Mobile phone intelligent jamming system
Mobile Phone Jammer
However, instead of placing posts and fencing at a physical border, communication control hardware is deployed. Options may include a managed access feature wherein cellular communications may be permitted and denied based on the authorization of the operator.
Alternate options allow for cell phone jamming hardware to be deployed to operate in many or few buildings or areas. These cellular jamming units can deny access to a large number of cellular telephones at any given time within a group of separate buildings, or a complex of corridors, conference rooms, numerous small offices and private rooms. These cellular jammers are in constant control by a central administrator that can permit or deny cellular communications.
Cellular Phone Detector with Jammer | PKI Electronic Intelligence GmbH Germany
The Intelligent Jamming System controls every element, from detection, to alerting where and when an individual cell phone is attempting to establish communication, to blocking the calls. Should the cell phone jamming components be located in buildings or areas away from the control unit, the Remote Control Activation can operate the cellular jammer from afar.

Users Users of the Intelligent Jamming System include prisons and detention centers to control criminal communications, as well as secrets on military bases, defense installations, operations in and by border control checkpoints, as well as other physical areas that require information to be controlled or restricted.
For more information on managing cellular phone activity in prisons, secure facilities, government offices, or military compounds, visit http: Photos are for illustration purposes only. Actual system may vary. This website is intended only as a proprietary notice and does not constitute an offer to sell any type of jamming technology. However, it requires few modifications. Save to Library. Create Alert.
Cellular Signals Jamming System in 2G And 3G
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Mohamed , Axel W. Blocking the phone signals with the help of mobile jammer. Design and development of mobile phone jammer. Design and testing of a mobilephone-jammer.
Blocking the mobile phones signals with the help of jammer Harshita K.