Android best calendar reminder app
It shows you what you achieved alongside what you could have achieved. The other typical calendar features are all present, including syncing with Google and Outlook, priority events, and reminders. ZenDay Free, premium version available. Jorte is another big hitter in the free calendar world and is one of the most popular downloads in the Play Store. It stands out from some of its rivals thanks to its cloud sync service that lets you manage calendars directly from the web. Its biggest attraction, however, is its incredible level of customization.

You can alter aspects like colors, backgrounds, themes, and widget size. It also provides a store that lets you purchase additional backgrounds and a vast range of icons. Jorte Free, subscription available. With some great calendar widgets for Android, more colors than Jorte, and easier navigation than Cal, aCalendar is yet another leading contender for the title. One productivity feature particularly useful to power users is the presence of small monthly calendar on the day and week views. It allows you to organize yourself more efficiently without the need to constantly hop between different screens.
Swiping sideways allows you to quickly navigate between its monthly, daily, and weekly planners, while flicking up and down moves you through the calendar in increments based on your current planner selection. It can also sync photos from your address book for birthdays and anniversaries, and it features NFC sharing for quickly disseminating information among large groups. Informant provides four useful productivity tools—calendar, notes, contacts, and tasks—in a single app interface. Aside from the standard features such as multiple views and ICS support, users can enjoy some other important benefits.
Informant Free, subscription available. However, the app earns its place on this list of best calendar apps for Android thanks to its downloadable extra calendars. It offers more than , event calendars for download.
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- 2. Business Calendar.
They cover everything from finance and lifestyle to TV and astronomy. As you can imagine, some seriously obscure content is available if you poke around.
These Calendar Apps Keep You on Schedule
DigiCal Free, premium version available. As the name suggests, this app is… simple. However, the accessibility is what makes the app so great. It will only ask for two permissions: Contacts to import birthdays and anniversaries and Storage for exporting ICS files. Given we live in an age where Google knows almost everything about you , this level of privacy will undoubtedly appeal to security fanatics. Bottom line: Simple Calendar is one of the leading calendar apps for Android. Simple Calendar Free. I am hugely reliant on the Google suite of services, and as such, I use Google Calendar.
There is no denying, however, that some of the other options are more feature-rich and less clunky. For productivity and organization junkies, Business Calendar is the clear winner, For those who value personalization above everything else, you need to look no further than Jorte. A pen and paper is still an essential productivity tool.
The 10 Best Calendar Apps for
Want even more calendar app options? Read More are terrific apps too. Explore more about: It also has widgets, a simple calendar included, and more. The app isn't as complex as the big names in this space. However, it's one of the best simple reminder apps for personal use.
Google Keep Price: Google Keep is probably the best note taking app available right now. It's also about two or three feature updates away from being a to-do list app also. It features a collaboration features that let you share notes with others.
You can also take text, list, photo, audio, and video notes. The reminders features is fairly simple, but effective. You can set notes to pop up as notifications at certain times or places.
Best Calendar Apps
For instance, you can make your shopping list note pop up when your GPS indicates that you're at your local grocery store. It also saw a major redesign in late that makes it even more pleasant to look at. GTasks Price: GTasks is one of the unique reminder apps. It syncs with both Google Tasks as well as TickTick. The Google Talks portion is excellent, simple, and syncs between devices. The TickTick integration very closely mimics the actual TickTick app listed below.
You can go with either one. They both do the same basic features. Those with TickTick subscriptions can also also use GTasks as a replacement. You can find those prices in the TickTick section. Ike To Do List Price: Ike To Do List is another unique reminder app. It uses President Eisenhower's Priority Matrix.
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You put in a bunch of tasks and assign them an importance value. The app then prioritizes the tasks. It also comes with reminders, due dates, images, audio, notes, widgets, customization, and more. It definitely covers all of the basics and does so in a fun way.
The app is free. Life Reminders Price: Life Reminders is one of the simple reminder apps. It lets you create tasks with a deadline. The app simply reminds you when it's time to do it. Tasks are repeatable on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. Additionally, the app uses Material Design, supports seven languages, and more. Otherwise, the app is simple and it works well. The free version has most of the features. We have some more app list recommendations for you!
Rembo Price: Rembo is a bot style reminders app. It's something a little bit different. Basically, you ask the bot to reminder you to do stuff.
What Makes a Great Calendar App?
The bot calls you with your reminder when it's time. You can see an organized feed of all of your reminders as well if needed. The app also features jokes and motivational quotes as a little added bonus. It honestly doesn't do much that other apps on the list don't also do. However, it's one of the more unique presentations we've seen in a reminder app.
It's also entirely free, at least at the time of this writing.
10 best calendar apps for Android for 2018
TickTick Price: TickTick is an up and coming to do list app. It has a lot of features, including reminders, recurring tasks, widgets, various customization options, and even a calendar. TickTick rounds out the experience with Material Design, syncing between devices, collaboration with other TickTick users, and more.
It works great for a variety of situations. However, it works best in a household or work environment where multiple people use the same app. The free version is more than good enough for personal use. To Do List Price: To Do List is a simple little to do list app.