Wow mobiles arsenal windows phone
I could find it, but it is not compatible with my phone.. I guess I need a new Windows phone I was missing it so bad and now I cannot leave my phone without an hour of practicing! It is running smooth and fast! Thanks for letting me improve my German skills! You rock team Duolingo! It's absolutely awesome! Thank you again Duolingo for making possible the language learning free! Super cool!! Thanks a lot for bringing the app over to WP. I did not know about Duolingo before it appeared on the Windows Store.
I can finally ressurect the odd bits of German I used to know and try again,and properly! Prova a cercarlo sullo store di Amazon, ad alcuni pare funzioni anche su BB. Learned about Duolingo from seeing the Duolingo app in the Windows Phone store myself! Love it so far, thanks!
I've been considering getting a Windows phone for a while now anyone have recommendations? Hi Fernando, I believe duolingo is not exactly about speaking, but rather understanding - you don't 'speak' unless you constantly use spoken language in communication. If you wanna know: I'm Polish so this is my native, I speak English and Spanish fairly well use them on a daily basis , and currently developing in French and German. Lvls 2nd in Dutch and Swedish don't really allow me to even say that I can read anything in those.
Polish is in incubator, I've heard that team is working on it. I'm sure it's a huge work to do, but let's hope it's gonna be released soon enough to help you out before moving to PL. See you in Poland! The app ist fantastich. If you guys could put the little mini lessons in there too, that'd be great. Hi everybody! I'm an Italian girl Sorry but I don't have a Windows Phone. My partner has got a smart Phone What a pity! Hi, got the same problem and here's how I managed to solve it: I changed the settings on web https: I have exactly the same thing on a Lumia with developer preview build - just hangs as pending after downloading 2MB.
I also have a Lumia and it downloads and installs fine on that. I have Lumia with OS of 8. I have the same exact phone and OS version and got installed just fine. Try to restart the phone. I am glad it works for you now. I am so grateful for this! I was considering a Windows phone when I upgrade in December, but didn't want to switch from my Android simply because I use my Duolingo app every day and wasn't sure I could get the app on the new phone. Now I have the freedom to choose. Has anyone done a comparison between the Android app and the Windows app?
Any major differences that I need to know about before making the switch?
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As far as I can tell - WP version does not support voice speaking exercises. I do currently have no access to working Android phone for comparisson. In WP app you currently can't report a problem with a wrong translation, nor see the discussion around the sentence.
I believe it's gonna be added in nearest future. You may be interested: I found another difference, or rather a glitch: When you run WP app and disable listening exercises there I do it 'cause I use it mostly while commuting to work without headphones , the listening is going to get disabled also on the web. Thank you for the info! Definitely something I would like to see fixed before making the switch. Thank you so much! Greetings from Slovenia! Made a resolution to learn spanish and was heartbroken to see the duolingo was not in the windows store, but I just checked and I am happy I can practice now.
Thank you for making this. I've always wanted to learn a second language and tried this app out knowing nothing about it. Now I use it and the website. I'm hooked! Finally Duolingo come up with fantastic apps. Now just want to use them as soon as possible. Instead you have made such a wonderful app from such a long gap of time. Best luck. Go Duolingo! I wish more services had the sense to make windows phone apps, and not just ports.
I got started on duolingo because of the windows phone app and I'm on my way to learning Danish! Jeg snakker dansk! Apparently it won't work on my phone I was hoping it would work out. Just have to wait it seems. You play your language practice and get some lingots depending on how many hearts you have and what you completed. Nope- looks like Windows Phone apps and Windows 8 apps are completely different things It would be cool if you made one for non-phone devices like the Surface Sound great!
I've been using the android app alongside Mango on my Blackberry Q10 and it's worked great. I have no complaints for the lack of native Blackberry apps, but would ask if you could port your windows mobile version over to tablets as well. I use my phone all the time when I'm on the go but when I stay a while I'll pull out my HP Envy X2 Windows 8 tablet, and though the web interface works fine it would be nice to have a native app for my tablet too.
