Android app sync data with server
Android system uses other android system components like android accounts, bound services and content providers to provide data transfer framework.
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- Synchronize Android data for online/offline app – [Sync Adapter].
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While it is possible and easy to design and create data sync components without using android sync adapter framework, using sync adapter framework provides certain features which take time and resources to develop on your own. Depending on the type of data and how it is protected, servers which provide data may require clients to authenticate themselves before they can access data.
Android sync adapter framework uses android accounts framework to simplify capturing credentials and authenticating user in order to access server data.
Simple server-client syncing for mobile apps using Couchbase Mobile
Data transfer tasks can be scheduled to run automatically at scheduled times or in response to events. Sync adapter framework runs data transfer component only when there is a network connection on device. Using sync adapter framework for data transfer reduces battery usage because of centralized management of data transfer jobs as jobs from all apps can be run at the same time. To utilize sync adapter framework, you need to provide sync adapter, authenticator and content provider components.
The component that contains data transfer code is called sync adapter component. Sync adapter component consists of sync adapter class, bound service and sync adapter xml file.
How do I implement it?
Bound service provides interface for sync adapter framework to interact with sync adapter class. Sync adapter xml file provides information about sync adapter related to loading and scheduling.
Sync adapter framework expects authenticator component as it assumes that login is required to access server data. If your app does not use login, you can just provide dummy authenticator component.
Stub content provider
Authenticator component works with android accounts framework. Authenticator component consists of authenticator class created by extending and implementing AbstractAccountAuthenticator abstract class, bound service used to interact with authenticator class, accounts metadata file and configuration in manifest. To know more about android accounts, you can read my previous post android accounts, account manager and custom account type. Sync adapter framework expects content provider. Content provider is used to store and share data on the device.
Sync Data Between Device and Server in Android
To know more about content providers, read my previous post content provider. Sync adapter can be run at a certain time each day or in regular intervals. For example, to run sync adapter after some time has elapsed, you need call ContentResolver.
However, users not always has a data connection. You can implement your own algorithm and rules to do the data transfer by yourself, but you should check this great framework provided by android called Sync Adapter. Hopefully this guide will make things clear to you. At the end of this guide you will have a fully working Sync Adapter.
Create a new.

The sync adapter framework verifies if your app has a content provider by checking its manifest, so declare it:. This is the class that encapsulates your data syncronization code. On the OnPerformSync method is where your sync code will be implemented. There are some tasks that you should always take in consideration.
Android developers site resumes it perfectly:. If you want to download data from a server and store it in a content provider, you have to provide the code that requests the data, downloads it, and inserts it in the provider. Similarly, if you want to send data to a server, you have to read it from a file, database, or provider, and send the necessary upload request.