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Combined Network Footprint Fiber Owner in 22 of the Top 30 Markets 2 Top 5 Competitive 1 Combined fiber strand and fiber route miles in service give effect for the Bluebird transaction as if it had closed on January 1, Capital deployed represents aggregate purchase price of acquired entities. As of March 31, Actual revenue under contract could vary materially. Customer Connections are the sum of billing units for LIT circuits, dark fiber segments and small cell sites. See Appendix for explanation of Enterprise Value calculation.
We have not signed an agreement and are not otherwise committed to consummating any of these transactions and there can be no assurances that any of these transactions will be completed. Amount presented in addition to all expenses commonly paid by tenants under triple-net leases. Assumes up-front IRU payments are amortized over the term of the lease.
TPx, CableSouth, and Bluebird yields represent initial investment cash yield. National MSO yield represents the incremental cash yield on non-anchor tenant lease-up. TPx, CableSouth, and Bluebird leased fiber represent the fiber that was leased to each company. CenturyLink leased fiber represents the fiber that was leased to the initial anchor tenant. Represents acquired fiber that Uniti has exclusive use of.
Comparisons 1 Uniti Leasing Transaction Revenue Share Component Windstream Master Lease Agreement In-Line with Recent Transactions Transactions may not be comparable in all respects, and therefore caution should be maintained in making any conclusions from the presentation set forth above. For example, certain of the transactions involved only CLEC assets, while others involved both ILEC and CLEC assets, the transactions are of differing size and occurred at different times, and the average age of the networks differ.
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All of these factors could impact the value of the transactions and implied yield and multiples. Bluebird transaction is expected to close by the end of 3Q Reflects initial investment, not current valuation thereof. Represents the fiber that was leased to each company. Tower cash flow defined as gross revenue from tenant leases less direct operating expenses. Owned Towers: Tower Development 1 2 3 4 Sale price subject to final adjustment.
Internal rate of return is based on the timing of pre-tax cash received from sale of the LATAM tower portfolio, and unlevered capital invested into the business, including the acquisitions of NMS and Summit, over a 3 year time period. Amounts may not foot due to rounding. Amounts not adjusted for unamortized discount and debt or equity issuance costs. Market data as of June 5, Represents aggregate purchase price of acquired entities, TPx, CableSouth, and Bluebird transactions, and fiber acquisition from CenturyLink.
Our outlook also includes the impact of the change in accounting of our Master Lease with Windstream as a result of our adoption of ASC , incremental Tenant Capital Improvement, and related revenues, funded by Windstream in the first quarter of , the AFFO impact of cash taxes related to the tax basis cancellation of debt, the effect of the Bluebird transactions based on its estimated close date, the sale of our Latin American tower portfolio, which closed on April 2, , and the impact of the fourth amendment to our Credit Agreement.
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Our current outlook excludes any future acquisitions, capital market transactions, and future transaction costs. Furthermore, our outlook is subject to adjustment based on the finalization of purchase price allocations related to acquisitions and other factors. Actual results could differ materially from these forward-looking statements.

Includes estimated taxes on undistributed taxable income and capital gains from the sale of our LATAM tower portfolio. In addition, Adjusted EBITDA is calculated similar to defined terms in our material debt agreements used to determine compliance with specific financial covenants.
Because the historical cost accounting convention used for real estate assets requires the recognition of depreciation expense except on land, such accounting presentation implies that the value of real estate assets diminishes predictably over time.
However, since real estate values have historically risen or fallen with market and other conditions, presentations of operating results for a REIT that use historical cost accounting for depreciation could be less informative. FFO is defined by NAREIT as net income attributable to common shareholders computed in accordance with GAAP, excluding gains or losses from real estate dispositions, plus real estate depreciation and amortization and impairment charges. The Company defines AFFO, as FFO excluding i transaction and integration costs; ii certain non-cash revenues and expenses such as stock-based compensation expense, amortization of debt and equity discounts, amortization of deferred financing costs, depreciation and amortization of non-real estate assets, straight line revenues, non-cash income taxes, and the amortization of other non-cash revenues to the extent that cash has not been received, such as revenue associated with the amortization of tenant capital improvements; iii the impact, which may be recurring in nature, of the write-off of unamortized deferred financing fees, additional costs incurred as a result of early repayment of debt, gains or losses on dispositions, changes in the fair value of contingent consideration and financial instruments and similar items less maintenance capital expenditures.
We believe that the use of FFO and AFFO, and their respective per share amounts, combined with the required GAAP presentations, improves the understanding of operating results of REITs among investors and analysts, and makes comparisons of operating results among such companies more meaningful.
In particular, we believe AFFO, by excluding certain revenue and expense items, can help investors compare our operating performance between periods and to other REITs on a consistent basis without having to account for differences caused by unanticipated items and events, such as transaction and integration related costs.
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While FFO and AFFO are relevant and widely used measures of operating performance of REITs, they do not represent cash flows from operations or net income as defined by GAAP and should not be considered an alternative to those measures in evaluating our liquidity or operating performance.
Glossary 4G: The fourth generation of cellular wireless standards that is widely deployed by cellular operators today with the ability to transport data at rates up to MBPS Internet access for mobile users. Adjusted EBITDA: Adjusted EBITDA is defined as EBITDA less stock-based compensation expense and the impact, which may be recurring in nature, of acquisition and transaction and integration related expenses, the write off of unamortized deferred financing costs, costs incurred as a result of the early repayment of debt, changes in the fair value of contingent consideration and financial instruments, and other similar items.
Backbone: A major fiber optic network that interconnects smaller networks including regional and metropolitan networks. It is the through-portion of a transmission network, as opposed to laterals and spurs which branch off to connect customer locations. Bandwidth Infrastructure: Lit and dark bandwidth provided over fiber networks. These services are commonly used to transport telecom services, such as wireless, data, voice, Internet and video traffic between locations.
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These locations frequently include cellular towers, network-neutral and network specific data centers, carrier hotels, mobile switching centers, CATV head ends and satellite uplink sites, ILEC central offices, and other key buildings that house telecommunications and computer equipment. Bandwidth Infrastructure services that are lit i. Bandwidth Infrastructure services that are not lit are sold as dark-fiber capacity. Cell Site: A site where antennae and electronic communications equipment are placed on a radio mast or tower generally to feet above the ground to create a cell in a cellular network.
Churn: Decline in MRR, such as disconnects, bandwidth downgrades, and price reductions. Includes decline in MRR related to lit backhaul sites converting to dark fiber. Conduit: A pipe, usually made of metal, ceramic or plastic, that protects buried fiber optic cables. Core Revenue: Represents revenue principally generated from leasing and lit services of the fiber network, as well as revenues that are ancillary to the fiber network, including managed services and equipment sales.
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