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All 12 Cash 12 Finance 9 Other 4. Fuel Type. Gas Automatic VIN or Stock. In-stock More Filters Less Filters. See Important Disclosures Here. Call Make an Offer. Processes described and illustrated in detail include the production of acetone, butanol, ethanol, acetic acid, ethyl acetate and butyl acetate. Basic analysis of sugar cane lead and cane fields of an AIC. Diaz Rizo, O. The concentration of minor and trace elements in sugar cane leaves and soils samples from a cuban sugar factory were determine by means of thermal reactor neutron activation analysis NAA and X-ray Fluorescence Analysis XRFA.
The samples were taken according to the methodology of Sugar Minister for leaves and soils analysis. The concentration of 28 elements was determinate. Analytical color analysis of irradiated sugar cane spirit with grapes. Pires, Juliana A. The aim of this work was to irradiate a Sugar Cane Spirit with grapes by gamma radiation Co60 aiming the color alteration like an aging parameter.
The Sugar Cane Spirit is a distilled beverage and in order that bouquet and flavor are enhanced, usually the Sugar Cane Spirit goes through a process of maturation in wooden barrels or in bottles with the presence of wood chips, which alters their appearance.
However, is possible to get this same result with the use of gamma radiation from Co60 and there is a possibility of indicative the premature aging by the Sugar Cane Spirit color change, through the extraction of grape phenolic compounds. The Sugar Cane Spirit samples were prepared with grapes type Crimson in polypropylene bottles. The samples was irradiated at doses of 0 control ; 0.
There was no significant statistical difference for the parameters L; a; b; Chrome and Hue-Angle, at 5; 10 and 20 days. On the 50th day only the parameter a shows significant statistical difference at the dose of 0. So by the showed results was concluded that the irradiation at doses of 0.
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Nitrogen dynamics in a soil- sugar cane system. Results of an organic matter management experiment of a sugar cane crop are reported for the first cropping year. Sugar cane was planted in October , and labeled with a 15 N fertilizer pulse to study the fate of organic matter in the soil-plant system. A nitrogen balance is presented, partitioning the system in plant components stalk, tip and straw , soil components five soil organic matter fractions and evaluating leaching losses.
The 15 N label permitted to determine, at the end of the growing season, amounts of nitrogen derived from the fertilizer, present in the above mentioned compartments. This paper presents achievements of a twelve years ongoing project expansion of sugar cane - industries as a major agricultural development in Ahvaz, IRAN. The entire project is divided in to seven units and each unit provides irrigation water for 30, acres of sugar cane farms in Ahwaz.
Absou Inc. In general, the mission of project is to Pump fresh water from Karoon River and direct it to the sugar cane farm for irrigation. Thus far, more than 15, acres of farm in Farabi unit is under sugar cane cultivation. The presentation will illustrate more details about different aspects of the project including design, installation and construction phases. Payback time for soil carbon and sugar-cane ethanol. Mello, Francisco F. The effects of land-use change LUC on soil carbon C balance has to be taken into account in calculating the CO2 savings attributed to bioenergy crops.
There have been few direct field measurements that quantify the effects of LUC on soil C for the most common land-use transitions into sugar cane in Brazil, the world's largest producer.
We quantified the C balance for LUC as a net loss carbon debt or net gain carbon credit in soil C for sugar-cane expansion in Brazil. We sampled field sites to 1 m depth, representing three major LUC scenarios. Our results demonstrate that soil C stocks decrease following LUC from native vegetation and pastures, and increase where cropland is converted to sugar cane.
The payback time for the soil C debt was eight years for native vegetation and two to three years for pastures. With an increasing need for biofuels and the potential for Brazil to help meet global demand, our results will be invaluable for guiding expansion policies of sugar-cane production towards greater sustainability. Properties of concrete. Dorling Kindersley, New Delhi, India. Nigerian Industrial Standards. Standards for Full Text Available Concrete is a porous material and the ingress of water, oxygen, and aggressive ions, such as chlorides, can cause the passive layer on reinforced steel to break down.
Additives, such as fly ash, microsilica, rice husk ash, and cane sugar bagasse ash, have a size breakdown that allows the reduction of concrete pore size and, consequently, may reduce the corrosion process. All specimens were placed in a 3. The results showed that reinforced concrete containing sugar cane bagasse ash has the lowest corrosion rates in comparison to reinforced concrete without the additive. Methods: Microspheres were prepared by melt-emulsified dispersion and cooling-induced solidification method.
