Iphone 4 themes cydia 2011

Basically tricks iPhone apps into circumventing limits placed on data transfer over 3G. Allows you to edit and save files on the iPhone. For e. Poof Allows you to hide any app icon. May require a reboot before the selected icon disappears. Also announces incoming sms text and id. User is able to toggle and select what to announce.

However, this is not compatible with Bite SMS 5. CallTell Functions are the same as iCallAnnounce but sms text announcement function is broken and will crash the iPhone when user receives an incoming text from a blocked number or web sms such as a secure mobile pin number text message from the bank.

EasyRerrange When rearranging your icons in 'wriggle' mode, the icon that you're moving will freeze wherever you move it. Makes rearranging your icons a little easier - but not by much. VUnlock Allows your volume buttons to be used to unlock the phone instead of using your home button. Potentially saves your home button from overusage. Infinidock Allows up to 10 icons on your dock. Dock can also slide to next page so you can have as many icons on your dock as you want but they won't fall onto the 1st page.

And I don't see the point if the icons are not on your homescreen. Still Not working: Fontswap I've received feedback that this is now working with iOS 4. Posted by JS Lee at 7: Top Cydia Apps for iOS 4. Anonymous April 5, at 5: Liam May 24, at 7: Anonymous May 24, at Anonymous February 21, at 4: JS Lee February 24, at Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Once you have selected the colors for your background gradient, exit out of all the blending option windows that you opened up and you should be left with your background gradient.

As you can see its nothing special but you have created your first image in photoshop! Now that you have created your wallpaper image in photoshop you are going to have to save it. You will also need to make sure the right format is selected from the drop down list which should be. There are several of these applications available for both Mac and Windows operating systems.

I am not going to go into detail on how to use these applications because this is not the point of this tutorial. If you need help with these applications Google will be your friend; or follow one of the tutorials listed below…. The directory that you have just navigated to is the directory where all your themes will go into.

Themes for your jailbroken iPhone: PerPage Tweak from Cydia

This is the directory that Winterboard probes for themes and it is important that you remember this directory. Now that you are in the themes directory you are going to need to transfer you theme folder into this directory. When Winterboard is up and running you should see several menu items presented to you…. Winterboard will display several options to you when you open Winterboard. Most of these options are fairly straight forward and are described as follows:. The option that you are concerned with right now is the Select Themes option.

Step 5 — Now that you have created your wallpaper image, you will begin creating your next image and this image is the Dock background. Go back into photoshop and create a new image with a width of px and a height of 91px. When you have entered in those dimensions, name this new image Dock, and then further more you are going to Change the Background Contents option to Transparent. You can take a look at the final dock image that you will be creating below….

Once you have entered in the appropriate dimensions and options make sure your options look similar to the screenshot depicted below and continue…. Once you have entered in the appropriate options click the OK button. You should how have a transparent image displayed to you….

Useful/Amusing Blogs

Now that you have your blank dock image you are going to need to make another background gradient. As your background is already transparent you are going to need to make a square to apply your blending options to. Now that you have a white square over top of the transparent background you are going to need to right click on the shape 1 layer this is your squares layer and go into blending options; as you did for your Wallpaper image.

Click the Gradient Overlay option and go into the Gradient Editor by clicking on the fading black to white gradient box. Once you are inside the gradient editor you are going to want your gradient to fade from black color code to a grayish color color code Once you have gotten your gradient to look like the image depicted above click the OK button and close the blending options window.

You are now going to need to do one more thing before you are done your dock image. This will allows your wallpaper image to show through your dock image…. Now you should see your completed dock image which should look something like the image depicted below. When your Dock. Step 6 — Now you have successfully created two images for your theme. The next set of images you are going to create will make up the bulk of your theme and these are the actual icons.

NEW MAY 2011 iPhone 4 running the best Cydia Theme, Apps and Tweaks 2011 (Part 2)

Now one of the hardest parts to creating a theme is the actual icons because you need to make enough icons to cover the bare minimum stock icons; at least. Now creating the actual template for your icons will be harder than creating the Wallpaper and Dock images as well. So lets begin…and if you want to take a look at the icon you will be creating you can look at the image below. The first thing you will need to do is create a new image in Photoshop. Once you are done doing that also make sure that the Background Contents is set to transparent and that your settings match what is depicted below….

When you are done click the OK button and you should now have a blank transparent image. You will need to click on the square tool again and when you see a drop down box with a circle displayed. Your circle should also be white and if it is not click on the color box in the layers panel and change the color of your circle to white. The next thing you are going to need to do is size the circle to perfectly fit your image.

