Skype download for tablet blackberry
Blackberry playbook - skype app
I assume that a contract phone would have minutes from the allowance removed. What a total rip off this application and the company who run it are pulling. Read reply 1. Have you tried reading how the software works?
It is actually calling a local number to reach the Skype server. Then the call goes through Skype. I'm not very technically minded and expect when you click download, files download and there's a button to click through to. I tried to download on my computer and phone and got a weird file both times!
Can someone please direct me to do this properly??? I am also experiencing the same problem.

I get a text sort of file that look smore like a script file, displayed on teh screen The IM works well and all chat conversation histories are visible in the Skype chat logs on the computer. Calls are easy to make as well. Problem receiving Skype calls on my Blackberry when the Skype account call forwarding feature is on. Calls go to my Skype voicemail not to my Blackberry. Call conversations are a bit distorted.
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Install may change some of you Skype profile settings. All in all a good substitute for Skype while on the road or traveling abroad. Well worth the price. I highly recommend iSkoot for outbound Skype calls It will save you a lot of money making long distance calls. I like it because I can call my Skype contacts without being on a computer.
The ability to be mobile and still keep in touch is excellent.
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Download Skype for free BlackBerry
Pros What do you say for a produce that does not work. Cons What do you say for a produce that does not work. Summary Having downloaded and installed, should have read the comments and would then not have wasted my time. Summary c net needs a free mobile alternate for older blackberries especially Nextel's. Pros Are there any, I wouldn't know?
Cons Does not even recognize my username and password Summary Does not even recognize my username and password Updated on Feb 14, Does not work, will not recognize my username and password. Pros well i like that i can connect to skype with out being with verizon wireless Cons well its hard to read an you cannot get clear calls at all an never can keep a conversation going an it looks a lil tacky Summary its hard to read an calls never clear at all.
Pros None that I was aware of. Downloads Get BlackBerry Help! Log in Register. Search BlackBerryOS.
Calling Features: Skype mobileā¢
Advanced Search. Remember Me? Forgot your password? Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 8 of How does it work? I tried it myself, and the Skype calling works pretty good. The PlayBook's QNX microphone picked up the sound very well, and the speed was pretty fast, not much delay.
Let us know if you give it a try, and how it works for you? Reply With Quote. Join Date Nov Device Posts 1. Originally Posted by mam I tried it and it works well for voice and text. After several attempts of trying video chat I noticed that it would only work if the Skype user on the PC follows a link to imo.
I tried to call a phone but it appears the Skypeout calls don't work. Device Torch OS 6.