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Ipl Load More. New ringtone. Guru randhawa best i Love ringtone Hsy. Name aszad khan. Rahul Jain Officia Ek raja hai. Abhishek Bachchan, A Ekkadiki Movie Ringt Iphone 6 original. How about the Batphone, from the original Batman TV show? I remember trying to find it years ago, but was unsuccessful. Actually, I don't even remember what it sounds like now The link to the "Universal Phone Ring" should be: Thanks very much for posting the real-sounding ringtones.
I enjoyed several of them very much. However, I could not find a way to actually download any of them into my cell phone.
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Am I missing something? I would very much appreciate a reply email with instructions for downloading one or more of these ringtones into my cell. Thanks again so much. I don't have your e-mail address so I can't e-mail you. Basically, you would need a USB cable that is meant to connect to your phone and computer.
There are almost as many ways to transfer ringtones from your computer to your phone as there are phone maker's. Check your phones manual or the maker's website for more details, please. I am also interested in the 24 ringer.
Could you please email the mp3 to me as well? I have a mac and cannot "file, save as" for some reason vkfarrow hotmail. USB cables are "one" of your options. If you're not sure how to use the bluetooth technology, you can refer back to your phone's or USB bluetooth's user manual. Anywho, hope this helps: Top Deals. Email Facebook Whatsapp Pinterest Twitter. Enjoyed this article? Stay informed by joining our newsletter! Enter your Email. Read our privacy policy.

Fabulous ring tones, thank you for sharing them. What the hell good are they if you can't download them. Love the British ringtone but how about the British cricket phone tone? I'm not familiar with that one. It must be out on the web somewhere, though. In fact this is the ringtone I've used for the longest time in my phone - and I don't plan to change it soon ; Thanks for this collection! I always prefer "normal" ringtones to more psychedelic melodies. April 16, at 9: Many thanks Ontoward.
10 Free Mobile Ringtones That Sound Like Real Phones
Casablanca says: June 19, at 5: August 5, at 9: August 21, at 5: November 26, at 3: November 27, at 2: GaryT says: February 28, at 4: Are any of those a good fit? February 28, at 7: I listened to the first few, and obviously gave up too soon. Andrea Rose says: April 20, at 1: Jim21 says: March 12, at 2: January 20, at May 20, at 9: How do I download one of your fabulous ringtones to my Android Mobile Ph. TX davemack. May 21, at I have a Nexus 5. Hope that helps. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a comment.