Android developer google drive example

The API automatically handles previously complex tasks such as offline access and syncing files. This allows you to read and write files as if Drive were a local file system. This documentation assumes you are familiar with Android development and object-oriented programming concepts.

You should also be familiar with Google Drive from a user's point of view. Files are represented by the DriveFile interface; folders by the DriveFolder interface. Both share a common superinterface, DriveResource , which contains a DriveId. This is the unique identifier for all files and folders.

The API also includes a package for querying for files based on metadata attributes , such as the title. Metadata for resources are encapsulated in the Metadata class that contains all details about a file or folder including the title, the MIME type, and whether the file is editable, starred or trashed. The Metadata may be set or changed when creating or updating a file using a MetadataChangeSet and setting the appropriate values, then calling the DriveResourceClient.

You can open files programmatically using the DriveResourceClient. The file contains a reference to the contents of the file, encapsulated in the DriveContents class, which provides access to read and write the underlying data. You can read the contents of a drive file by accessing an input stream of its contents by calling DriveContents.

To create a file, you can use either the DriveResourceClient. For more information about how to work with files, see Working with File Contents. For more information about how to create files, see Creating Files. The Drive for Android API has two methods that implement UI components to simplify common tasks associated with opening and creating files. The class also implements a simple UI that allows a user to specify the file's title and destination folder. For more information, see Creating Files.

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This will create your drive clients. It also notifies the listener that the user has successfully signed in.

Expressive, beautiful UIs

After a user has picked a file, you will get an activity intent and pass it to openItem , so add that helper method now:. This function gets the driveId from the intent options and passes that ID to another helper method downloadFile. The key aspect of the whole service is downloading the picked file.

To do that, you need to get an input stream to the file and save it to a local file. Notice the getMetaData call. That is needed to get the name of the chosen file. Create a method named pickFiles to open the picked-file dialog:. You set the mime type and title, and then set the starting folder if driveId is provided. Then call pickItem with those options.

Google Drive

Next, you add a method that can retrieve any account that has been signed in from previous launches:. If a signed-in account is found and no scope has changed, you call initializeDriveClient that you created earlier to handle the sign in. Add the following method to launch the Authentication dialog:.

Now, you will turn your attention back to the MainActivity. Above the onCreate function, create a simple enum to keep track of the buttons state:. As mentioned earlier, the activity needs to be set as a serviceListener so that it can respond to the service. Implement the ServiceListener interface in the MainActivity :. You need to change the state of the buttons based on your logged-in or logged-out state. Consequently, you create a function named setButtons :. The code inside loggedIn , cancelled , and handleError are pretty straightforward.

Setup Android Google Drive REST API (Java/Kotlin) | Lua Software Code

In fileDownloaded , a file is received; subsequently, you want the system to open the file. This is where the FileProvider information you put in the AndroidManifest.

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  6. In Android 8. MimeTypeMap is a system class that has a few helper methods you can use to get the file extension and mime type from the url. You create an intent and make sure that the system can handle it before starting the activity — the app will crash otherwise. You will first be presented with an account chooser. Once you select a file and press Select, the download process will start. After the download is complete, you should then see the file you picked automatically open in a system viewer.

    In this tutorial, you have learned how to integrate your app with Google Drive and how to download a file.

    Sample Applications

    Congratulations on successfully downloading files from your Google Drive! You can download the final project by using the download button at the top or bottom of this tutorial. You can do much more with Google Drive. Try, for example, adding more capabilities to your app, such as creating a file or deleting a file. If you have any comments or questions about this tutorial or Google Drive SDK, feel free to join the forum discussion below!

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    How to use Google API in Android Studio

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