Final fantasy 1 iphone earthgift shrine map
Pay close attention to the Mithril Swords in the Weapon store as these will be the best weapons for your Warrior and Red Mage to equip for some time on. At this point in the game you should take a chance to level your characters and make some money. You'll want to buy some Level 3 perhaps Level 4 spells and outfit your characters with some better equipment. As to where you may want to level, that's up to you. If you sail around in the middle sea for a bit you'll run into some random encounters with sea monsters that can yield some good money.
If you want weaker monsters then just hand out near Pravoka for a bit until your characters level up and you feel you can strike at tougher areas.
Final Fantasy 1 Walkthrough - Part 1
Personally I like to hang out around Mount Duegar or head east of Elfheim as I find there are quite a few Ogre encounters that you can make some money from. Make a note though, if you want you can power level your characters in an area with really tough monsters. If you head to Pravoka and follow the path down into the mountains and then north you'll find an area known as the Peninsula of Power with very tough monsters.
In this area you will find monsters commonly found in the Lufenia area from later in game that you can fight, such as Minotaur Zombies, Wyverns, Trolls, Winter Wolves, and Hill Giga's. While these battles are tough like expect a life and death battle for each and every battle your party faces you can use the experience and money to quickly advance your characters. I generally would recommend you get all your characters to at least level 10, purchasing Fira, Cura, and whatever other spells fancy you, having 30 Potions, 30 Antidotes, and a few Sleeping Bags and Tents.
If you're on a roll, feel free to keep leveling though as it will certainly make your life easier if to level your party as high as you can. The next area you'll be visiting will be tough due to the constant amount of poisoning and paralysis that will be inflicted on the characters in your party. You'll find that you'll be using Antidotes a lot and having to cast Cure spells or Potions as fair bit as well. When your ready to proceed, you next stop will be the Marsh Cave, located southwest of Elfheim in the Marsh area.
Your goal will be to get the crown which is the key item you will need, located on the bottom floor of the Marsh Cave.
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You're told to go there by a NPC that looks like a king in the castle Northwest of Elfheim but you don't actually have to go there. When you get to the Marsh Cave you may want to use a Sleeping Bag or Tent to save the game as the Marsh can be a bit difficult. You'll know which chest holds the crown because of grey statues in the one room you can enter next to it, and it is guarded by Piscodemons when you approach it.
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There are a lot of chests you can loot from as well if you wish throughout the Marsh Caves, and you may need to make several trips in and out of the Marsh Cave to loot from them all. There Marsh Cave consists of 3 levels, the first level which leads up north to a staircase or down south to a ladder. If you head north you find a level with some chests to loot but nothing more, if you head south you'll find some more chests and a staircase leading down to the third level.
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Only the third level you'll see 16 rooms in a 4 by 4 pattern. The southern rooms will be inaccessible and locked at the moment so you'll have 3 by 4 rooms to explore, some with chests and some empty. As a whole, no particular encounter here is really all that remarkable besides the battle with the Piscodemons for the crown. However you should keep and eye out for battles with Scorpions or with Bloodbones and Crawlers.
Scorpions have a high attack and can poison your characters while Bloodbones have a high attack and Crawlers have a high chance of causing paralysis which can mean trouble for an lowly defended party.
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The Piscodemons are of course tough as well due to their decent defense and high attack but you only have to worry about facing them once, unless you step on the square repeatedly. When you do get the crown and whatever loot you want from the chests, your next stop will be the castle Northwest of Elfheim and North of the Marsh Cave, known as the Western Keep.
You can go there immediately but note that you'll be entering a fight as soon as you finish talking to the NPC, also known as the Dark Elf King Astos. As such you might want to return to Elfheim first to visit the Inn and restore your party's Mana and Health. Make a note that you should also save before you fight him too as more often then not he'll kill a character in your party more often then with Death, and instant kill spell.
If he does you can just simply reload the game and fight him until he fails to do so or if you get lucky and successfully hit him with Silence or something who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and he'll just attack you. He isn't exactly tough to kill but he has a high defense and he knows a few spells like Slowra and Haste and he can hit hard enough to damage even your armored characters.
When Astos is defeated you'll get the Crystal Eye key item. With the Crystal Eye in hand, head to Matoya's cave, north of Corneria, and give it to her. She'll give you a Jolt Tonic in return which you can give to the Elf Prince. That will wake him up and he'll give you the Mystic Key. It's worth collecting all the items as some of it is nice equipment for your characters to wear. Even if most of it is useless you'll be able to sell it for money which you can use to buy spells or for the Knight's Armor if you want to do so in the next town. Bear in mind that the chests in the Chaos Shrine are guarded with Gargolyes, the Western Keep chests are guarded by monsters like Wraiths and Mummys, and the Marsh Cave chests are guarded with Piscodemons and Anacondas.
