each opponent and performing air heat vision and knocking them down with heat zap when they get close will easily keep them at a distance and often hit them. The only problem is when one of them constantly dashes toward Superman. The second objective challenges a player to beat all three opponents with ONLY punch moves. Superman cannot perform his beam attacks. Performing his character power that raises his attack and any normal attacks, combos or special moves where he punches is ok to do and still get the objective completed.
Superman's super move is all punches, so don't worry about that. Connecting 10 special moves for the third objective must all be done on ONE opponent. You must hit one opponent with 10 special moves without them blocking. It's best to get away from Solomon Grundy first opponent and spam him with both ground and air heat vision - heat vision works the best since it doesn't take much damage if it hits or if the opponent guards. Beware Grundy's super armor dashing grab. Hit him a total of 10 times with these special moves to get the objective then beat the other opponents normally.
Damage Lex 10 times to deplete the energy source and save Lois. Superman must hit him a total of 10 times in order to destroy the shield. An on-screen indicator shows how many more hits must be performed in order to damage the shield. It's really best to go all out on Lex with close range combos from the start L, L, M or M, M, A and work up a total of 10 hits quickly to rid him of his shield. Once his shield is down, the battle turns into a basic battle with Lex Luthor. He can be a little ass with his energy shield character power, so get away from him and hit him with heat vision or heat zap to quickly rid him of his energy shield.
Hitting him from close range when he has up his energy shield can often get Superman hit since Lex can take one hit and still hit Superman at that time. The challenges for this mission are pretty basic overall. Win the match without jumping and finish Lex Luthor off with a super move for the final hit. Basically just stay on the ground and only perform ground attacks and save all your super meter until the final hit then finish off Lex with Superman's super move.
DO NOT offer up any super meter if Lex starts a clash and you're going for the super move finish objective. Execute the moves listed on top of the screen to spar. Perform the displayed moves against Nightwing to complete the main objective. The only extra objective that you have to try for is to hit Nightwing 15 times in the head.

Hit Nightwing with constant L attacks to hit him in the head until the "Challenge Complete" phrase appears on the bottom left portion of the screen. The hit combo will be performed during Batman's super move the last command , so you can't get through this mission without performing the first extra objective. Capture Raven before Scarecrow's madness overcomes Batman's reality. The Scarecrow will be in the background watching the fight the whole time and he will laugh and release his gas throughout the battle, which will cause a few status effects on Batman.
The gas will change your screen to a monochrome color and it will either reverse your controls or make the screen tilt. The gas can also put Batman to sleep or make him move slower. The tilting isn't really that much of a bother but the reverse controls can get Batman hit easily. The sleeping status effect is basically an instant hit and the slowing of time is kind of random with how bad it will affect a player.
Other than the status effects, it's a pretty straightforward battle.
Batgirl challenge help (IOS)
Combo M, M, H, Sky Grapple d, b, X works well for the majority of Batman's confrontations thanks to its damage and it's very easy to do. Batarangs from a distance b, f, M work well for zoning Raven. The first extra objective only requires you to use an environmental objects, so hop over to the right side of the screen and jump then interact with the hovering car to strap a bomb to it to get this objective - Raven does not have to get hit by the explosion.
Batman could also simply flip off the car on the left side of the screen. In order to Clash, Raven must get your Batman down to his second health bar.
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Keep building super meter throughout the round and don't use any! When Batman is on his second health bar, wait for Raven to start a Clash. She most likely will. Allow her to win and use most of her super meter. This will guarantee that you win the Clash. A Clash tie will not count. If Raven has less super than your Batman during the first Clash, well It just all depends on the way the battle goes. Use the undead grenades located around the Batcave to do significant damage.
The undead grenades are environmental objects, so stand over a pair of them and press the interact button to pick them up. Toss them at Grundy by tapping any button after picking them up. Each grenade will take some tremendous damage if it hits him. With the bonus objectives, win the battle without missing a grenade toss for the second objective. The third objective can be a little tough because of Grundy's high defense.
All of Batman's attacks do not take much health from Grundy, so it will be a long battle. Thankfully, Grundy is on an easy difficulty, so it shouldn't be extremely hard to finish him off with Batman's arsenal of attacks. Try to stay in the air for the most part when fighting Grundy to avoid his ground pound attack from long range and his rushing grabs from close range. He will often perform his rushing grab, so just jump behind him and combo him.
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Zoning with batarangs really doesn't work well against Grundy because of his ground pound move, so it's best to stay close to him and hit him with melee combos. The main move you have to prepare for is Grundy's Clash on his second life bar. Avoid their attacks of incoming pies and chattering teeth to reach the evil duo. It plays out with the same controls of a normal fight but Batman cannot attack - he must avoid. Work your way to the right side of the screen while avoiding chattering teeth that move toward Batman from the ground and pies that fly diagonally downward toward Batman.
The chattering teeth are easily avoided by jumping forward to get over them when they approach.
They can hop up a little, but they don't jump much. The main problem with this mission are the pies.
ipad injustice gods among us controls
They fly toward Batman diagonally and sometimes at an arc. Try to move forward most of the time to avoid the majority of the pies. Sometimes a pie will fly at an arc and Batman must slow down and allow it to hit the ground. Duck or back up if needed to avoid the pies. The only problem with the chattering teeth is that they are so small and hard to see at times. The second objective challenges a player to not move backwards while performing this mission.
Simply walk forwards or stop at all times and don't ever move backwards. Basically, getting to the other side as quickly as possible will help out for this bonus objective. The third objective requires that Batman avoid 10 pies, so he must either allow a pie to pass by him overhead or allow it to hit the ground in front of him a total of 10 times. You'll need to prolong the mission in order to get this bonus objective. Focus most on dodging the incoming objects and don't focus on moving forward at all except for when you have to leap forward to dodge the teeth.
The chattering teeth set you up for jumping into pies, so try to wait until AFTER a pie hits the ground before jumping over a set of chattering teeth. One major problems is when you get several chattering teeth in a row - you just have to hope there are no pies coming when jumping forward at that time. This third objective can be very luck-based, so it might take a few tries at times. The objects are all random and they you'll have a different set of obstacles every time - just got to wait for your moment to shine.
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Use Batman's Batarang to stop the prisoners from escaping. Convicts will run out of the prison door on the right side of the stage and Batman must hit them with a batarang b, f, M in order to stop them. There are a total of five convicts that will rush out the door. You can literally just spam batarangs during the first part and not fail any of the object and hit all the convicts easily - no timing is needed really.
You've probably noticed Killer Croc near the metal container off to the right. He will hop out from the background and challenge Batman after the convicts are all "apprehended". Killer Croc only has one attack and Batman can only afford to get hit by it twice - the third hit will make him fail.
Injustice: Gods Among Us (iOS) review
Killer Croc will growl and then dash toward Batman and try to shoulder charge him. To dodge the shoulder charge, stay at furthest side of the screen away from Killer Croc and then leap over him a few seconds after he growls. His shoulder charge is quick and you'll need to get the timing down in order to avoid it.
After you get the timing down, it's pretty easy to dodge his shoulder charge. Just keep hopping back and forth over him after he growls.