Los smartphones y los adolescentes
Resultados do universo. Accessed on 10 July Two major studies using nationally representative data have provided somewhat contradictory results. In the first, bullying victimization was positively associated with regular cigarette smoking only 15 Rev Bras Epidemiol. The second study found that bullying perpetrators were more likely to report alcohol, cigarette, and illicit drug use than were nonperpetrators 16 Associations between the practice of bullying and individual and contextual variables from the aggressors' perspective.
J Pediatr Rio J. However, neither study assessed substance use among those who were both bullying victims and aggressors, nor did they investigate co-use of multiple substances, a behavior that might put adolescents at even higher risk of failing at school 17 A longitudinal study of the association of adolescent polydrug use, alcohol use and high school non-completion. Multiple substance use patterns in adolescents-A multilevel latent class analysis. Drug Alcohol Depend. A framework to examine gateway relations in drug use: an application of latent transition analysis.

J Drug Issues. This study intends to fill this gap in knowledge by using a nationally representative sample to conduct a quantitative analysis of the association between the most common forms of substance use and each type of direct bullying involvement among Brazilian adolescent students. The PeNSE is a triennial, nationwide survey of students attending ninth grade in Brazil equivalent to the ninth grade in the school system in the United States of America.
The PeNSE survey included students sampled from 3 public and private schools. Data collection was conducted using researcher-provided smartphones without survey staff intermediation, and took place between April and September 22 The final response rate was The independent variable, bullying involvement, captured instances of direct bullying involvement. Students were asked two questions on this topic.
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These two questions were combined to generate one categorical variable with four types of bullying involvement: none, victim-only, perpetrator-only, and perpetrator-victim. The dependent variable, substance use , was based on three survey questions about the number of the past 30 days in which students had used alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana. Students who replied zero days of alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana use were coded as nonusers, and those who replied one or more days were coded as current users.
Substance use was further operationalized as: 1 any substance use yes; no and 2 substance co-use yes; no , which measured whether adolescents had used all three substances. Bullying involvement and substance use may be affected by such other factors as age, sex, race, and perceived loneliness 4, 15, This study included multiple control variables including sex male; female , age six categories: 13 or younger; 14; 15; 16; 17; and 18 or older , geographic region North; Northeast; South; Southeast; and Center-West , and school type public; private.
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Lastly, one variable related to students' perception of loneliness was included: frequently felt lonely in the previous 12 months. Loneliness is often a symptom of mental health problems, such as depression 26 Childhood loneliness as a predictor of adolescent depressive symptoms: an 8-year longitudinal study. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. The co-occurrence of substance use and bullying behaviors among U.
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J Adolesc. Loneliness can be also be a risk factor in itself since peer groups can protect adolescents against bullying victimization 25 Dynamics of peer victimization in early adolescence. J Appl Sch Psychol. Univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics for all variables were conducted as part of the initial exploratory analysis.
Logistic regression analyses were carried out for each of the substance use variables, and adjusted odds ratios aORs and confidence intervals were estimated. Interaction terms between main explanatory variables were tested. Only the interaction between sex and loneliness improved model fit, and therefore it was assessed for both models.
Adjusted predicted probabilities of the interaction terms were calculated and plotted to visualize their potential as modifying factors in the relationship between bullying involvement and substance use. Mandrekar JN. Receiver operating characteristic curve in diagnostic test assessment. J Thorac Oncol. Applied survey data analysis. Survey weights provided population estimates for all noninstitutionalized ninth grade students in Brazil.
Raw survey data, publicly available from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics IBGE website, contained de-identified student information to ensure participant privacy. For this reason, this study was considered exempt from human subjects review. Females comprised about half of all the students, and the majority About 1. Similar to the general Brazilian population, most students reported being mixed race The majority of students also attended public schools Approximately two out of five students One in four adolescents In addition, a majority of the students had some type of direct bullying involvement The most common type of bullying involvement was as victim-only Adjusting for demographic factors, region, and loneliness did not alter the statistical significance of the odds of substance use associated with bullying involvement.
The final model included a statistically significant interaction term between sex and student frequency of feeling lonely. Adjusted odds of any substance use was higher among students involved in bullying than those with no involvement. However, the magnitude of the difference varied according to the type of bullying involvement. Figure 1 shows covariate-adjusted predicted probabilities of any substance use for adolescents in each type of bullying involvement, according to loneliness experience and sex.
When all covariates are adjusted, adolescents who frequently felt lonely had higher predicted probabilities of any substance use compared to those who did not.
