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Adam Bells new iOS 7 jailbreak tweak Message box will do just the trick and it's free in the Cydia app store. The Facebook app has Chat Heads locked down to being in-app only, this'll help fix that! Take them out of the Facebook app and do whatever you'd like. A manual chat refresh timer is configurable in settings making Facebook messaging even better than ever.
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The tweak is completely free of charge and available in the Cydia jailbreak store now. Download Message Box. Or for those interested in the source code, find it at http: Anytones is a ew iOS 7 jailbreak tweak that allows users to make their own ringtones. Check it out on the Cydia jailbreak app store today.
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Another awesome addition to the iOS 7 jailbreak tweak family is AnyTones. AnyTones finally allows you to make your own custom ringtones, text tones, and alerts using songs in your iPhone's music library, MP3s you download, and music you record. You can adjust your ringtone length, then swipe the audio wave to select a short clip, and your ringtone is ready. This is another new customizing iOS 7 tweak that allows you to easily change your device's badges position, size and color.
You can use pictures if you like to replace default badge if you're bored with it, in the same way Zeppelin can customize Carrier Logos, or Alkaline customizes Battery Icons. MagicBadges is live now in the BogBoss repo for free on the Cydia jailbreak app store.
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Give it a try. Some of the features include:. Articon is a new iOS 7 jailbreak tweak that converts your meda icons into a picture pf what is currently playing Photo: Articon is a unique new iOS 7 jailbreak tweak that replaces your media icons with now playing artwork! Thus includes all inds of media applications including media player, Netflix and more.
Articon is live now in the ModMyi repo as a paid tweak on the Cydia jailbreak app store. Download Articon here. Ah, Ah , Ah! You didn't say the magic word I had to add this to my list of favorite iOS 7 jailbreak tweaks released this week just because Jurrasic Park was such a favorite movie of mine growing up and the image of this passcode screen just akes me smile.
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You didn't say the magic word! Is live now on the Cydia jailbreak app store. If you want to drive crazy anyone who puts in your password incorrectly, then this iOS 7 jailbreak tweak was mae for you. Download Ah, Ah, Ah! CustomCover by Charlie Hewitt. Another great customizing iOS 7 jailbreak tweaks, CustomCover allows users to create custom themes for the lock screen artwork view.
Default themes include: Also includes the option to display artwork as the lockscreen wallpaper, disable background blur for the lockscreen media plugin, andhide the media controls on the lockscsreen. Custome Cover is a paid tweak in the ModMyi repo and available now via the Cydia jailbreak app store. Download CustomCover here. GesturesPlus by Bensge - fix pinch-to-close iOS 7. NoBannerDismiss by Bensge - Prevent banner notifications auto-dismissal when opening, closing or switching apps.
Free, BigBoss. MultiPass by xsahoo - set multiple, different unlock passcodes Free, BigBoss.
SpringPaper by Jason Recillo -- Cycle your wallpaper! Bouncy by Implosi0n - Add a bounce effect to animations! Free, Big Boss.
The Best Cydia Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks for iOS 7
FMFNotifier by gianlup - Receive a notification when a friend requires our location. Free, ModMyi. MathPass by Phillip Tennen - Changes your passcode to a math problem! Slumber by Adam N. Smith - Better sleep timer in Clock app. Home Tech Science Contact. We hope that this list of top iOS 7 repos in Cydia will help you get started with your jailbreaking journey.
Find out about some cool themes and helpful tweaks.

By Rafia Shaikh. Top iOS 7 repositories: To check BiteSMS, go to the beta repo that is allowing users to sample upcoming features too: This repo is for advanced level users offering a pretty good selection of command-line tools. The repo gets constantly updated too: However, it does add some pretty subtle changes and quick reply and compose links.
If you are looking for some nice little improvements to iOS , check no more! Petrich is not a new name and we are certain you already have his repo added to your Cydia. We have already shared with you how you can get rid of those pesky idiot ads in the Status Bar — issue that comes with jailbreaking your deivce.
Check StatusBarFix2 repo to get rid of those bugs: