How can you start a phone sex line
The company does all the work of attracting callers, processing their payments, and setting up the call for you to perform.
Phone Sex Operator
While this requires the least effort on the part of the PSO, it is also pays the less to the operator. Other companies, often called trolling phone sex companies because the operator has to troll for callers or self-promotion companies, have the operators doing more work promoting and marketing themselves. They may require that the operator spend time in company chat rooms, exchanging instant messages with potential callers; writing blog posts to appear on company blogs; and setting up and maintaining accounts on Twitter or other social network sites — all for the purpose of attracting potential callers.
Operators working for self-promotion companies earn more money than those that work for dispatch companies because they are doing more work. But many choose to become independent phone sex operators , setting up their own phone sex business on the internet. AdultPhonePal provides you with your own free pay-per-minute webpage , toll free number and billing solution, enabling you to work independently, be your own boss, and keep more of the money you earn.
Not only does it allow them to be their own boss, but affords them the ability to set their own hours and work from the comfort of home.
A Day in the Life of a Tele Pay Phone-Sex Operator
A phone actress is a phone sex operator PSO. And depending on what company you work for the money can be very good. If you have the vocal or acting talent needed to be a PSO and you do not mind talking sexually then this might be the job for you. There are many different companies out there looking for talented women of all ages but you must have the voice for the job. Here are a few tips on how to be a successful PSO. If this sounds interesting to you then maybe you are ready to give good phone.
Take these tips; have fun and make money all at the same time. Courtesy of: hubpages. How to get started in the phone sex business.
Click on the banner below to get started — at no cost to you! Do you long to be a phone actress? Do you even know what a phone actress is? If you are able to change your voice this is even better.

Then you can adjust your voice to the needs of the client. Your voice does not have to be drop dead gorgeous but it cannot be too shrill or too monotone.
Best Phone Sex Operator companies
Your voice has to be able to create a sexy image. Work with what you have, you are an actress and the only tool you have is your voice. Take control of the conversation from the beginning. Do not stutter, hesitate or show signs of weakness in your call. Gone are the days of call centers with women sitting in little cubicles talking smut.
"Men masturbate to my voice eight hours a day": Life as a phone sex operator
With BillPerCall's technology, calls coming into toll free numbers are routed to PSOs who can answer the phone with anonymity from the comfort of their own home, dorm room, or most any private area. Phone sex operators are waiting for the phone to ring. With Bill Per Call Unlimited we have taken care of the high tech components for you so you can run your PSO Service efficiently and have the ability to focus you attention toward promotion and hiring quality PSOs.
We have spent over 14 years working with Phone Sex companies we have always listened to the requests of our clients. This dedication and special attention to each of our clients has helped us develop a very customized and feature rich platform that caters to the PSO Service industry.
Most phone sex business takes place in the wee hours of the morning, when lonely guys call hotlines looking for a female voice to talk to for a while. Otherwise, put on a pot of coffee, get the kids to bed, and prepare yourself for a very festive evening.
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Third, your income will fluctuate. It can be hit or miss.
Generally, the summer time is a bad time for phone sex operators. The weather is warm and most people spend more time outside. The winters can be amazingly good, though.
Last, but not least, a phone sex operator is generally not the type of job you can freely tell your friends and family about.