The microspheres were characterized by scanning electron microscopy SEM and differntial scanning calorimetry Soil-plant relation in Cuban sugar cane by instrumental neutron activation analysis.
This paper shows the result of soil-plant relation in samples from Cuban sugar canes of different soil types and cane varieties, using the INAA from thermal reactor. The behaviour of minor and trace elements in sugar cane leaves is uniform and independent of sugar cane variety or type of soil. The soil-plant relation shows four principal groups of micro elements, according to their absorption by the plant. Natural radionuclides as dirt tracers in sugar cane consignments. Soil is usually carried out to the mills, as an impurity in sugar cane , leading to economic drawbacks for the industry.
The quantification of this dirt is important to identify its causes and for routine quality control. Several methods have been used for this purpose, however, no single one has been pointed out as an industrial standard. Analyses of eleven samples taken from consignments showed that the procedure was consistent and reliable when compared to the traditional ash method. Regional-based estimates of water use for commercial sugar-cane These were used to provide regional estimates of water use of commercial rain-fed and irrigated sugar-cane as affected by environmental limitations.
The mean water use of sugar-cane at an industry scale was Butanol-acetone fermentation of sugar-cane juice.
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Sixteen new varieties of Clostridium acetobutylicum of varying activity were isolated from different sources. The most active one was obtained from sugar-cane roots. The effects of 86 additives were studied. Unclarified, it was inverted by invertase; the other components were added and the mixture was sterilized 20 minutes, 15 pounds. Work and health conditions of sugar cane workers in Brazil. This is an exploratory research, with a quantitative approach, developed with the objective of analyzing the work and of life situations that can offer risks to the workers' health involved in the manual and automated cut of the sugar cane.
The sample was composed by 39 sugar cane cutters and 16 operators of harvesters. The data collection occurred during the months of July and August of , by the technique of direct observation of work situations and workers' homes and through interviews semi-structured. The interviews were recorded and later transcribed. Data were analyzed according to Social Ecological Theory. It was observed that the workers deal with multiple health risk situations, predominantly to the risks of occurrence of respiratory, musculoskeletal and psychological problems and work-related accidents due to the work activities.
The interaction of individual, social and environmental factors can determine the workers' tendency to falling ill. Technical Efficiency of Sugar Cane Saccharum officinarum Journal of Agriculture , Forestry and the Social Sciences The sugar cane agro-industry - its contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in Brazil.

Sugar cane bagasse and ethanol substitute for fuel oil in the food and chemical industry including sugar production and for gasoline 9. Considering the fast carbon cycling in sugar cane production and use, net emissions of 9. Regional based estimates of water use for commercial sugar-cane The water use of rain-fed sugar-cane has come under the spotlight in South Africa, largely as a result of changes in legislation and a focus on streamflow reduction activities.
In this study a robust relationship between sugar-cane yield and evapotranspiration derived by Thompson in is applied in conjunction with Sugar cane wastes drier and pellet plant; Instalacao de secagem e peletizacao de bagaco de cana. Protective gloves on manual sugar cane cutting are really effective? Problems related to the use of personal protective equipment PPE , specially the use of protective gloves for the manual sugar cane cutting, motivated this research, made possible by a tripartite negotiation involving the Ministry of Labor, the Union of Rural Workers and the Employer's Association of sugarcane agribusiness.
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The main objective was to evaluate, from an ergonomics perspective, the impact of use of the gloves during the manual cane sugar cutting, raising questions on safety, effectiveness and comfort. The methodology included the use of semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and field observations and the experimental determination of the coefficient of static friction developed between the gloves and the surfaces of the machete handle.
The main results indicate the general inadequacy of the gloves currently used forcing the employees to improvise. Workers found the glove of leather and nylon scraping the best reported for comfort in use. The overall results highlight the problem of detachment of test standards for the manufacture of PPE, ignoring users and the activity to be performed. Decomposition of sugar cane crop residues under different nitrogen rates.
Full Text Available The deposition of organic residues through mechanical harvesting of cane sugar is a growing practice in sugarcane production system.