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I cannot seriously regard people who ignore the potential efficiency benefits of using a tool like Vim, even in I have worked with all kinds of editors and IDEs along the years been programming since the 90s and I have finally settled on vim as the most practical solution.
Wherever I am I can just ssh into my dev environment and start up vim. All I need is an internet connection and a keyboard and I can jump straight into my work. Nothing can beat that. One day our tools will fade into memory and obscurity and you will be left with the broken half-implemented shadows of what our tools once were.

Hopefully, this case can be a lesson for other developer. Being familiar, nay comfortable! Hosts, containers, logs, configuration, troubleshooting, and on and on. You could still use emacs, though. And now I just use nano most of the time.
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Secondly, the community of Chinese-speaking programmers is large enough that they prefer search for answers internally, using Chinese on Baidu. You should correct it immediately and publish an apology. This is a serious mistake. It would be better if it were at least as hard to open Vim as it is to close it — this would help prevent more people from being sucked into the Vim asylum.
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Enjoy your time in trying to quit vim! Here is a funny milestone on same! I wonder why the other specialists of this sector do not notice this. You must continue your writing.
The […]. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content. The Stack Overflow Podcast is back! Check out the latest episode below. How many people have been struggling to exit Vim? Differences across countries As we saw in a previous blog post , we can use Stack Overflow traffic to learn a lot about the geographical distribution of developers.
What kind of programmers get stuck in Vim? Conclusion I was amused when I saw this question approach a million visits, but I was also proud that I work for, and contribute answers to, a site that helps so many developers. Author David Robinson. Author Archives Website Twitter Github. Tags Announcements Company Engineering Insights. Related Articles.
Continue reading. One way to scale support for a product is to invest in the community already asking and answering questions about your technology on Stack Overflow. The majority of developers we surveyed say they code for fun. Comments Vijay Kumar Attri says:. May 23, at pm. Anirudh Mathad says:. VIMter is coming! Jon says:. The guy that wrote the original answer is the chief architect of MaidSafe!! Alejandro Matias Ravasio says:.
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Another form of asking the same question. Veaceslav Gaidarji says:. DimaNYC says:. Irvandoval says:. Cameron says:. I love that this is a thing. Tilghman Lesher says:. Could be worse. They could be stuck trying to exit Emacs. Bishop Clark says:. Could even be worse. They could be trying to save on a terminal with software flow control. Stephen Kolars says:. February 7, at pm. Lliamander says:. Heath Snoek says:. Always save you work, you dolt! S Stewart says:. Mark Anderson says:. Braiam says:. Ansel Santosa says:. This is hilarious.
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I want to see the OS breakdown! I'm Luis! DeAca says:. Your country may not have more than the million visits needed to make the cut. Koen Dejonghe says:. Uhmmm…more like edlin maybe! Jagesh Maharjan says:. August 30, at am. Andrew Leach says:.
Drew says:. It may also indicate that SO is rather irrelevant in those countries, as is Google. Martin Tee says:. This is great. Thanks for making this a thing. Marcelo Canina says:. I thought I would read an answer on how to switch to Emacs 8. Ashok says:. Same here, I thought SO is helping people move from vim to emacs, lol.
Timothy Choi says:.