Phone cot 4 pics 1 word

There was a motorscooter in the parking lot. I haven't eaten lunch yet. Buy it yourself. Inside, Rider spotted a suspiciouslooking man at the checkout counter. He was wearing a big hat pulled down tight over his head.

Cot crossword clue –

He seemed to fit the description of Hargrove. He put on a hat to cover his bald head—why else would he be wearing a hat inside the store? I'm going to arrest him. Look at you, potato chips all over your uniform. A cop who doesn't pay attention to appearances isn't much of a cop.

Rider's ear. He's not our man. Let's continue into town before Bart Hargrove gets much farther. While on a stakeout, a detective saw several suspicious persons enter a guarded door. Each was allowed inside by using a secret password that changed daily.

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She took a picture of the person's lips just as the person was starting to pronounce the secret password. Can you match the pictures with the following passwords A-F? The Dating Game While he was snooping in his sister's room, Junior found these six pages from a date book on her desk. He was disappointed that he didn't find anything he could threaten to tell Mom and Dad about, but he did have fun putting the pages back into their correct order. Can you rearrange the six pages so that they are in chronological order? Answers, page no. Work Boxes Fill in the Work Boxes at the bottom of the page by following the instructions below and using the boxes given.

Take your time to think about each step. Now, in the circle below each Work Box, write the letter that appears below the same number at the top of the page.

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If a Work Box is empty, do not write a letter below it. If you have followed all the directions correctly, you will find a phrase that describes you! Out of Order 2 The panels of this comic strip are all mixed up. He buried a fortune in gold doubloons within one of the square areas A through J marked with an X. He also wrote these clues on the back of the map: 1. An even number of squares marked X are farther east than the treasure. The treasure is not located at the X that is closest to the abandoned mine.

If there are an even number of Xs farther north than the treasure, the treasure is located on one of the four small islands. If the treasure is on one of the four small islands, then the distance from the treasure to the nearest other X is greater than the distance from the pirate hut to the sunken ship.

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If the treasure is on the big island, then one of the buildings is farther west than the treasure and the other building is farther north than the treasure. Can you save a lot of digging by figuring out which X marks the treasure's location? Coin Return With this trick, you will be able to tell whether a coin hidden under a friend's hand has its "heads" or "tails" side up, even though your friend may have turned it over any number of times while you were not looking.

First, have your friend put a handful of coins on a table in such a way that all of them are visible. It doesn't matter how many coins are used, or how many have their heads or tails sides up. Now turn your back, and tell your friend to turn over as many coins as he or she wishes, one coin at a time. Each time your friend turns a coin over, he or she is to call out "TURN. While you're still facing the other way, have your friend cover any one coin with his or her hand. Now turn around and look at the coins on the table.

Almost immediately, you announce whether the coin hidden under your friend's hand is heads or tails. When the coins are first placed on the table, secretly count the number of heads-up coins. Then, each time your friend says "TURN," add one to this number, counting silently in your head until your friend is done. The number you end up with is your secret total.

If your secret total is an even number, there will be an even number of heads-up coins on the table. When you turn around, count the heads-up coins you see. If you see an odd number of heads, the coin covered by your friend's hand must be heads to make the total even. If you see an even number of heads, the covered coin must be tails.

If your secret total is odd, there will be an odd number of heads-up coins on the table.

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So, in this case, if you see an even number of heads when you turn around, you know the hidden coin must be heads; while if you count an odd number of heads, the hidden coin must be tails. He was on a diet. For breakfast, Dumpty usually ate bacon and pancakes with plenty of syrup, a glass of milk, sausages, buttered toast, some orange juice, and a corn muffin. All he had had today was cereal with skim milk.

I'm never going to make it to lunch.

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None of the restaurants. As he passed Pulski's Restaurant, Dumpty noticed something strange and stopped the car. Outside the locked front door of Pulski's was stacked the morning's bakery delivery. Dumpty observed that several pies and cakes had been removed from their boxes, and that someone had taken big bites out of them.

A large brown paper bag full of dinner rolls had been ripped apart and scattered across the pavement. On the sidewalk was a squashed lemon meringue pie.

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He grabbed his radio mike. Better tell Mr. Pulski to come over quickly.

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Pulski," said Dumpty. Pulski's mind at ease. Tuesday we kept getting take-out orders over the phone for addresses that didn't exist. And now today, this. A bicycle had ridden over it. One of its tires had left a short trail. Pulski pointed in the direction of the tire track: "See. They live in that direction, a few miles down. Hey, Dumpty, you can get your nose out of the pie now and check on the kids C'mon Dumpty, I'll give you a piece of cake if you're that hungry.

As he got out of the car, he heard noises coming from the open garage. There were Tim and Kim huddled over a bicycle. Tim nudged his sister with his elbow. Kim straightened up.

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Is that against the law? The rear tire looked as if it had just been washed. It was still wet. You were. And you cleaned the rear tire because it was covered with lemon meringue. It's called a "pigpen code" because each letter is in a compartment, or pen, that has a unique shape. To send your message, draw the outline of the compartment each letter is in, including a dot if there is one. For example,. Roll the map tightly around the ink tube and slip it back inside the outer shell. Pack Magic The Trick Have each of four friends take a card, without seeing it, from different parts of a deck.

When the four cards are turned over, they will all be aces!