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The awards showcase five nominees across ten award categories, and the apps are featured in a dedicated section of Google Play. Google stated that "Nominees were selected by a panel of experts on the Google Play team based on criteria emphasizing app quality, innovation, and having a launch or major update in the last 12 months", with the winners announced in May.
Google has also previously released yearly lists of apps it deemed the "best" on Google Play.
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On March 6, , five years after Google Play's launch, Google released lists of the best-selling apps, games, movies, music, and books over the past five years. In June , Google introduced "Android Excellence", a new editorial program to highlight the apps deemed the highest quality by the Google Play editors. In March , Google disclosed that over the past few months, it had been begun using a combination of automated tools and human reviewers to check apps for malware and terms of service violations before they are published in the Play Store.
At the same time, it began rolling out a new age-based ratings system for apps and games, based on a given region's official ratings authority for example, ESRB in the US. In October , Google announced a new detection and filtering system designed to provide "additional enhancements to protect the integrity of the store".
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The new system is aimed to detect and filter cases where developers have been attempting to "manipulate the placement of their apps through illegitimate means like fraudulent installs, fake reviews, and incentivized ratings". Some mobile carriers can block users from installing certain apps. In March , reports surfaced that several tethering apps were banned from the store. Google released a statement: []. We inadvertently unpublished the applications for all carriers, and today we have corrected the problem so that all Android Market users outside the T-Mobile US network will now have access to the applications.
We have notified the affected developers. In April , Google removed the Grooveshark app from the store due to unspecified policy violations. CNET noted that the removal came "after some of the top music labels have accused the service of violating copyright law". In May , Google banned the account of the developer of several video game emulators. Neither Google nor the developer publicly revealed the reason for the ban. In March , Google began to pull ad blocking apps from the Play Store, per section 4.
Apps that exempt themselves from power management policies introduced on Android Marshmallow without being "adversely affected" by them, are banned. In July , Google banned additional categories of apps, including those that perform cryptocurrency mining on-device, apps that "facilitate the sale of explosives, firearms, ammunition, or certain firearms accessories", are only used to present ads, contain adult content but are aimed towards children, "multiple apps with highly similar content and user experience," and "apps that are created by an automated tool, wizard service, or based on templates and submitted to Google Play by the operator of that service on behalf of other persons.
In February , Google introduced a new automated antivirus system, called Google Bouncer, to scan both new and existing apps for malware e. Android apps can ask for or require certain permissions on the device, including access to body sensors, calendar, camera, contacts, location, microphone, phone, SMS, and storage. In July , Google described a new security effort called "peer grouping", in which apps performing similar functionalities, such as calculator apps, are grouped together and attributes compared.
If one app stands out, such as requesting more device permissions than others in the same group, Google's systems automatically flag the app and security engineers take a closer inspection. Peer grouping is based on app descriptions, metadata , and statistics such as download count. In early March , DroidDream, a trojan rootkit exploit, was released to then-named Android Market in the form of several free applications that were, in many cases, pirated versions of existing priced apps.
The exploit also installed a backdoor that allowed the hackers to download more code to the infected device. At the Black Hat security conference in , security firm Trustwave demonstrated their ability to upload an app that would circumvent the Bouncer blocker system. The application used a JavaScript exploit to steal contacts, SMS messages, and photos, and was also capable of making the phone open arbitrary web pages or launch denial-of-service attacks.
Nicholas Percoco, senior vice president of Trustwave's SpiderLabs advanced security team, stated that "We wanted to test the bounds of what it's capable of". The app stayed on Google Play for more than two weeks, being repeatedly scanned by the Bouncer system without detection, with Percoco further saying that "As an attack, all a malware attacker has to do to get into Google Play is to bypass Bouncer".
Trustwave reached out to Google to share their findings, but noted that more manual testing of apps might be necessary to detect apps using malware-masking techniques. The study further revealed that "Apps for personalizing Android phones led all categories as most likely to be malicious".
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Testing two applications, one named "Hide Pictures Keep Safe Vault" and the other named "Private Photo Vault", Sawyer found significant errors in password handling in both, and commented, "These companies are selling products that claim to securely store your most intimate pieces of data, yet are at most snake oil. You would have near equal protection just by changing the file extension and renaming the photos. In April , security firm Check Point announced that a malware named "FalseGuide" had been hidden inside approximately 40 "game guide" apps in Google Play.
The malware, a type of botnet , is also capable of launching DDoS attacks. In June , researchers from Sophos security company announced their finding of 47 apps using a third-party development library that shows intrusive advertisements on users' phones. Even after such apps are force-closed by the user, advertisements remain.
Google removed some of the apps after receiving reports from Sophos, but some apps remained. When asked for comment, Google didn't respond. The apps had been collectively downloaded over million times, and consisted of a wide variety of use cases, including health, weather, photo-editing, Internet radio and emoji.
Some developers publishing on Google Play have been sued for patent infringement by "patent trolls", people who own broad or vaguely worded patents that they use to target small developers.
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If the developer manages to successfully challenge the initial assertion, the "patent troll" changes the claim of the violation in order to accuse the developer of having violated a different assertion in the patent. This situation continues until the case goes into the legal system, which can have substantial economic costs, prompting some developers to settle. And, of course, this is what Google provides to everyone else that is making a game for Android!