Documents to go para windows mobile 6.1

I have bought Sony X1 mobile with Windows 6. I am unable to download the CD on my Mac..
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Can anyone tell me how to do it? Does this come with threaded msg? Or is this not really the new WM6. If its the real deal does it work on T-mobile Wing?
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Windows Mobile 6.1 great for some, a headache for others
Summary : Very nice green theme that comes with the new Windows Mobile 6. Currently 3. Windows Mobile 6. Comments on Windows Mobile 6.
Rajesh February 22nd am very good. These new file formats reduce file size, improve security and reliability and enhance integration with external sources.
DataViz Documents to Go arrives for Windows Mobile Professional – Gigaom
This upgrade to the Office Mobile applications allows viewing and editing of Word documents and Excel workbooks and viewing of PowerPoint slideshows created by using Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Mobile includes support for rich reviewing and minor editing capabilities as well as support for rights-managed documents. Note: This free upgrade works only for Windows Mobile powered devices that have an earlier version of Office Mobile installed already. If your Windows Mobile powered device does not have Office Mobile applications, this upgrade will not work for you.
However, according to Microsoft you will be able to purchase a full version of Office Mobile 6. However, Microsoft confirmed that the final version will be available soon again. MWC 15 Special.
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