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I never claimed to be a professional photographer. What you define as "serious photographer" is up to you. But I'll end by pointing how many bad photos get snapped by those who always have a camera in their hand. I dont see this as an addition to an existing class of camera, rather a vanguard for a new class. What some haven't realized yet is that mirrorless will largely replace DSLR in a few years pro models last.
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I expect to see a wide range of mirrorless cameras. No one said mirrorless has to be small. Battery-killing screen, battery-killing wireless, battery-killing slow-loading OS, no manual controls - can't wait to take with me on a day of shooting and take all 10 shots with wrong exposure and DoF before battery dies!
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You must be one of the thick people off the internet one is always advised agains taking advice from. Considering your imaginative comparison, that is disturbingly thick. In fact, I am now reluctant to use my Android powered phone to answer calls at all. The arm length speak speaker phone option is about all I can manage with Do you have that problem a lot?
Maybe you should sign up for a beginner's photography class. No problem! All future phamera models will be "green" and powered by static electricity I love how buzzwoids accumulate. One: Samsung cameras are excellent to outstanding. Two: this is not a rangefinder style.
Of course, now Canon finally has a real compact digital SLR. I've always wanted a camera with a 5 inch approx. Hopefully a future model will include 1, better yet, 2 control dials. Free donations accepted in the capacity of living Sovereign man in case Pentax is listening.. Does this mean I can make a photograph, order a pizza, watch "Lost Highway" and discuss both its iconography and how most pizza's lack enough tomato sauce with a friend while leaving my opinion about both the movie and the pizza on imdb and playing Candy Crush Saga all at the same time?
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Future me: Phamera says Robert Blake wants me to talk with.. Robert Blake In a few years time this whole touchscreen business will turn out to be perceived as one giant mistake and misunderstanding. And the NX has a very good touch screen and button system. Albeit Samsung should not have removed the control ring on the back and Samsung should not have removed FA from the OS. That's focus assist for focusing manually. Looks are also very important. Designers of Samsung cameras should get cue and inspiration from other world class makers for giving better looks to their product. Present design is not at all up to the mark.
Now I have played with my partners Samsung compact and there are cool things about it and things I don't like, but I do use an android phone, and I'm a Pentax user, which means i'm also a traditionalist who likes 'normal' SLR's. Very confused. However, never had a look at Samsungs aps-c sensor or results, but have to say, this is the future and well done for setting it in motion.
I suspect that there will be battery issues? I just think the technology of Samsung and the soul of Pentax would be a great combo.
Got to be worth watching though BTW, before Google got hold of it, Android was originally intended to be a camera operating system. And I don't see the point of an iPad. A pad of paper and a pencil does the same thing.

And who needs email when you have stamps and an envelope. Yes, instead of me retyping every ill-informed opinion, I would just state that I agree with everything negative said about this camera, and no, I am not willing to base my opinions on evidence and reason. So anyone who thinks I will change my mind based on logic, reasoning or empirical evidence can contact me by carrier pigeon to discuss the matter further. I take it you've not actually used a touch-screen camera?
The touch functions on my GX1 are great: Change the focus point? Change timer, bracket or other setting you'd normally have to dive into the menu for? Adding a touch screen and removing all the external controls? I'll agree that's a mistake for a camera. The 8th ILC released by Samsung with this sensor. Trying to beat Canon at their game of rehashing the same crap. The sensor has been updated on the NX and is pretty damn good One shutter button and one control wheel and That's it! People were already complaining about the MILCs for having less physical buttons and battery life.
Two control wheels. Samsung lenses the iFn function, which allows you to use the focus ring as a control wheel for multiple functions.
It's the lack of buttons for ISO etc that concerns me more. Virtual buttons can be added later. Some don't like like myself but that's how future works. My first camera only had two controls that i could alter without changing the film. You must be one of these youngsters, you might as well go use your iphone, nothing to see here.
Aless, and yet having owned numerous samsung cameras over the 6 years you have been a member of DPR, and every one failing within warranty period, not one of your 8 posts have been about a Samsung camera. Not even to moan at the point of failure. Yet you suddenly lay this burden down now? Not sure what i feel about thins thing.
Looks like it works completely differently compared to the usual cameras. My Galaxy S4 takes a bit over 20 seconds to boot, but I think Samsung has said this will be faster. Also, with the size of the battery I imagine you can shoot all day with it without needing to pull the battery. Both Phase detect and Contrast detect are available on the sensor.
The android side uses a different processor. The world is changing - welcome to world of cloud based photography.
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Imagine backing up as you shoot to drop box or your personal cloud or sending photos to the newsroom as you shoot them or posting quality photos to facebook without having to use a computer. Imagine a camera that you can download an intervalometer app or do rough edits before you email them to your customer for approvals. Well done Samsung. The first Samsung Galaxy Camera running Mobile Data Studio software by CreativityCorp is excellent for integrating images with data for reports and databases. The Samsung Galaxy Camera running Mobile Data Studio is particularly useful where subjects for images require an optical zoom and higher quality images than captured by Smartphone.
For example surveys of advertising boards, audits of power infrastructure, identification of tree overhang of power lines, forensic investigations, home inspections. While the first Samsung Galaxy Camera covers the imaging needs for many businesses, the Galaxy NX may suit some niche requirements for high quality images.