Smartphone users in india 2020 statistics
Which country uses the most smartphones? What percentage of the world has a smartphone? Report by Mark Dolliver May 30, More Reports See All. Learn More About eMarketer Forecasts. It's Still Difficult to Get Push Notifications Right Push notifications have been around long enough that app users know the good from the bad.
Nielsen recently looked at the demographics of U. Mobile subscribers are asked to identify their primary handset by manufacturer and model; smartphones are defined as any handset with a high-level operating system. All data is weighted to be nationally representative of the U. The panelists are recruited online in English and include Hispanic, African-American, Asian-American, Native American and Alaskan Native and other mixed racial background consumer representation.
This method provides a holistic view of all activity on a smartphone as the behavior is being tracked without interruption. Near-beers, premium soft drinks, mocktails, low- and non-alcoholic options, kombuchas and botanical tinctures all offer a wealth of opportunity for on-premise establishments to experiment with and promote to "sober curious" consumers. Once there, he starts looking for the perfect gifts for his family. So, he does a bit of online research.
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Smartphone stats show most shoppers look up product reviews and compare prices. Despite the tempting sales in the physical store, James finds a better deal online and decides to go for it. In fact, James likes the site so much, he decides to shop there again.
Internet Users
So, he downloads the app of the e-store, not knowing that according to cell phone statistics :. After hours in the mall, he finally decides on a vacation as a gift. This should make her happy. So, once again the smartphone is there to save the day. Now the only thing left is for James to think of a way to put the digitally purchased vacation under the Christmas Tree.
And boy, people search for a lot of crazy stuff. James is now all set for Christmas Eve. This is a particularly interesting stat.

Smartphone usage statistics define Youtube as the most used app with Do you notice anything? Two companies own the top 7 apps. With James on the couch, guess what his wife Mary does? So, she spent the last couple of hours on her phone searching for presents, just as her husband did. Parents spend more time on their phones than adults without children. The family is all set for Christmas now, thanks to the little gadget known as a smartphone.
If enough people do the same thing over and over again, it becomes a statistic.
The number of smartphone users in India will more than double in four years
Thanks to the magic of statistics and my fascinating way of presenting them to you standing ovations are welcome, thank you , we already know a few things. I suspect most of you already know the answer to the latter. I gave you a fact about Samsung in the story above, so it seems only fair to bring up their nemesis at this point. Apple is doing another thing right — counting on its loyal user base:. US smartphone use in and shows that:.
This is mostly thanks to the iPhone X. Thanks to Apple no less! So stay tuned. Smartphone ownership statistics show:. Although Samsung has its problems, it still dominates the world. These two Chinese brands increased their market share by Long story short — I fell in love with this phone.
Smartphone users in india statistics
By the way, I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet two months ago, and it still works! Most of the brands except Apple flood the market with new models every year. Source: Statista. Smartphone s that run the Android operating system are currently the most popular, with an astonishing Nowadays, the once popular OS Symbian is all but forgotten.
The king is dead — long live the king! Smartphone statistics show another curious fact about Android.
Android holds Linux accounts for only 0. But how much money does the mobile industry generate? Now that we know how many people have smartphones , we can consider how much money they spend on them. Consumers are looking forward to and waiting for more innovative smartphones. Almost half of the Argentinian smartphone owners have a Samsung smartphone — But thankfully, according to smartphone statistics , the mobile industry gives back:.
This number shows only direct taxation. The amount will go higher if we include charity and other activities. First, we purchased a smartphone. Then, we paid for our subscription plan. Now, where do we spend our hard earned cash? Buy a gem here and there microtransactions and make the developers happy. Smartphone ownership statistics show us some more interesting trends:.
Although fewer smartphones were sold last year compared to , the industry is expanding at a steady rate. The total number of users is unlikely to decline, considering how many people own cell phones.
Maybe customers are waiting for the next big thing. I decided to give China as an example because it is the biggest smartphone market in the world. Researches expect smartphone shipments in China in to dip below million for the first time since The research predicts that smartphone connections in Sub-Saharan Africa will more than double in the next five years.
The number of smartphone users in the world in was 2. An estimated 20 million people join the club each year. The first phones with 5G support are already announced and will come out in