Financial application on graphing calculator
There is one adjustment which needs to be made before using this calculator.
By default the TI 83 displays only two decimal places. This is not enough. To change the display, press the Mode key, then the down arrow key one to the Float line. Next, use the right arrow key to highlight the number of decimal places you wish to display typically at least 4 and then Enter. Finally, press 2nd Mode to exit the menu. We'll begin with a very simple problem which will provide you with most of the skills to perform financial math on the TI How much will you have accumulated at the end of this time period?
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Before entering the data you need to put the calculator into the TVM Solver mode. Your screen should now look like the one in the picture. Enter the data as shown in the picture, making sure that PMT is set to 0. Now to find the future value simply scroll down to the FV line and press Alpha then Enter. The answer you get should be In this case we need to solve for the present value of this annuity since that is the amount that you would be willing to pay today.
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Move to the PV line and press Alpha Enter to solve the problem. The answer is -6, Again, this is negative because it represents the amount you would have to pay cash outflow today to purchase this annuity. How much would you have to repay? All we need to do is to put a 0 into PV to clear it out, and then solve for FV to find that the answer is , This is where the TI 83 is considerably more difficult than most other financial calculators.
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It's not too bad once you get used to it, but it is more difficult than necessary. The "time value of money" refers to the fact that a dollar in hand today is worth more than a dollar promised at some future time. This is the basis of the concept of interest payments; a good example is when money is deposited in a savings account, small dividends are received for leaving the money with the bank; the financial institution pays a small price for having that money at hand.
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This is also why the bank will pay more for keeping the money in longer, and for committing it there for fixed periods. This increased value in money at the end of a period of collecting interest is called future value in finance.
Here is how it works. How much will there be in one year?

However, if that money is kept in the savings account further, what will be the resulting FV after two years, assuming the interest rate remains the same? Also, the PV in finance is what the FV will be worth given a discount rate, which carries the same meaning as interest rate except applied inversely with respect to time backwards rather than forward. PMT or annuity payment is an inflow or outflow amount that occurs at each compounding period of a financial stream. For these questions, the payment formula is quite complex so it is best left in the hands of our Finance Calculator, which can help evaluate all these situations with the inclusion of the PMT function.
Don't forget to choose the correct input for whether payments are made at the beginning or end of compounding periods; the choice has large ramifications on the final amount of interest incurred. For any business student, it is an immensely difficult task to navigate finance courses without a handy financial calculator. While most basic financial calculations can technically be done by hand, professors generally allow students to use financial calculators, even during exams. It's not the ability to perform calculations by hand that's important; it's the understanding of financial concepts and how to apply them using these handy calculating tools that were invented.