Applications of redox reaction in medicine
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Read more about our cookies here. We have just recently launched a new version of our website. Help us to further improve by taking part in this short 5 minute survey here. To increase the sensitivity of the guanine-based electrochemical analysis Thorp et al. Adapted from Sistare et al.
Copyright , with permission from the American Chemical Society. Binding of the metal complex to DNA was studied in detail. The diffusion coefficient of the bound form corresponded to that of DNA and with chromosomal DNA this coefficient differed from that of the free form by almost one order of magnitude Welch and Thorp, ; Welch et al.

It could be expected that binding of the metal complex to DNA should occur in a relative proximity to the guanine residue, from which an electron should be abstracted. It was shown that the faster oxidation rates for the guanine multiplets were not due simply to the increase of guanine concentration. The increase of electrocatalytic currents from ODNs containing two and three isolated guanines was much lower Figure 28B than that produced by GG16 and GGG17 Figure 28A , suggesting that it was the guanine multiplets that enhanced the guanine reactivity.
Later studies of similar sequences by other authors Johnston et al. The work of Thorp et al. Thorp, relied on special properties of ITO electrodes. These electrodes 1 are optically transparent and can be fabricated on glass Armstrong et al. In difference to carbon electrodes yielding oxidation signals of guanine and adenine Section 4. These properties of ITO electrodes made them suitable for developing systems for studies of electrocatalytic oxidation of nucleic acids.
Most efficient electron transfer between the mediator and ITO electrode was obtained at polycrystalline ITO films probably due to the higher density of defects. Detection of base mismatches using the guanine-Ru III reaction was, however, difficult because properly paired guanines in the DNA duplex obscured the effect of the mismatch. Adenine 8-oxoG adenine sequence hybridized to TTT wild-type sequence gave a relatively small current enhancement while in the mutant the adenine 8-oxoG adenine sequence formed a bulge which produced a significantly higher current enhancement.
The reduction—oxidation redox state is emerging as one of the most important determinants of cellular and organ function. The redox status of cells, and ultimately whole tissue, is dependent on a balance between reducing and oxidizing agents within cells.
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The reducing properties of the cell are affected by the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione, catalase, thioredoxin, and superoxide dismutase, among others. In contrast, reactive oxygen species ROS generated both extracellularly and intracellularly act as oxidizing agents and include superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and the hydroxyl anion.
These ROS by themselves, or secondary species derived from chemical interactions among one another, are primary determinants of the oxidation side of the cellular redox equation. Production of ROS above the antioxidant buffering capacity of the cell results in oxidative stress. Although the existence of ROS has been known for a long time, their role as signaling intermediaries has only recently come to light. Originally thought of as toxic by-products of aerobic metabolism that indiscriminately attack macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, thereby leading to injury and death, it is now appreciated that ROS can also behave in a much more specific and discrete manner.
Recognition of the importance of the redox state in cellular function has prompted a furious search for the intracellular sources of ROS and the mechanisms responsible for their production. Different cells in response to different stimuli produce ROS utilizing, to varying extents, different mechanisms. Rac proteins are an integral and necessary component of the microbiocidal oxidase of neutrophils and macrophages.
This Rac1-regulated oxidase, which may utilize NADPH or NADH as its substrate, is activated in response to diverse extracellular stimuli such as growth factors, 4 heavy metals, 1 reoxygenation or reperfusion, 5,6 and cytokines. The interest in redox signaling has spurred the development of many techniques to measure ROS generation and oxidative stress, both intracellular and extracellular. In addition, there has been a great deal of recent enthusiasm regarding the fact that almost all cells and tissues possess a NAD P H oxidase akin to the Rac-regulated oxidase present in macrophages and neutrophils.
The purpose of this article is to describe the methods we have employed to manipulate the activity of the Rac1-regulated NAD P H oxidase in vivo using adenoviral vectors. In addition, methods detailing the fluorescence and luminescence-based assays that we have used for measuring ROS generation regulated by the Rac1 GTPase are presented.
Oxidation Reduction Reaction - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
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Set alert. About this page. Learn more about Oxidation Reduction Reaction. Joseph Loscalzo, in Methods in Enzymology , 1.
Oxidation Reduction Reactions—Redox Reactions
Hurt, in Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences , Summary Oxidation—reduction reactions are mostly responsible for gray colors in soils. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigations of Biological Systems by Using Spin Labels, Spin Probes, and Intrinsic Metal Ions, Part B Hideo Utsumi, Fuminori Hyodo, in Methods in Enzymology , Abstract Redox reactions that generate free radical intermediates are essential to metabolic processes, and their intermediates can produce reactive oxygen species, which may promote diseases related to oxidative stress.
Arsenic Swaran J. Flora, in Handbook of Arsenic Toxicology , 1. Float Glass R. Buckett, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology , 2 Control of the Oxidation State in Float Glass Oxidation—reduction reactions in glasses play an important role in the high-temperature chemistry of glass melting reactions Buhler Palladino, in Methods in Enzymology , 6 Summary Redox reactions are essential to normal cellular function and the ability to measure oxidative changes is crucial in understanding how such changes affect metabolic pathways, cellular repair, and other important cellular mechanisms.
Oxygen Sensing Michitaka Ozaki, Kaikobad Irani, in Methods in Enzymology , Introduction The reduction—oxidation redox state is emerging as one of the most important determinants of cellular and organ function. Oxidation is a process which involves loss of electrons from a species while reduction is a process which involves gain of electrons to a species.
So, in redox reactions, basically, there are two or more reactants, out of which one is losing electrons and hence is getting oxidized , while the other is gaining electrons and hence is getting reduced , simultaneously.
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
In one of the special cases of redox reactions, there may be only one reactant involved which is getting oxidized as well as reduced simultaneously in a single reaction. Thus, overall there exists a balance of the electrons amongst the reactants involved in the reactions i. Redox Reactions may be of three types, depending on the number of reactants involved in the reaction. These are — intermolecular redox reactions, intramolecular redox reactions and disproportionation redox reactions. Also, the redox reactions may be classified as direct and indirect redox reactions depending on the number of systems involved to carry out the reaction.
The redox reactions find a wide number of applications in varied types of industries. These applications are discussed below:. In this manner, the combustion process involves both oxidation of the substance undergoing combustion and reduction of molecular oxygen and hence is considered as a redox reaction. The fuel present in the rockets is allowed to undergo combustion, which due to the oxidation of fuel and reduction of the oxidizing agent generally molecular oxygen release an immense amount of energy which is required to launch the rocket from the ground into the air and then finally into the outer space.
The concept of electrochemistry is fully based on the redox reactions that occur between two species which have different ionic potentials or oxidation states. In electrochemistry reactions, two solutions of chemical species having different electrical energies are taken. These chemical species have different oxidation states or ionization energies which make them electrically different from each other.