Windows mobile 6.1 contacts file location
Three Ways to Transfer Contacts from Windows Phone to Android
You can save attachments as well if they exist on the pocket pc. Caution if the attachments have been partially downloaded on the device, only this portion will be backed up. Same as the backup, you can select which account and directories should be restored to the device. Caution, if an account doesn't exist on the pocket pc, this application will discard the messages that belong to that account, except if the backup has been made with v3. It is possible to schedule a backup, each day of the week and this at a specific hour.
If the pocket pc is suspended, it will wake up and do the backup. You can eventually control the number of backups to keep and switch off the pocket pc after the scheduled backup is finished. The scheduled backup creates a notification that can be cleared via the Menu.
Install Windows Mobile 6.1
PIB extension not recognized by Pim Backup during restore. This has been changed by adding this feature as parameter, and so it can be changed manually by the user. Version 2. A tool will be provided in the future to allow to convert text backups to binary backups and vice-versa. Windows mobile applications. Welcome to Dotfred's Space. PIM Backup 3. The rest works fine. Any suggestion???
All works fine except…. I can not select to sync contacts or calendar. All else works fine. I have a windows mobile 5. Hola, tengo un problema, sigo los pasos que excelentemente escribiste, desafortunadamente al llegar el paso 5 el instalador del WMDC no instala del todo el programa, lo corre pero no me sale ninguna ventana para darle siguiente, ya lo baje varias veces y el resultado es el mismo, agradesco mucho tu ayuda ya que es verdaderamente frustrante tener un pda y no poderlo usar debidamente, espero respuesta.
How can I get them back, so I can syn with my phone..
How to Backup Contacts & SMS to SD Card in Windows Phone
Does anyone know how to get multiple sub contact groups from Microsoft Exchange to sync with with my phone? The phone chirps when connected but no indication on the phone or computer that it is connected. Trying to connect with Bluetooth connects but no dialogue to allow or initiate syncing. It just sits there connected. Same thing happens when I try surfing. Not connected still appears on window. I have an IPAQ. I mean that if you add some things in the phone how you want to tell to the program mobile is master or PC? I use OpenOffice and it has no mail. I have done this over and over, and Vista will not sync my Outlook contacts with my PocketPC, and I have to manually sync AvantGo from my pocketPC while connected to the laptop or by wireless straight to the modem.
I had everything working just fine until I had to restore my computer to original settings reformat. Now, like others, I cannot get the phone to connect. Everything appears to be fine, but when the startup screen come up, it shows not connected. I have uninstalled and re-installed numerous times. Verizon Access Manager works fine—I use the phone to get on line much of the time. I tried to set it up manually as Ben suggested above, but that would not work either.
Sure wish somebody would post a suggestion! My only solution is to keep my Acer Travelmate XP machine to use when this computer, which has Vista Home Premium, had a snit fit about things.
windows mobile contacts
When it worked, it was fine! I just need the calendar to sync appointments and such. It is a pain to put them in the phone and the computer—and remember which appointment is in which place! They are all grayed out.
I have vista and have Outlook and activesync on my Motorola Q. I have installed Windows Mobile 6. I had the phone set up to sync with a different computer, but that computer died. How do I get it to wipe out the old profile and sync with the new computer? I was nearly at the end of my rope when I finally figured out a feasible workaround. T please help. Same problem as Mattia Filander Any workaround yet?
Will this setup work with my HP device? It uses ActiveSync 3. The new laptop OS is Vista. Any help? Programma werkt perfect op een onderdeel na. Iemand een idee hoe het komt dat als ik mijn e-mail in wil stellen ik de mappen niet te zien krijg als ik bij stap 14 de betreffende optie aanklik. Krijg alleen ongewenste e-mail en RSS kanalen te zien. Gekke is wel dat hij mail synchroniseerd alleen de verkeerde map???

I have an old iPAQ. I just bought a Vista machine and now have to sync between a computer running XP and one running Vista. The device synced but it changed all my Word documents to pwi documents and all my Excel documents to pxi documents, none which open. How can I simply have the documents remain Word and Excel files?
Merci Microsoft. Mobile Divice center: Synk klar, anlsluten.
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Tenho o Vista Home, um pda com win mobile 6. Synchronize with vista failed. Please advice solution. I also Outlook For the life of me the phone and calendar will not sync. I have gone thru most tutorials and uninstalled and reinstalled and still nothing. Then and only then will it go to the phone. The phone appointments will not upload to office and office will not download to phone.
Am I missing the boat on this one?? On Active Sync there was an option for this, but not under Sync Center…. Heeft iemand een idee? Mobile Favorits and Notes can be synced, but as soon I config the wmdc for contacts or calender, the syncronize center never comes to an end.
I do not know what can. Can anyone advise me? Vreemd want eigenlijk is het vanuit een Windows Mobile omgeving weer naar een Windows omgeving. G Suite. Learn by industry Learn by role Productivity ideas Collaboration ideas. Enable the Send Mail As feature In a web browser, add another email address that you own. Select your device and check the Enable "Send Mail As" for this device box.
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- Three Ways to Transfer Contacts from Windows Phone to Android.
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Touch Save. How long does it take to change my Send Mail As address on my device? By default, it takes up to 24 hours to change the Send Mail As address. Then, enable it again.