Samsung android tv remote control
FamiSafe is an app that can turn your phone into a remote control app for android device. It has an amazing set of features that let you control, monitor and set a timer on your PC, android phones, media center etc. This versatile app can be used to control and keep track of what your kids are watching, how long the device is working, and also block apps and channels that you don't want your family to be exposed to. This app can turn your android phone into a generic remote control android device.

This app provides the basic interface required to control your TV. You can connect your android device to the TV via Bluetooth or local network. This app makes a great replacement for a remote. Peel Smart Remote, apart from being a universal remote which can be used to control your smart devices, the Peel Smart Remote also acts as a personalized TV guide. Anymote Universal remote is a great app to have if your phone comes with an IR blaster. Anymore Universal remote taps into your IR blaster option to convert your phone into a great android remote control.
You can customize your remote to unlock great features with this app. This amazing app by Xaomi doesn't really require a Xaomi phone to use it.
How to Use Smart View
If you have a regular android phone you can easily turn it into a remote control android phone. All you need an Android device with a built-in IR blaster. This remote control enables your android device to control your computer.
This multipurpose app is a powerful tool to control your PC in different ways. This universal remote app can be used to remotely control other devices, like a computer, smartphone, or tablet while you are on the go.
Popular Topics
This versatile app gives you control over your computer and other devices which may be unattended. Use this app to control what happens to your devices. This Google app lets you control your Chromecast, Google Home, and assistant speakers. You can use this app to browse your music, TV shows, and movies. You can control the features such as volume, play-pause etc of your video and audio streams. Use your phone to control the TV.
Purchase a replacement Samsung remote. Enter your TV model number. Purchase a compatible third-party replacement.
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