Ios upload file to server
Many apps work with servers that accept uploads of files like images or documents, or use web service API endpoints that accept structured data like JSON.
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The upload task uses a URLRequest instance that details how the upload is to be performed. The data to upload can be the contents of a file, a stream, or data, as is the case in Listing 1. An upload task requires a URLRequest instance. The session figures out content length automatically from the size of your data. Because tasks start in a suspended state, you begin the network loading process by calling resume on the task.
Listing 3 uses the shared URLSession instance, and receives its results in a completion handler. The handler checks for transport and server errors before using any returned data.
As an alternative to the completion handler approach, you can instead set a delegate on a session you configure, and then create the upload task with upload Task with: from:. Then, I will make the script more complicated.
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Then, it will save the incoming file to this folder. Ok, now I will make it more complicated. As this tutorial is talking about how to upload photos to server from iPhone. So we need to set some constrains such as the incoming files must be images. In above php example source code, we successfully add two constrains to detect the incoming files are real images.
The mechanism of selecting and uploading image to server is the same as submitting a form in html. To test above PHP script, we can simply create following test case:. The above example only shows you how to handle one image uploading.
inCaffeine Development Studios: iOS Tutorial: Web Services Using POST for JPEG File Upload
However, the real use case is more complicated than that. In most popular iOS apps, they allow users to select and upload multiple photos at once.
- Uploading Data to a Website | Apple Developer Documentation.
- Still Managing Images and Video In-House?.
- Upload images/documents to the web server;
To support this scenario, we need to change the above PHP example source code a little bit. Again, we can use HTML form to simulate this action.
iOS Upload Image from Gallery or Camera to Server Side
Here is a test case to select and upload two images at once. You can add more images by adding more input tag in the html form. Therefore, the php script will use for loop to save every uploaded image. Thanks for the multiple image upload codeā¦ But now I want to upload multiple videos..

In iOS I will send nsdata of video but how to haldle it in Php? I copy the example code from my project. BTY, my current example code is for uploading images. I have set some constrain in the code. I checked the code. What constraints do you mean?
It creates the folder in my server. Do you have any PHP programming background? If yes, it will be a very simple case to debug and find the solution. If no, please study the basic PHP programming first. Here I give you some tips about how to debug and find the problem: 1. My encoded string coming from ios app is as below: String is too long, pasting just a portion Need to know how to decode and upload it to server using php. First, if you want to decode this string, you have to know how you app encode this string, otherwise there is no way to decode.
Another possibility, i can just save this string in your database.