Livestrong calorie tracker app android
In addition to viewing daily information on calories, fat, saturated fat, protein, carbs, sugars, sodium, and fiber, users can actually set their own budgets for carbs and fats.
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The app also allows numerous profiles, so more than one user can track their food and fitness using the app. A nice plus: users can export nutrition data to an email account and open it in an Excel spreadsheet. With a 4. The app does everything a calorie counter should. Calorie Counter works in tandem with FatSecret.
Profile setup is easy; just answer a few questions about your age, gender, height, weight, lifestyle, and goal weight, and then you'll receive a calorie budget. Calorie Counter's features include a food and exercise diary, a barcode scanner and manual barcode input, and recipe and meal ideas.
Community Guidelines
The app and website are both free to use, and Calorie Counter is available for both Android and iPhone. In some cities, chain restaurants must display calorie counts on menus—a helpful requirement for dieters on a road trip. Restaurant Nutrition lists nutrition information from more than restaurant chains across the United States.
With more than 60, food items filed, you can sort through to see what the best option might be. Once you've found it, you can add the item to your food journal to track your eating habits, including the calories and nutritional information. If you happen to have a food allergy, Restaurant Nutrition lets you hide menu items that contain that ingredient. There's also a gluten-free menu indicator, and a map feature that helps find nearby restaurants.
The app is free and available for both iPhone and Android. Note: the Android version isn't as feature-rich as the iPhone version. For example, it lists only restaurants and 15, food items. Food companies often market a product as being healthful when, in reality, it's far from it.
For example, orange juice may seem nutritious, but one single serving cup has the same amount of sugar as five oranges—without their fiber. So, yes, you're getting your vitamin C, but you're also getting a ton of sugar without reaping the benefits of just eating the orange whole.
Fooducate is here to help users see the true value of the foods they're buying at the grocery store. Using the phone's camera, users scan a product's barcode and Fooducate quickly brings up a letter grade.
Works with Health Mate
Along with the grade, Fooducate gives the product's highlights both good and bad , shows healthier alternatives, and lets users compare products. Fooducate unearths the nutritional facts that manufacturers don't want consumers to see, including excessive sugar, sneaky trans fats, additives and preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, unnatural food colorings, and more. The app has more than , unique UPCs in its database, and if the product isn't in the database, users can take a series of photos and submit it to Fooducate to be added.
Fooducate is free and available for iPhone and Android.
Top 10 Free Calorie Counter Apps For Android – Google Play Store
Jennifer Bergen Features Writer. PCMag reviews products independently , but we may earn affiliate commissions from buying links on this page. Terms of use. The list goes as follows —. Starting with the most famous in this list of top 10, the first should definitely be MyFitnessPal. It is a website and an app that can be used for many functions of exercise and diet counts. This app can be used to track the diet and exercise routine of a person so that you can keep a note of all. It also helps in tracking the caloric intake which is useful for weight loss.
The additional feature of this app may be the the information about the nutritional value of around 5 million different food products. You can also scan the barcode of any product and check its nutritional value. Moving further, the second one in the list would be Lifesum. This app helps you maintain your daily diet and exercise tracker which can be helpful to get a healthy routine and habits.
It can be really useful to maintain the healthy habits and stay motivated with the help of the motivational quotes that pop up at times. You can also get the feedback and support if required in case to get the best results out of your efforts. This wonderful app first lets you set your goal and then they have coaches to guide you on to the path to achieve it. It is very good for beginners as the coaches can guide them through without rushing to the gym. Apart from diet and nutrition, it also offers yoga guide through a team of experts. So, it can be proved to be your diet checker, meal planner, yoga coach and fitness teacher which is more than enough for a app available free to download.
Coming on to the next app in the list of Top 10 Diet and Nutrition Apps , this app MyNetDiary can track what you eat out of the list of millions of food items in its database along with a basic fitness tracker which is also supported on almost all the devices like fitbit, etc. You can also keep track of various things like blood glucose, heart rate, cholesterol, etc.
Thus this app has multiple functions which can be highly beneficial if used to its core. This is a Livestrong. It contains many sections.

To name some they can be calorie counting, food logging and many more other than the basics. Additionally it have a fitness section where you can plan your exercises, integrate google fit data and can keep a track of the daily water intake. With all these features, this app surely deserves to be in the list of Top 10 Diet and Nutrition Apps If we talk about the basic features, Fooducate also does the same like calorie tracker, track weight loss and exercises. In addition, we track when an app gets unpublished from Google Play. AppBrain also tracks when an app becomes popular and reaches a higher level of downloads.
This timeline makes it easy for you to quickly spot when a developer became successful, when they did the most Android app development. We hope it will help you in understanding the story behind the success, and it may also allow you to estimate how important metrics like the monthly active users, revenue and income have potentially developed over time.
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