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Assistência Técnica GE

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GE – General Eletric

This is an important knowledge curve as it suggests that the team can now reduce the problem to a mathematical equation and utilize the new knowledge and insert it into a computational framework. Berger is not alone on this project either.

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In fact, teams of neuroscientists have also began to decipher the hippocampus information. This same signal is impaired in those who suffer from memory disabilities and Berger with his team thought that if they could recreate the pulses by using silicon, then they may be able to restore, and possibly even boost, memory loss.

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However, during the research, the brains memory code has proven to be extremely difficult for the team to crack. The team trained the animals to push on a lever, if the rats chose the right lever, they were rewarded with a treat. While the rats were learning the lever test, the team was recording the series of pulses from CA3 to CA1 inside the hippocampus. Carefully capturing the way, the signals were transformed during the session that has been laid down into long-term memory.

Once the Chip was developed and inserted into the rats, the team gave the rats a drug that would temporarily disrupt their ability to not only form, but access long-term memories.