To do this you are going to need to click on the Move Tool Press V on your keyboard or it is the first icon on your left hand panel of tools , once you have selected the Move Tool you are going to need to enable Show Transform Controls In the toolbar on the top of your screen. Once you have enabled this option you should now see white squares on the corners of your image; drag these squares and size your circle perfectly to fit the size of your image. You should now have a circle that fits your image perfectly, and if it does not then go back and edit the circle so that it does. The next thing you are going to be creating is another circle, but this circle is going to be black.

Right click on the layer of your white circle and click the duplicate layer option. Now that you have duplicated the white circle you are going to change this duplicate circle to black. To do this click on the duplicate circles layer and click to the white box to the left of the layer to the color to black. When you have changed your duplicate circle to black, click the Move Tool again press V on your keyboard and then click one of the white squares around the circle do not re-size the circle yet as you did before.

When you click one of the white squares you should see Two boxes in the top toolbar labeled W: Once you have centered the black circle you should now have two circles; one white circle and one black circle on top of the white circle. This image will act as your template when you are making your icons. Icons are probably one of the hardest parts of the theme to develop because making custom icons requires graphic design experience. Not even I have the experience to develop custom icons, so the easiest way to make simple icons for your theme is to come up with a simple template and then to place the stock app icons over this template.

This will make your life a lot easier because there are many icons that you will need to create and having a simple solution to creating icons for your theme will speed your themes creation up. Now actually getting hold of stock app icons may be a little bit of a problem, so I have compiled some main stock icons that you can download below. Once you have downloaded these stock icons, extract them to your desktop. When the Mail. When you have dragged your mail icon onto your icon template you will immediately notice that the mail icon is too big. You will need to re-size your mail icon and to do this simply click on the Move Tool press V on your keyboard and follow the same procedure that you used to re-size your black circle Make Sure Show Transform Controls is Enabled.

This will make the icon a workable size, and then you can simply center the icon on the black square.

10 Amazing WinterBoard Themes for Your Jailbroken iPhone

Once you have successfully re-sized and centered the mail icon you have created the first icon for your theme! You will simply need to save this icon as Mail. Yes, I know there are a lot of icons but creating a theme takes a lot of time and patience, the icons that I have provided, do not even include games or other apps that users may have installed. So get ready to get your hands dirty and get to work because there are 23 more icons you will need to create. All applications generally begin with a capital, simply look for the application name you are making the icon for and name it that exact name with a.

The icons I provided are already correctly named so just copy their file names if you become lost. It is also important to note that when you are creating a theme for the specific device you are using. But for the experience I recommend that you do create the icons by scratch. When you have re-activated your theme and the springboard has re-sprang you should see something similar to the screenshot below.

If you are missing icons or some are not themed correctly, this is usually because you did not name them properly. Check to ensure that you used correct capitals and you spelt the applications name right and this should fix any errors you are receiving. If you did get success, congratulations the theme is nearing completion; you have created a custom background image, dock image and a custom set of icons which was a lot of work!

Now closely take a look at your theme, you may of noticed that the calender icon does not look proper. As you may have noticed the calender icon is a special icon because it has the date and week name overlaying the icon. You will need to edit the calender icon to fix this display error. Step 7 — To fix the calendar display error you will need to go back into your icon template image. When you are back in your icon template you are going to right click on the black squares layer and click the rastersize layer option.

10 Best WinterBoard Themes for Jailbroken iPhone [Cydia]

This will simply allow you to erase part of the black square because the image becomes flat meaning that it looses some of its ability to be edited but it can be erased. Once you have selected approximatly 3 quarters of the black circle, click the delete button on your keyboard and that portion of the circle will be deleted. You deleted this part of the circle so the date number will be able to show up on the white square.

Now that you should be left with a small semi circle, click on the move tool and move that black semi circle up a little ways by pressing the up arrow on your keyboard 3 times. This will allow enough room for the day of the week to show up on the black background. When you have done all of that save the calender icon as Calender.

If you have created the icon succesfully and re-activated your theme through Winterboard, your completed theme should look like the screenshot depicted below. As you can see the changes that you made were not significant but the calender icon looks a lot better than it did before. You have now created a stock icon set, this does not include icons for games or other applications users may have and if you wish to add more icons you may. Simply find the stock icons for other specific games or applications and follow the same steps as you did for creating the stock icon set.

Make sure that you save your base icon template so you can come back and add more icons if you decide to at a later date. Photoshop has a handy format for being able to come back and edit images called. PSD , and this is the only file format that will allow you to come back and easily add more icons at a later date. Make sure you save your base icon template as a.

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PSD file before discarding your icon template. Saving it as a. Hopefully this tutorial has ended up teaching you a lot about theming and how to use Photoshop. The purpose of Part One in this tutorial series was to give you the fundamental knowledge you need to begin getting more advanced in both Part 2 and Part 3. You have covered a lot of ground in part one of this tutorial and hopefully you had some fun along the way.

Below is the main images that you themed that you will need to memorize when creating themes. For example Mail.