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It can open and edit Word documents although there are some conversion errors at times.

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Pages then allows you to seamlessly email out a copy of the finished document in Pages format, Word format, or PDF format. The downside with pages is that it only syncs with iCloud and does not have Dropbox integration. Thank you! Please check your inbox to confirm your subscription. Send an email to doug teachmeios.

Don't miss a tip or trick Subscribe Now. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I realize that it's a matter of self-preservation for the software monoliths and that they're just trying to stay solvent by squeezing monthly fees out users for the privilege of licensing its wares, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it.

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It's especially off-putting to have to pay monthly for software that I might not even use every month. In fact, there's a bona fide possibility of Microsoft "halo effect" with Large companies aren't always early adopters when it comes to installing the latest version of software, many opt for a more conservative "wait for the first Service Pack" approach.

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Microsoft says over 15 percent of the Exchange installed base is now on Office , but that's only the mail side, which is available on all Office subscriptions. Subscriptions that include desktop and iPad versions are more expensive. A generous estimate is that percent of the installed base subscribes to Office Is this a harbinger of things to come? Not in the near future Microsoft's not as nimble—or as crazy—as Adobe but the handwriting is on the wall. A parade of third-party gesture keyboards arrives for iOS 8. How to get iOS 8 before your friends and coworkers.

How to get the most money for your old iPhone. Apple denies breach in celebrity iCloud 'hack'. I installed Verizon's free junk call blocker and it seems to kind of help. There is a way to reduce call spam. It's not perfect, but it helps. And hey, that's a start, right?

Editing Word documents on an iPad

Voice assistants from Amazon, Apple, and Google all improve on smartphones but Google Assistant is still top dog. Apple files lawsuit against Corellium for flogging virtual iOS copies for security tests. The copies are marketed for security research.

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Latest iOS 13 beta reveals September 10 as potential iPhone 11 launch date. Apple is expected to announce new iPhones next month, and now we may know the exact day.

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Apple sued for not disclosing that 'iCloud storage' relies on third-party cloud services. Two iCloud users have filed a complaint, charging they paid the "Apple premium" for cloud storage under the presumption that Apple would store their data on its own servers. The US Postal Service is unreliable and untrustworthy.