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Fat chance. Still, the idea is clearly appealing, because EA has been milking it successfully with its Street games since , and the FIFA series' pedigree infuses this arcade-style mobile conversion. From the menu, you can determine not only whether or not the sound is on, but the number of goals you need in order to win a game, the difficulty level, whether you'll have a head start, and even the colour of the ball. You also have the choice of playing a one-off friendly or, more ambitiously, attempting to Rule the Streets. The Friendly mode is fairly straightforward, with a range of ten international teams to play as and against, and a range of celebrity players with which to fill them.
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Rule the Streets mode is more involved. Starting off with a team of your choice, you have to win Kick About games to earn cash. With this cash, you can buy new players or upgrade yours team's speed, accuracy, and so on, much as you'd tweak a car in a driving game. To advance to full Rule the Streets mode, you need to accumulate a skill rating of 25 points and 1, 'skill bills', after which you can move on to the prestigious Cup. There are ten locations in which you can repeat this process, so all in all FIFA Street 2 has a generous complement of 80 matches to survive before the career game ends.
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All very well, but it's what happens on the pitch that really matters, and here FIFA Street 2 is an uneven playing field, possessed of all the right dimensions but cracked and marred by areas of mediocrity. You control your players by pressing once on the keypad in the relevant direction, rather than holding the key down. This enables you to overcome some of the keypad's fiddliness, but controlling your players still takes a long time to master, and you never reach anything like a satisfying degree of precision.