Find my windows phone recovery key
The source or destination file may be in use.
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The file is in use by another program or user. The file name you specified is not valid or too long. Specify a different file name.
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Thanks sooo much for providing these clear and easy instructions! Thanks again! No menu assigned! Net 46 Comments. FlowController Information Flashing failed: Reading Reset Protection status Failed. Victor Meirans. December 13, at I had exactly the same situation today!
Microsoft Lumia - Perform a master reset via hardware
Thanks for sharing, You made my day! Andreas Hammar. December 14, at January 18, at December 29, at Thanks so much for the post!! January 7, at January 17, at You just saved me from being completely frustrated. Thank you so much! Have a nice day! Steven Walker. January 30, at January 31, at Probably works if you try again later. Badshah Kumar.
BitLocker запрашивает ключ восстановления, но у вас нет ключа BitLocker
February 7, at February 11, at Hi Badshah, Sorry, I have no idea what that error is. Chhoun Sopheak. March 9, at March 10, at You are a LEGEND, thank you so much for your help and the guide, Recovered my Lumia from Bitlocker, this all happened after I synced with corp exchange account and decided to hard reset my lumia, My phone is back to life!!
March 24, at Hey man, thanks a lot!

You save my Day! March 29, at April 1, at April 5, at Antti Aromaa. May 8, at Dana prisma w. June 16, at October 15, at Please it worked for my Lumia LTE. I thank you very much and God Bless you.
Hard Reset MICROSOFT Lumia 640
October 21, at Lumia October 24, at Andreas, Thank you very much! Thank you!! Hi Richard, Glad it helped! I think the location is: Good luck! Wow, you are online and replied so quick: Thanks and I will try big file search. Thank you! January 26, at Daniel R. March 16, at Asif Shadab Malick. April 14, at This one worked perfect for me Microsoft Lumia , RM April 20, at This tool can fix all the error messages like: Though as per the official documentation, the reset protection feature is only available for new phones May be Lumia , Lumia XL , Lumia running build 8.
One needs to put the protection off for transferring the device to others and if you are buying a reset protection enabled device Lumia , Lumia XL , Lumia from someone already using it then it is better to check whether the seller has disabled reset protection. When you set up your phone, just sign in with your Microsoft account and accept the recommended settings.
If you want to carry over things to your next phone, back up your stuff.
Using reset protection on your Windows Phone
Enter your Microsoft account password, and after a few moments Reset Protection will turn off. Go to account.
The recovery key will display on the page and will also be emailed to you. Your phone is no longer listed on account. Here are a few key points to consider when taking ownership of a previously owned phone:.
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Microsoft devices account link.