Cell phone breast cancer video
Surprisingly, even on the Susan G. Komen website , cell phones are listed as on of the factors that do not increase the risk of breast cancer.
Verify: Does putting a cell phone in your bra cause breast cancer?
Perhaps this is because there has been limited study and experts provide confusing information. On the American Cancer Society website , they acknowledge that there may be a link of women developing cancer from cell phones placed in their bras, but also that it may all be a coincidence.

Yet, the amount of information presented on another page of the American Cancer Society website is so overwhelming, it is hard to decipher the final conclusion on what types of cancers may or may not be caused by cell phones, how many, and what type of studies were done where. Until more data becomes available on cell phone radiation, it is generally recommended by experts to avoid any kind of skin contact with cell phones.
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In the fine print, many cell phone manufacturers have actually even placed a warning in their manuals, stating that direct contact with skin should be avoided. For instance: More research is clearly needed on cell phone radiation, in order for any kind of regulation to make its way through and be noticed by the public. While consumers are waiting for science and law to catch up, it is important to do what you can to be safe.
Avoid unnecessary exposure to non-ionizing cell phone radiation. Tell your friends and loved ones about this, too. The risk of breast cancer from cell phone radiation is not worth the convenience of storing your cell phone in your bra. Learn More. Log in Remember me. Lost your password?
The Facts One out of eight woman will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Figure 1.
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Mammograms show clustered calcification in white corresponding to multiple sites of disease for case patient 1. PubMed Case 1 involved a 21 year old female, who experienced spontaneous bloody nipple discharge. Limited Attention Unfortunately, not many people seem to be aware of the health risks of cell phones, as bras with cell phone pockets are popular these days.
Conclusion Until more data becomes available on cell phone radiation, it is generally recommended by experts to avoid any kind of skin contact with cell phones. Cell Phone Radiation Debate: Since so many children and adults use cell phones so frequently, that makes it difficult to do a study comparing high and low cell phone usage. And since brain tumors and other cancers usually do not develop until several decades after the initial exposure, it could be years before we know how risky cell phones are and under what circumstances.
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By the time we find out, many people will have been harmed if cell phones are found to be dangerous. Here are some precautionary tips on how to protect your children from the health issues that could be connected to cell phone radiation. All articles on our website have been approved by Dr.
Diana Zuckerman and other senior staff. Hannah Kalvin Children use cell phones to watch TV, play games, make phone calls, and send text messages.
Verify: Does putting a cell phone in your bra cause breast cancer? | phon-er.com
Here are some of the conclusions so far: Children that used cell phones more were more likely to have ADHD. Although the link to ADHD was only for children who also had high levels of lead in their blood, when researchers adjusted for blood lead level, they still found that ADHD was more likely for children who made more phone calls and spent a longer amount of time on the phone. A article reviewing studies on children and their cell phone use found that the younger the child, the greater the risk of brain cancer and brain tumors.
The same article also points to studies concluding that cell phones are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer due to adolescents putting cell phones in their bras , parotid salivary gland tumors, and sperm damage for adolescents and adults. As an easy first step, turn your Wi-Fi router off at bedtime.
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