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However, these differences were more substantial among females. Odds for perpetrators-only and perpetrator-victims were statistically higher compared to noninvolved adolescents across all three models assessed. Race and school type were not statistically associated with adolescent substance co-use after adjusting for bullying involvement, other demographic factors, and loneliness. Adolescents in the North and Northeast regions had lower adjusted odds of substance co-use compared to adolescents in the Southeast. These results underscore the complex relationship between bullying involvement and substance use among adolescents.
Two different patterns were observed. In the first, all adolescents involved in bullying, regardless of the type of involvement, were more likely to have engaged in any substance use, compared to those not involved in bullying. In the second, perpetrators-only and perpetrator-victims were more likely to engage in substance co-use than were victims-only and those not involved. Although adolescents involved in bullying were not directly asked about the reasons why they engaged in substance use, the variation in patterns between any substance use and substance co-use may indicate different drivers for such behaviors.
For instance, use of any substance might be associated with coping with stress, as suggested by the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping 7 7. This was the case in a study of alcohol use and adolescent bullying involvement in Switzerland 12 Archimi A, Kuntsche E. Do offenders and victims drink for different reasons? Testing mediation of drinking motives in the link between bullying subgroups and alcohol use in adolescence.
Los ‘smartphones’ matan la capacidad de recordar en los adolescentes
J Addict Behav. On the other hand, substance co-use, which indicates a potentially more serious substance use problem, might be associated with a broader context of violence, aggression, and delinquency that does not necessarily include victim-only bullying. For instance, researchers have suggested that adolescents engaged in violent or aggressive actions might be more likely to establish relationships with other youths who also participate in deviant behaviors, including substance use 32 Bullying and substance use in children and adolescents.
J Addict Res Ther. Substance use among adolescents involved in bullying: a cross-sectional multilevel study. Front Psychol. Sex and loneliness were significant modifying factors in the relationship between bullying involvement and substance use. The likelihood of any substance use was higher among those who frequently felt lonely, irrespective of the sex. In addition, perpetrators and perpetrator-victims were more likely to engage in any substance use as compared to victims-only and noninvolved adolescents.
However, among females, differences in the likelihood of any substance use according to loneliness were more pronounced than in males. These results are consistent with findings from a study of adolescents in the United States that noted that bullying victimization was associated with both depression and substance use among females, but only with depression among males 34 Bullying victimization and substance use among U. Prev Sci. Higher rates of substance use among females involved in bullying in Brazil are also similar to findings from a Finnish study in which female bullying aggressors reported higher rates of excessive drinking, anxiety, and depressive symptoms than males did 35 Bullying at school——an indicator of adolescents at risk for mental disorders.
These results indicate adolescent females might be more susceptible to substance use, especially if they are involved in bullying and frequently feel lonely.
In Brazil, as in the United States, the negative consequences of bullying became part of the national debate following a major tragedy. In a man who allegedly had been a bullying victim during adolescence entered the school in Rio de Janeiro that he had previously attended and killed 12 adolescents there 36 Revista Veja. In , President Dilma Roussef signed into law the National Program Against Systematic Intimidation Bullying , which provided a legal definition of bullying and outlined multiple actions to identify and prevent bullying at various levels e.
Notably, the program, for which implementation began in early , acknowledges different types of bullying involvement and supports psychological attention not only for the victims, but also for aggressors. The women prefer the cell phones modern Whatsapp In terms of restriction, the teenagers do not answer a cell phone call if they are in class The women interrupt the shower Identically, teenagers do not use the cell phone to make calls if they are in class The men do not use the cell phone in family reunions Apparently, being able to send photographs to friends is an important factor, since This fact is also observed in the receiving aspect, where Although the majority Their friends' cell phones is used "sometimes" The majority lends their cell phones to friends The cell phone change the way of getting in touch with friends Contact with friends continues to be important for teenagers, so much that the majority The majority of the called made lasts more than one minute, reaching 5 minutes in The men tend to talk less, for only 5 minutes The cell phone seems to be have affected the quantity of friends It was observed a difficulty to interpret questions in the open-ended question After buying a cell phone, do you spend more time with people or do you feel lonelier?
Many answers had only the word "more", making it difficult to identify which answer they had referred to. The difficulty in measuring the consequences of actions was explicit in the question "Do you share secrets or confidential information over the cell phone? The most employed terms to refer to how the cell phone facilitates to arrange, realize and after evaluate activities with friends were convenience The majority affirms to have become closer to friends If they were not able to get in touch with them by cell phone, they would try the internet In the emotional and sentimental, habits, the preference is of personal contact About the existence of cons in the communication with friends via cell phone, the majority On the other hand, about the existence of pros, they cited: convenience When asked if they what they thought about people talking about intimate or private subjects in public places, only 8.
The cell phone is massively used to search for information in the internet when questions emerge The internet access is mainly conducted via cell phone The most researched themes via cell phone are music The questions were drafted bearing in mind five hypotheses.