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Nokia N8 games
Now it's true that the screen resolution of most modern Symbian phones, at nHD, x pixels, seems low in , with devices starting to come with p x pixels displays, but nHD was very competitive in when the Nokia launched, so we can't blame Nokia for plumping for nHD for its new touch devices.
The lack of increase since then is a moot point, of course, though the addition of fast hardware graphics acceleration in devices from the Nokia N8 onwards has at least meant that we can have games that impress visually in terms of speed and colours, if not in absolute resolution. So, which games on Symbian get closest to the leisure scene in iOS and Android? Which ones should you be seen playing down the pub in order to appear credible to your games-obsessed iPhone-owning friends? Below is my personally chosen top Of course, Nokia's convention, to start using 'HD' in a game's title around the time of re-introducing GPUs to Symbian for the N8, C7 and C, is somewhat misguided, since "High Definition" implies greater resolution, whereas the games were all still nHD, the same as titles written for the Nokia two years previously.
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So yes, misleading, but hey, at least you get the idea At some point, developers stopped buying into the 'HD' naming kool-ade and the acronym was quietly dropped. Just FYI! Where review links are given, click through to get the actual download or 'buy' links. Angry Birds is, of course, the acid test of whether a platform can be taken seriously for games these days.
It would be great to be mentioning the 'Space' and 'Star Wars' variants here, but sadly I don't think there's much chance of these making it to Symbian at this stage. What this means is that you get a bunch of Angry Birds 'themes' in one, just pick your season and go for it.
10. Angry Birds Seasons
And with the benefit that, if you get stuck on one level, just switch over to a different season and have a crack at that one instead. Still recommended.
- The Top 10 'HD' Symbian games;
- The Top 10 'HD' Symbian games.
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Reviewed here. Yes, it's true that staying in the air was a lot easier than it should have been "Stall?
Download free games for Nokia N8
What's a stall? This might seem old school in terms of gaming, and you have to forgive the ugly black bar at the top of the screen, but start up Sky Force Reloaded on even a modern Symbian smartphone and it's action all the way. T hree difficulty levels mean that, whatever your reflexes and finger agility, you'll get a challenging game here. The default 'touch to drag' control method works well, apart from when the action gets tough and your fingers start to get sweaty!
With a million things to shoot up, a million more things to avoid and tough end of level bosses, this is still a classic. At first, the top-down, rectangular sci-fi landscapes look unremarkable, but once underway, as your plucky robot explores level after level of a gigantic invading spaceship, combating ever larger and more powerful enemy robots along the way, you'll quickly get hooked. The difficulty level is perfect, the graphics pixel-perfect, the scope of the game huge - in short, a modern Symbian Hit - with, yes, a capital 'h'.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The cross-platform arcade puzzler, like Angry Birds, even running this will gain you credibility in an increasingly iOS-centric mobile gaming world. Another physics-based title, here it's all about getting your head around strategy and split second timing, juggling objects, bands and the all important candy, in order to feed the monster Arguably the most polished game I've ever played on Symbian, it's the well-known game of firing coloured balls into an ever-advancing line in order to matchor-greater.
Sounds boring, actually is anything but, mainly thanks to the smoothness of the action and the abundance of power-ups, which do more and more outrageous and helpful things. Terrifically atmospheric, Sparkle will amaze and addict you in every way. The oddestly named game on the platform, this is another 10tons special they wrote Sparkle, above and is physics-based with a huge slice of humour. And violence. Essentially, you play an embittered ex-tennis ace, firing off smashed at the heads and torsos of every set of characters who get in your way, all of them themed and controlled by an evil corporation.
Naturally, there are puzzles to solve, things to blow up and budge and bounce off.
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