Must have free iphone apps for college students
I also love using the omnibar, which makes searching the web much easier. Well, what a coincidence! Martin just wrote a pretty thorough review of Trello recently — the verdict?
1. Duolingo
If you find yourself juggling lots of projects, Trello might be a better option for you than a more straightforward task manager like Wunderlist. Give it a try! In my opinion, iBooks provides a vastly superior reading experience on the iPad than the Kindle app does.
Your books are organized on a beautiful wooden shelf, instead of just floating on the screen.
20 essential iPhone, iPad apps for college students
I simply turn on the web sharing option in Calibre and download them through Safari. However, if you already have a Kindle device, or need to access your content on a Windows PC as well, the Kindle app may sync up better with your life. In college, we get ridiculous reading loads dumped into our laps. Ever wished for a faster way of getting through it all?
Well, the answer is simple: just teach yourself to speed read. On the iPad, you can do this with ReadQuick. This is simple app that allows you to fetch articles from multiple sources — Instapaper, Pocket, several big blogs and news sources — or you can simply pull the content from any web page by typing in the address. After getting your source, you set your speed reading settings, and then ReadQuick will flash the article at you, word-by-word. By adjusting the Words Per Minute setting, you can control how fast the words flash in front of your eyes. Essentially, Anki is the best app ever for learning lots of facts.
This method of testing has been scientifically shown to help you learn faster and better. It also cuts down on needless studying. When you answer a question, you rate how easy it was to recall the answer. Based on this rating, Anki will decide how long to wait until testing you on that item again. I use Anki daily for my self-study programs — particularly for studying Japanese. Luckily, the desktop versions of Anki are free.
Top 15 Study Apps for College Students
I believe the app cost is to support that freeness. The app provides free access to courses and materials from tons of universities around the world. Paprika is an app that has helped me immensely with this problem. This app lets you browse recipes on tons of huge cooking websites. When you find one you like, you can have the app download the details — ingredients, prep instructions, nutritional info, and more.
From there, you can set your iPad up in your kitchen and get to work. Paprika even includes a shopping list feature, so you can head to the store and make sure you get everything you need for particular recipe. Rdio is my current favorite streaming music service, and its iPad app works beautifully. Unlike Spotify, Rdio gives you the ability to add songs and albums from its catalog to a personal collection , sorted by Artist and Album.
Of course, you can also create playlists — but with the Collection feature, you can browse your favorite music like you would with your old iPod. The app is also beautifully designed, and comes with a handy remote control feature; if Rdio is currently playing on your computer, you can use the iPad app to control it.
Ever walked into class and suddenly remembered that you have to present that day — and you totally forgot to make your slides? And I remember frantically clicking through Powerpoint, trying to finish my slides just seconds before I was supposed to present. Managing your health has never been so simple. Take your yoga practice with you wherever you go.
Along with access to a number of instructional guides, illustrations, and a dictionary of poses, you can also track your progress. Join an online fitness community where you can share your health goals and receive support during your fitness journey.
College Student Apps
You can find hundreds of workout videos and tips and even hire a certified coach for a fee if you need some help reaching your goals. Gain access to personalized video workouts. You can choose from pre-built workouts for specific types of exercise—like strength training, yoga, or Pilates—or parts of your body and keep track of your progress as you go. Find ratings for healthy recipes from all over the Web and obtain personalized nutrition information.
This app can even identify your personal nutrition gaps and make suggestions for the best whole foods to eat. A big part of college life is staying connected to the social scene. You'll likely be making new friends and trying out new activities.
Many apps can help you stay connected to your friends and groups. Take a look at several of them below. So many messaging apps are available that we've grouped some of them together instead of listing them separately. They tend to offer the same basic features. These are all free college apps for Android, iPhone, and other devices. Most of them will connect through WiFi, so they don't use up your data or make you limit your contact with your family, friends, peers, and groups. You can often make phone calls, send text, audio, or video messages, and share photos, videos, and emojis.
Aside from popular apps like Facebook's Messenger, some of the other top social apps for college students include:. College students are wise to stretch their dollars as far as they can. That's why you may want to check out some of the top shopping apps that can help you find excellent discounts on everything from dorm room furniture to midnight snacks.
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Gain access to millions of products right at your fingertips. You can read hundreds of product reviews and make one-click purchases for just about anything you need—from school supplies to non-perishable food to clothing. Use this app to find incredible daily deals in almost every consumer category you can imagine, including dining, shopping, and traveling. Uncover amazing deals every day for a huge selection of consumer goods ranging from shoes and clothing to housewares. College is all about balance. It's important to plan some downtime.
Whether you want to kick back and relax in your dorm room or go out on the town, here are some apps that can help you do exactly that. Get access to your favorite publications, podcasts, videos, and blogs—all in one app. You can easily stay up to date on the news that matters most to you and share it throughout your social media channels.
Discover the favorite go-to entertainment app of many college students. Find the best restaurants, bars, and entertainment establishments wherever you are. Enjoy this reading app that gives you access to a huge selection of audiobooks, magazines, news articles, sheet music, and other published materials. Expand your mind, explore your curiosities, and listen to inspiring talks from experts in almost any field. Find the best places to drink, eat, shop, and have fun. You can also read what other people have to say and write your own reviews about your experiences.
From studying to exercising to relaxing to road-tripping, college students usually have epic playlists with them wherever they go. Take a look at some of the top music apps that are available for download. Access unlimited music and audio entertainment via thousands of radio stations, podcasts, comedy shows, and more. Create personalized stations based on the music you love, and choose from hundreds of genres to build your own stations for every mood or activity.
Discover more music than you can possibly imagine. You can choose from thousands of artists, albums, and pre-made playlists, or you can make your own playlists based on your current mood.

Additionally, a paid subscription enables you to listen offline. Whether you're preparing for summer break or approaching graduation, finding a job may be on your mind. Luckily, apps are available that can help you land the kind of job you're after. Check out the possibilities.
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