Samsung galaxy s4 musik auf handy
Keep in mind that it requires a data connection to work. Detecting text. The My Files app hasn't changed really - it is an efficient and simple to use file manager. It can move, copy, lock and rename files in bulk, even send multiple files to another phone. My files will only browse the memory card and the large internal storage it can't access the system drive. File manager.
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Music is sorted by the usual Artist, Album, Playlist, etc. Samsung Music player. Then there's Music square - it's quite similar to the SensMe feature of Sony smartphones. It automatically rates a song as exciting or calm, passionate or joyful and plots those songs on a square hence the name. Mood options. The Samsung Galaxy S4 can also search for content on third party players like PCs on the same network.

Nearby devices. Samsung has enabled equalizer presets including a custom one with 7 bands along with the sound-enhancing SoundAlive technology, which features 7. SoundAlive equalizer. Now playing.
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While listening to a song you can find music controls in the notification area and the lockscreen. The Galaxy S4 has a couple of features that will improve your listening experience further. One is Smart Sound, which equalizes the volume between tracks. The other is Adapt Sound - it plays a series of beeps both high and low frequency and asking if you can hear them. This way the phone can map the capacities of your specific headset and fine-tune its output for optimal sonic experience.
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Adapt Sound. After the calibration is complete, the Galaxy S4 shows you the kind of gain you're receiving by keeping Adapt Sound on. The best video player found on smartphones just got better. The new video player, found on the Samsung Galaxy S4 has the last watched video on top for quick access. Under it there are three tabs - personal showing you the videos on your local storage , Download which lets into the Videos store and Nearby devices, which shows the PCs and players on your local Wi-Fi network.
The grid view is our favorite as it is a true quad-core tour de force - the visible video thumbnails are actually playing the videos instead of being static images. They play at a reduced framerate and generating those previews takes a couple of minutes the first time around, but it's an awesome preview and it shows what can be done when you have processing power to spare.
Video player. The video player lets you choose between three crop modes for how the video fits the screen. The same SoundAlive audio-enhancing technology is available here too. The video player lets you squeeze the best viewing experience out of the large, high-res screen. Das Multimode-Baseband beherrscht auch langsamere Verbindungen bis zu 2G. Das iPad Mini 5 wird wohl kein neues Design bekommen, das geht aus geleakten Informationen hervor.
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- Samsung S8 Music Player APK - Android App - Download - CHIP;
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- Samsung S8 Music Player APK - Android App;
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How do I get the Spotify Music app on my Samsung Galaxy device?
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