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Using The Mobile Device Emulators With Visual Studio 2008
You can use rake tasks to deploy the application. See the previous section, 'Build application from the command line. Manually copy the. For example, you can use the device File Explorer to display the.
Click on that. Select Connection Settings, then select the checkbox "Allow connections to one of the following. Select "DMA" from the list box. If it is not happening, then you're lucky and most probably you wouldn't need to do anything to be able to run and debug Rhodes application on the device while it is connected to PC. The problem is that WMDC locks the file system of the mobile device and prevents Rhodes application from running because the application usually writes data to files located within the application folder.
Checkout the Rhodes source code from GitHub you have this source code already if you installed RhoStudio. Copy rhodes. If you changed your application, then recompile your application code by running the following command again, and copying rhobundle and rhodes. You may encounter an issue wherein your. If you receive this dialog you'll need to check the number of files located in your. The installation will fail if the number of files compressed in the.
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By default, the Windows Mobile Emulator is not configured to support network applications. You must configure the network settings in both the emulator and within Windows Mobile to connect to the Internet.

It must be installed on the device before you can run Acctivate. Acctivate Mobile is launched from the Start menu in Windows Mobile. The app can be terminated via the Menu bottom left from most screens in Acctivate Mobile. You must properly close the Windows Mobile Emulator to ensure that the Acctivate Mobile Client installation is not lost. Windows Mobile Emulator Acctivate Mobile includes two software components.
Windows 7 – Using the Windows Mobile Emulator
You may be prompted to restart Windows. Please follow any on-screen instructions to finish the installation. You may need to double-click within the web page to zoom to full size. Close the Acctivate Mobile app after each session. This option is critical, to ensure that your Acctivate Mobile Client install is not lost. Posted in Installation , Mobile - Last modified on July 2, Still need help?
Official Help for Acctivate software.
How to Use the Windows Mobile 6.1 Device Emulator
This site is really for current users. Are you new to Acctivate? Learn more.