Modern combat 3 ipad cheats

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Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation Cheats and Tips (Android, iPhone 4s, iPad 2, iTouch)
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Follow the dark path or use the light. Remember Me Forgot Password. UK noted that players should pay attention the color notifiers when it comes to how accurate your aim is:. Use your scout drone to outline enemies and then aim for the head. All you have to do is make good use of your weapons by…well, mowing down enemies with them. Note that each kill you get with a specific weapon will gift you 10 points for it. These armaments will make you a serious threat in the assault and heavy classes.
Just keep leveling up and getting promotions to keep your stash of SP stocked up.
Walkthrough Mission 10 Part 20 for Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation
Changing weapons means sliding your finger across the screen. Read More From Heavy. By Elton Jones.