I am legend full movie iphone
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Smith plays the role so well that audiences may forget that he really isn't the last man alive. His interactions with his dog provide his only means of maintaing a sense of companionship, though he tries his hardest to speak with mannequins to no avail. Perhaps his best scene in the film features Neville reciting a scene from the movie Shrek verbatim, doing so with a lifeless stare into nothingness, obviously having watched the film so many times that the characters in it, like Sam, have become his friends over the years.
Smith was perfectly cast for this film, and while his performance isn't the kind those who choose the Oscars look for when picking candidates, he nevertheless far exceeds his job description, seemingly living his role rather than acting it. I Am Legend proves to be fine entertainment that works because it forces the viewer into Neville's shoes as audiences ask themselves how they would handle such a crisis situation. It definitely proves to be food for thought and may be even a wake-up call to those who may find themselves completely unprepared for such a drastic circumstance.
As a film, I Am Legend builds on several "legendary" cinematic themes as hints of the zombie, vampire, disease, and post-apocalyptic genres work their way into the story. The film is perhaps closest in nature to the aforementioned 28 Days Later as the story of a deadly virus that spread quickly through society, destroying whole civilizations in mere days.
I Am Legend isn't quite as good as Danny Boyle's breakthrough film, but it certainly matches it for pace and intensity.
Warner Bros Connects With iPhone Salesman/Scribe’s Pitch For ‘I Am Legend’ Reboot - IMDb
Both films faltered slightly in the third act, but both redeem themselves in the last minutes of the movie with a sense of hope after ninety minutes of despair. I Am Legend is a winner, and movie lovers will undoubtedly be pleased with this modern adaptation of a horror classic. Use the thumbs up and thumbs down icons to agree or disagree that the title is similar to I Am Legend.
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You can also suggest completely new similar titles to I Am Legend in the search box below. The two disc set will feature both the theatrical and alternate versions of the The disc will contain two versions of the film - the theatrical cut and an alternate theatrical I Am Legend Blu-ray Screenshots. Select category Add custom category. Seen in theater. Current price. You will get a notification at the top of the site as soon as the current price equals or falls below your price.
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I Am Legend: Other Editions
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Follow us Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Author Matthew G. Take that, vampires.