Phones 4 u buyout contract 2012
He said I will learn easy. When I got my first account it was R!!!!! My previous contract was surposed to still be valid until end March and new contract effective 1 April. Now yesterday I got the huge bill! Can you pay your cell phone contract deal in advance?
8 tips for ditching your cell phone contract early
Hello I just got a contract phone last month and the first payment is due this month. Can anyone offer help to me? I asked when the iphone 6 was coming out and he said December! I decided to take the iphone 5s that day my contract went from R per month to R per month which I was happy to pay as I would get triple data!
I was very annoyed to find that the iphone 6 came out only 3 weeks after me signing a contract on the iphone 5, am I within my rights to take the 5 back and cancel my contract and get the 6 instead? Hi, I have been struggling with mtn to simply change my debut order date since august after emailing complaint and phoning and visiting their branches several times.
I am realy fed up with this!!! Thay are wasting my time and resources. I want to cancel my contract and will never take out any contract or anything else from them. It is such a simple and small request.
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What can I do or what am I legally allowed to do. My friends phone got stolen which lead him to getting a copy of his signed contract it was stolen with his laptop bag so and on the contract it say he earns a higher salary than what he told them he was earning and the date he started to work was incorrect. Does anyone know if this can lead to a termination of contract for them falsifying his information?
I did call them but they say they cannot cancel the contract. The lady says only if there is problem with the phone or network in the area. So Vodacom are unilaterally changing my contract by increasing the price 20 months into my contract. I specifically asked at the time of signing about price increases and was told, twice, by the consultant that the price was fixed for the period of the contract.
I was never given a copy of the contract in spite of several requests including two written requests. I feel that they are in breach of contract. Who do I contact for assistance with this problem? I have serious issue with Virgin Mobile, who claims that I was suppose to cancel my contract phone that was due on However, they never contacted to advice whether i would like to continue with the package of the current deal. Now i have to pay them until end of May after I have surve a notice to cancel the contract that I am no longer using. It is very sad that the business in our country is not helping its consumers.
How can I be assisted on this matter. Hi paul I have three data contracts with vodacom for a signed pirriod for the amount the are charging me, yesterday I received n notification of a price increase on my contract can the just do that? Hi My dad and my daughter have Vodacom contracts.
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The signal at home is so bad. Are they allowed to do that or do they have to release me from my contracts?

Hi icw Can cell c , after my 2year contract with them , still kept me responsible for paying the monthly sipsription if I did not use the phone or number anymore , I also did no upgrade after the 2 years , I actualy forgot I still had a cell c number and used the handset for vodacom prepaid.
Just over 2 years ago I took out 2 phone contracts one for my daughter and one for my son with Nashua Mobile. The phones were to be used for data not calls so I set the call limit on each to a R1. Thus, I was assured that I would not be charged anything over R in a month and and so I filled out a debit order on my Standard Bank savings account for the 2 year contract. All ran smoothly — every so often one of the kids would go over their data limit and the phone would be soft locked. A call to Nashua Mobile would rectify this.
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All of a sudden monthly amounts of over R and even over R were being deducted from my account. Investigation revealed that Nashua Mobile had been bought out by Altech Autopage. On enquiry I was told Autopage could not honour limits previously set with Nashua. I negotiated new limits for soft-locking the phones. These limits however were never enforced and random amounts always over R or R continued to be deducted from my bank account each month.
After many phone calls and much head-banging I gave up and decided to just grit my teeth and bear it as the contracts had almost run their course. I tried to end the contract but was informed this was not possible. It surprised me that I had to stick to the letter of the original contract even though Autopage had not but I realised I had no chance in this dispute so continued paying for both phones although only one was in use.
Yes, you CAN cancel your cellphone contract
Amazingly, my monthly payments did not decrease although only one phone was now operational. A month before the date of the contract end I went in to give notice but was told to come back on the actual date of the contract end. I returned on this date and was told that I should have given a months notice and would have to continue the contract for another month.
I threw my toys and, again many phone calls later, was eventually assured that both contracts would be cancelled on the 28 October. I was assured that the actual contracts however were both over and there would be no more charges on them. On the 31 October at 7. One told me she had exceeeded her limit of R and one told me she had exceeeded her limit of R Both told me I would now be debited R I queried how the limit could be exceeded by so much and was told that data was not recorded overnight or on weekends and therefore the phone might not be locked immediately. This would imply that in the last month of her contract my daughter in one night or one weekend used more than ten times her limit and more than double what both phones had used at any time during the two years.
I suppose this is possible if unlikely. Especially unlikely in light of two facts —. Since R is way over her limit already why was the phone not soft locked at that point? When they switched her phone to prepaid a week prior to the 28 October they just made her forfeit what she had left of this data bundle. Thus, in over a week she did not even use R70 of data. And how could she be accruing data expenses when she was using a purchased bundle and then prepaid?
I now seriously doubt the validity of all the charges for data over all the months of the contract. I suspect stongly that I have very much been ripped off all along as well as having had my contract terms not adhered to. But this was not the end of it — a few days later I received an invoice informing me that for some unknown reason I now owed over R It keeps going up even when no phones are in use??
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In my entire life I have only had three accounts — but now I will end up on some bad debt list. I have phoned Standard Bank a few times but have been told that, although my original debit order was for a two year contract, there is no way they can block this company from debiting my account with any random amount. This means that for the rest of my life I have to check whether any money has been deducted and then phone the bank to do a reversal. I cannot believe that my money is so poorly protected.
This will entail trying to get my pension payment transferred to a new account. As an update: I have received two emails informing me that my service is suspended due to non-payment??? At last as to the suspension I am so thrilled — have been trying for months to get this contract closed.. I have a contract with telkom mobile which ended in December I have since tried to cancel it but to no avail.
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I have emailed them my contract cancellation forms on 08 Jan and i am yet to receive any sort of confirmation from them. What is my next step? I already got a bill for February!!!! I am at my wits end. All rights reserved. Part of Wag the Dog Publishers. Repairing a broken reputation and sorting out a mess. Posted By: Amanda Patterson on: February 09, In: Plain Language Print Email.
Right to information in plain and understandable language 4. If you do wish to cancel your agreement, remember these points: How can businesses protect themselves? Related Articles:. Search instead for. Did you mean: View more options. Find other posts tagged with: For hints, tips and flashing guides, visit my youtube page www. Phones 4 u contacted me regarding the buy out contract scheme they do, informed me the can give better deals then vodafone on the vodafone network, being a trusting person i went through with this then relaised there best offer Was what vodafone offer through there website, also once i had sigbed up with them i was then informed about there buy out remaining contract terms, in ehich you receive a cheque in 42 days or maybe later depending on admin delays, then also said there are terms and conditions to this cheque which ill receive in the 42 days, of course i cancelled the new conrract within the 7 day cooling period and came to this forum, then from here was offered a great deal.
Happy as larry now. Quick links. Relevant Posts. Poor Support - Static IP. Using the BT home hub 6 router with Vodafone?