Thanks for branching out though, I really have found duolingo to be a great app in my language learning arsenal. Hi there. I truly appreciate the Duolingo team for the app. It has a beautiful, minimalistic, classy interface. I have been going through the comments to see if anyone has been having my problem with the app though. Most often, like 9 out of the 10 times I try to open the app I have re-installed, re-started and re-done everything I could think of.
The problem persists. I am using Lumia , with Windows 8. Any thoughts on what could be going wrong? I am really falling back on my "streak". It would be great if I could get a reply from the team. Thanks a bunch! Cheers to you guys Is there a way to change it back? Horrible keyboard: It says "having trouble connecting to doulingo right now" even when I am using Wifi.
I cannot use the app on my Lumia Anyone can help? The App isnt working on my Lumia for 2 days now. Is that a known problem or do i have a problem with my phone? I tryed a reinstall but no luck so far. It seems to me, that the app isnt able to login. I Love this app. Its the most used app on my phone after Whatsapp: Introducing the Duolingo app for Windows Phone! Luis Plus 25 18 10 9 4 AlexisLinguist 25 21 19 19 13 12 EugeniaAT 20 11 11 6 3. The Android app is excellent, that's for sure. StuffieStephie 20 18 15 11 7 4 Starshine GiedriusMuckus 8.
It was the only app I was missing after moving from iOS to Windows phone. OnesimusUnbound 25 23 19 11 Great to see DL expanding to other mobile OS. Thank you Luis and co.! This has made my day: TheGreatDiavolo 6. LiamRowe 25 25 11 10 10 10 9 6. Sadly, this is still not available on my Windows store, on my Lumia I have no clue why. Also go through ceo's link won't show up in store. Even for my phone it is not available.
Its lumia Why is so? Are you on Windows 8. That might be the problem. WoW - Companion. Wish list. See System Requirements. Available on Mobile device. Description All the information you need about your characters, guilds and realms from World of Warcraft in your pocket. People also like. TwitchTV Rated 3 out of 5 stars. Steam Rated 3.
KinoConsole Rated 3. Xbox One SmartGlass Rated 3. Xbox Rated 4 out of 5 stars. Netflix Rated 4 out of 5 stars. VK Rated 2 out of 5 stars. What's new in this version New in version 2. Additional information Published by Handiware.
Introducing the Duolingo app for Windows Phone!
Published by Handiware. Developed by Handiware. Approximate size 4. Age rating For ages 3 and up. Category Entertainment. Installation Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. Language supported English Australia. Publisher Info WoW - Companion support. On screen keyboards may hide input boxes on the credential screen when using smaller devices. Arvaanas 0 Sep 6, There are many issues that are repeatedly reported on these forums to Blizzard that are not considered bugs and should not be posted here in this forum.
Please check this list before making a new post in this forum. Many issues that appear to be bugs are actually intended functionality or should be reported in other places. The Mobile Armory does not ask for my Authenticator when I log in. I just left my guild, but Remote Guild Chat still shows me as a member of that guild.
The Character Profile for my sub-level 10 character says my character can't be found. There aren't any timestamps in Remote Guild Chat. I can't see messages sent by my in-game character on Remote Guild Chat when logged into Remote Guild Chat with the same character. Multitasking out of the Remote Guild Chat app immediately logs me off.
When I'm in-game, I can't see mobile guild chat messages, but everyone else can. Logging into the Mobile Armory or posting auctions causes my account to become Battle. The purpose of this forum is primarily to collect issue reports on any Blizzard Mobile app. We greatly appreciate our customers helping us to find issues with our products. As such, this forum is one of your best methods for making us aware of these issues.
Community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy, so we ask that you take the time to read through the forum Code of Conduct http: Important Reminders: Search The search function at the top of the World of Warcraft community site is extremely effective and robust. Before you create a new forum topic, please use it to search for similar topics, blog posts, or web pages that may contain the answer for which you are looking.
