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The application automatically detects your current location and displays it on screen. You can move around by holding your finger and dragging the screen and zoom in and out by pinching with your fingers. The app allows you to save maps offline and manage them from an easy-to-access list. The app also shows you the total walking time of your trip and when the next bus or train is. Turn-by-turn navigation shows you distance and estimated arrival time, and gives you access to alternative routes and features lane assistance.
Maps also includes a new Explore feature , which shows you different places and activities around you. You can filter by distance, time of day, and type of place and get business information. So you won't be seeing results of restaurants that are closed, as Google Maps will detect the time of day. It is even aware of weather conditions, making sure you don't head to a park when it's about to rain.
You can also search for places you've reviewed or saved using the "Your Places" option. The popular app, Uber , has been integrated into Google Maps and can be opened within Google Maps when comparing routes. Plotting routes and getting directions in Google Maps is very easy. You can get directions from A to B by searching for the start and end points, or clicking on them on the map. Towns and streets can be looked up by keyword or voice searching. Since the Google Maps 7.
This means it's no longer possible to apply Layers to see customized maps and overlays with places and points of interest. However, Google Maps for Android does display information about businesses and points of interest. For instance, when the name of a restaurant appears on a map, you can click it to access more information, read user reviews, and get contact details. The new Places feature in Google Maps for Android offers a quick link to information about special places.
Tap on the Navigation icon in Google Maps and you'll be able to see 3D maps and live traffic information.
Moving around in Street View is a wonderful experience. It's linked to the Android compass, meaning that as you move and tilt the phone, the view changes with it. It's hard to pick faults in Google Maps , but we would point out that it has a tendency to hog system resources, especially if you have many layers running at once.
Be sure to kill the process when you're not using Google Maps or your battery meter will soon start shrinking.
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Google Maps is currently the easiest and most effective way to find your way around using your Android phone. Version 9.
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Other changes to the app include the ability to make a restaurant reservation from within the Maps app only for users in the US , plus integration with Uber. It's outstanding.. I've never had any problems with it.

It's better than what most taxi drivers have. The old version is better. This is terrible bring back the old google navigation no traffic bring back the old version. Pros: Nothing.
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