Spanish language app for android
Then Busuu helps you learn Spanish using speaking and writing exercises corrected by real native speakers.
The 5 Best Apps for Learning Spanish as a Beginner
You'll also get accent training with speech recognition exercises, grammar tips, and full courses with units. You can also learn offline. Busuu's latest feature, the Study Plan, gives users a plan of attack for reaching their goals by asking them how far they want to progress and when they're able to study and then calculates how long it will take them. This feature also helps track their progress and keeps them motivated to achieve their goals with reminders.
Busuu Premium learners -- who demonstrate a mastery of Spanish, French, German, Italian, or Portuguese in level completion tests -- get the added benefit of McGraw-Hill Education level completion certificates that they can show an employer or just boast about on LinkedIn. Joshua Rotter. He covers the mobile tech and apps that power our lives and interviews celebrities about their favorite apps. Previously, he worked as an editor at Healthline and Gay.
Latest Stories Best apps to help stop panic and anxiety attacks. Best Amazon Prime Day deals so far. How to not miss an Amazon Prime Day deal. How to use the newest Instagram features. Online you'll find a script of the dialog with translations for lots of words. Needless to say, you'll want to select the European Spanish, or not "Latino". Here's my suggestion for using it I'm a retired Spanish teacher : Listen to the same minute segment at least three times, then listen to it while reading along with the script.
When you listen for the fifth time you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much you understand.
Make flashcards for words that you think will be handy to know on the Camino. Yabla is another good site. One more thing, if your reading level is decent but your audio comprehension is lagging: some of the recent Netflix series out of Spain now have closed-captions in European Spanish.
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Regular subtitles are difficult, because they don't actually match what people are saying. Closed Captions are great because they are word-for-word. For me this has been invaluable - I can understand Spanish when people speak nice and slow, but am lost with informal conversation at normal speeds. The plots can be kind of soapy with the dramas lots of beautiful people and forbidden love affairs , but they're also kind of fun.
Antonius Vaessen Active Member. Primitivo Salvador Norte to Sobrado Norte again. I followed the advise to try the language transfer course and I very much agree. It's a very nice and good program with offers good insight in the structure of the Spanish language without any emphasis on memorising. I used it the last week during my daily walks wearing a headphone.
RomSh New Member. Among apps I would recommend you Duolingo. It's a cool website for practising and learning vocabulary. If you need something more to complement your skills the best way is to use several language learning sites. Last edited: Jul 26, Lirsy Active Member.
In case this could be useful, I found this: VideoEle. Last edited: Jul 24, Lirsy said:. I had never heard of the VideoEle videos before and think they are quite a find! Thank you Lirsy and trecile.

For those who want subtitles, they are available in several languages. Use the "cc" and the settings "gear" to fine-tune your preferences. You must log in or register to reply here. Mobile phones and tablets 16 Apr 23, Advertisement Booking. Baggage transfer Latest: docpam 19 minutes ago. Camino Frances. Non-denominational spiritual support requested Latest: simply B Today at AM. Miscellaneous Topics. Plantar fasciitis Latest: john newman Today at AM. Medical issues on the pilgrimage.
12 Best Apps for Learning Spanish Like a Boss
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A Guide to the Top Spanish Learning Apps in 12222
They can also quickly look up any words they don't understand in the app. One of the best language learning apps, Duolingo Android , iOS offers lessons in Spanish that feel more like mini-games for free. Create a daily goal and learn basic Spanish vocabulary and Spanish grammar through identification, translation, and pronunciation exercises that rely on your phone's microphone. And if Spanish students start slacking on their language learning, Duolingo will send reminders, pushing you to keep going.
The award-winning Rosetta Stone Android , iOS foreign language app stresses immersive learning, helping you pick up Spanish vocabulary and Spanish grammar -- words, sentences, and entire conversations -- with pictures of actual situations you might find yourself in. Start with the most elemental greetings, questions, and phrases. Then read short stories aloud, confident that your pronunciation will be checked by trustworthy TruAccent speech recognition technology. Then get out and about, testing what you've learned in real-life situations, and consult the app's easy-to-access phrasebook if you get stuck.
Pretty soon you'll be able to have deeper conversations and even conduct business in Spanish. You can also take the learning offline with downloadable lessons. One of the best apps to learn Spanish, Babbel Android , iOS teaches Spanish by guiding you through the practical, everyday convos you'd actually have in your new language if you were traveling to Mexico or Spain, for example, or just there on business.
Fortunately, Babbel keeps lessons at 10 to 15 minutes, so you can fit them into your busy schedule and also keep them easy to remember. Then strengthen your weaknesses with customized review sessions tailored to your problem areas.