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Highly Rated posts will also have a highlighted background. Clicking the "thumbs down" icon will expand a drop-down menu which will include "Dislike," "Trolling, "Spam" and "Report" options. If enough people dislike a post, it will be darkened, and with a lot of dislikes it will be hidden completely. You can also quickly report a post as trolling or spam, or use the report function to fill out a more comprehensive description of a violation.
Please note that you can only rate each post once. Use your power wisely to help foster a positive and helpful forum community. Have fun posting on these forums, and thank you for being part of the greatest gaming community around! Liogela 1 Apr 27, Pewgasm 1 Nov Nov 10 WoW Companion App 2. Is there a toggle or a button somewhere that can go back to the old setup? Nariel 37 Nov Nov 9 Please bring back Legion content to app.
Not all of us immediately ran off to the new expansion. I don't understand why we A. It kept me somewhat interested in the game even when I wasn't at home playing. I kept up with my class hall missions and hiring soldiers while at work or out running errands. It was convenient and I used it quite a lot.
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Without it my progress in the game slowed down and my amount of time spent playing wow dwindled. I feel like it was counter productive to just simply remove it. I get that BFA came out and Blizzard wants people to be playing that content, but if there are people willing and wanting to play older content: Please bring back Legion to the companion app. I'm hoping I'm not the only one that seeks to have it returned. Ghosteroth 1 Nov 9. Nov 7 Same Missions Is it on purpose or a bug that over mobile I get the exact same missions over and over and over again.
I only need three missions, one in each category, to get the achievements, but I only see the same missions.
Available on
Should I uninstall and reinstall or something? Eranos 1 Nov 7. Nov 6 Troops not receieved I recruited troops on the app and never received the troops. I ended up losing all of my resources from trying to recruit troops from the app. Mogemius 9 Nov 6. Nov 4 Mobile app "Login requires subscription" I am trying to use the companion App but I keep getting the message "Login requires subscription" I purchased one month game time, it is not a monthly subscription.
Is that the reason for the message?

Do you need a recurring subscription to use the companion app? I'm on an Samsung device, I dojt have the latest expansion at the moment. Jackalope 3 Nov 4. Ailonwy 5 Nov 2. Oct 30 Blizz App bug Ever since I was able to get the pre-download for WoW classic server the app doesn't remember which account I last logged into for WoW and I have to go look through the list again.
Facebook experience on Windows 10 Mobile Edge browser has just got worse
Starscreamer 0 Oct Oct 27 [feature request] Faction Reputation It would be nice to see faction reputation in the App. A separate page with these details and also when obtaining reward from missions, seeing whatever reward is given, showing the before value and after value. Oct 26 Connecting Every time I switch to another app including the task switcher , the app must reconnect to show my character and the map. Please, cache the data for a little bit. No need to verify its me with every swipe. Maybe you do this because you can't use the app and be logged into the game simultaneously.
Just have a force logout option if we want to go from app to the game.
Koink 1 Oct Oct 26 Difficult to change characters in BfA app I don't know if it is my phone, a Samsung Galaxy 5, but it is very difficult to get the menu to change characters in the BfA mobile app. It seems when I click in the area at the top left with the three lines, the phone thinks I want to "resize the window" or "go back" and the menu only arises after about 20 clicks.
Please give me a pull down menu that works! I know you can do it because the one in Legion worked fine. Pyrena 1 Oct Oct 25 Can't drag followers to start mission? I am unable to drag any of my followers to start a mission. They just sit there and I have to wait until I am able to get in game. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it has not worked. Revanous 1 Oct Oct 25 WoW Armory not showing my characters 35 posts 2 days ago I have been having trouble with the Armory for about a week now.
Whenever I log in, all my guild buttons are grayed out, and no character is displayed at the bottom. Tapping the "Characters" button informs me that "This account does not have any characters. So far i have tried: CS told me the only thing left was to post it here. What is going on here?