Make a note that if you have a Thief in your party, you may want to keep the Wyrmkiller, Rune Blade, and Werebuster as those are the best weapons he can use. The Mithril Hammer will also be the best weapon for your White Mage. In one of the mystically sealed rooms in Corneria Castle you'll find some Nitro Powder. This key item can be given to one of the Dwarves in Mount Duegar, and he'll use it to make a canal for you.
When the Canal is made, you can sail out of it into the rest of the world map. There isn't a whole lot to sail out to though as you can only gain access to two towns, one just West of wear you sail out called Melmond where your quest picks up and another far to the southeast of Pravoka on the Southern side of the continent called Crescent Lake. If you want too, you can head to Crescent Lake now it pick up better equipment or if your leveled high enough or just want to buy them now you can pick up some Level 6 spells, though keep in mind your Red Mage won't be able to cast any of them since he needs to become a Red Wizard first.
You can ignore buying the equipment though as you can probably get by just picking up equipment from here on in anyways. However, if you have 2 Warriors in the party you may want to come to get one equipped with some of the better gear. In Melmond you can consider if you want to buy a Knight's Armor for your Warrior. It's debatable though if you want to do this because it costs a hell of a lot and your Warrior is going to eventually get some Fire Armor or Ice Armor to wear anyways; though note if you have two Warriors in your party you might want to purchase.
Beyond the armor can buy some Silver Armlets for your other characters, as well as purchase Level 5 Spells here. When you head west of Melmond you will find two caves to explore. The first cave to the west you can't really explore, a Giant is going to block your way, but the second to the south you certainly can. This is the Earth Cave Called Cavern of Earth in Game and it is going to be a nice long dungeon that you're going to be in for a little bit, and having to visit twice. Make a note that from here on in for the rest of the game, you should expect that when you approach a chest to loot, you'll be fighting a monster.
In the Earth Cave on the first few levels, this usually translates into an Earth Elemental.

To describe what you're facing in the Earth Cave, it is basically a dungeon composed of quite a bit of undead monsters with some of the generic stuff you've already been fighting thrown in. Some new unique monsters will pop up now and then like Cockatrice, Trolls, and Minotaurs which will have more health or cause more damage, or in the case of the Cockatrice, cause plenty of headaches as your characters turn to stone.
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Poison will be fairly rampant so have quite a bit of antidotes ready. When you enter you'll find numerous paths you can take. The two paths to the west will lead to the Hall of Gigas, called such because after a certain point, every move you make you'll have an encounter with some Hill Gigas. Usually you'll find 1 or 2 of them and perhaps some Lizards as well.
Note that if your money is tight or if you want to level your characters, it's a decent place to roam around for a bit. If you're looking to pursue your quest though, you should ignore that area. Head north or south and you'll find some chests you can loot from, head east and you'll find a stairway to the next level down.
On the second level there are a couple of rooms with loot you can get, worth noting that in the northeast room you'll find a Coral Sword, another nice weapon for your Thief to use. Just below that room you'll find a hallway leading to the stairway to level 3. Following the path around, you'll see rooms and hallways leading to rooms with chests to loot. At the end of level 3 you'll run into a Vampire to fight, upon defeating you'll be able to grab the key item the Star Ruby from the chest nearby.
The Vampire isn't anything tough but he can be a real pain if he manages to stun a character quickly. When you're done in the room just head on back out the way you came. After you get out, take the time to restock if needed, and head over to the Giant's Cave and give the Giant the Star Ruby.
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He'll let you pass and you'll be free to head on through. Head south for some loot, else head to the staircase and proceed to the next cave. Talk to him and he'll tell you that you defeated a minion and he'll give you the key item the Earth Rod which you can use to access level 4 of the Earth Cave. Head back to where you defeated the Vampire and head north to the stone slab.
Use the Earth Rod there and head down the revealed stairway to level 4. From here on it, you'll find that the chests are guarded by different monsters. Watch for Sphinx in particular as they are extremely hard to kill and deal significant damage! Work your way westward. You'll find the stairway to the final level in the dungeon, level 5, in the northwest corner.
Heading immediately north of the staircase will lead to a room for loot; if you go there, watch those chests on the far left because you'll encounter some Sphinx in a couple squares there. If you head to the southwest corner you find another room with some more loot for you to snag; no Sphinx guarding any of these chests. Upon getting to level 5 there is really only one thing to do here, head to the only room on the level.
When you get there you'll see this nice shiny crystal sitting in front of you. Before you go and tough it though, heal up your characters. Your about to face your first 'real' boss battle, against the Fiend of Earth, Lich!