Download gmail app for bb curve 8520
I thought that BB version were valid for all BB models. Thanks in advance. September 13, at 6: DariSofi, I have read the comments. Once the google mobile app is installed, i apparently have the option to download additional apps. When i click on GMail.. My reported issue is with the fact that the UI says i can download If the UI says you can download additional apps, then it's obviously more than just a shortcut September 14, at 3: Angelo said Any hope of seeing that?
September 14, at 6: I have only seen negative reviews about this product, I even read a negative review in the economist which was mainly detailing how bad their launching of the product was so not really about the product itself. September 15, at 2: Andrew Nacin said I have two Gmail accounts and two Google Apps accounts tied to my Blackberry.
how to setup a gmail email on blackberry curve - Techzim Answers
September 16, at 2: John S. Alton said Absolutely love the upgraded mail app. Feels fantastic! September 16, at 7: RandySN said So Ive been using the new Google App for Balckberry on my Blackberry Curve - I do not have much installed on it at all, so there is plenty of free space. I use 1 Google Apps email account and 2 GMail accounts. The old email apps NEVER took this long to refresh or send emails, and I am using the new app in the same locations as the old apps - so it has nothing to do with my provider. I don't even want to check my email now because it is so slow. Another complaint: Why can't I download an attachment to my phone?
I though this would have been fixed from the first Gmail app. Maybe Google needs to hire some Blackberry users before releasing Blackberry software. Or maybe, its just a way to get everyone to want to use Android phones?? September 16, at 9: September 16, at 3: This is not useful for me.
All it does is launch things in the browser, or the app if relevant. Why wouldn't you just set your browser homepage to google and launch each app individually?
Google Mobile Blog
Feels to me like google is just playing the who's-got-more-cereal-brands game. September 21, at 2: Dom Sanculi said For the love of all that is holy and good, can we get Gmail to BlackBerry contact sync? If they can sync Gcal, I would certainly think Contacts wouldn't take much more technical magic. September 24, at 2: Please somehow make gmail contacts work better with Blackberry. It would be nice if there were more otions when forwading email, typing new messeges etc..
I dislike typing somones full address, even though I have them in my gmail contacts, maybe it could look at me BB contacts? Thanks CHuck. September 27, at 5: September 27, at Dougie Talley said To Dan The delete button doesnt work on mine either but if you hit "d" it deletes them. Hope this helps Question- Can you delete the email account that you initially set up on your phone when you download this new google app and start using that email? September 28, at 1: The only reason the G1 has an audience, is because of its unique access to the Google network. I wonder if even Blackberry phones can combat with that with some of the new apps like this one.
I think when it comes down to comparing mobile phone offers between the two, it is going to be case of who has the larger following! November 10, at Font size: Font size on main menu items is WAY to small. If measured I believe they would compare to pt type on a desktop. Goog Mobile app installer Doesn't download the Goog email, maps or some other G-apps.
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Goog email on BB curve is virtually unusable due to the very small font size which is unchangeable. Still, if you don't need email on blackberry there is a lot of value here December 7, at 3: I just got the Storm. Trying to find the download link for Google App. It doesn't seem to exist? This is frustrating me. Please help, or if there is a direct link send it my way.
It would make me very happy. January 4, at 5: Mark Edwards said I'm pulling my hair out trying to find this app for the Blackberry Storm. I've tried and tried to get it, but can't find a download link anywhere. I even uninstalled an old version of the Google App hoping the phone would show your servers that I didn't have it installed. Same problem, no download link. An answer would be appreciated. January 31, at 1: February 6, at 8: February 12, at 8: Cat Hoffman said February 14, at Pratik said So bad it still doesn't support wifi.
I would love to see my blackberry work on gmail like iPhone using wifi without opening actual browser! And it would be pocket friendly as well!!

March 1, at 7: The blackberry apps need to implement a better url for users who want to use google apps with wifi its explained here in detail: Scroll to Set application permissions and press the Navigation key to activate the function. When the box next to the menu item is ticked V , the function is activated. Scroll to Download and press the Navigation key. Scroll to View and press the Navigation key.
Highlight the drop down list next to Connections and press the Navigation key. Scroll to Allow and press the Navigation key. Highlight the drop down list next to Interactions and press the Navigation key. Highlight the drop down list next to User Data and press the Navigation key.
Scroll to Save and press the Navigation key. Gmail is downloaded and installed. Scroll to OK and press the Navigation key. Press Disconnect to return to standby mode. Please let us know how we could improve our device guides Enter your comments here then click the 'Send' button. Reset my password. Select help topic Basic use. Change settings. Read help info. For BB to Gmail Contacts sync, try this: Hi Guys, Thanks for the help you are providing here. Every time I reply to an email or I send an email out from my BB or my Laptop I do recv the same msg back to my gmail, i tried the sittings and all options with no luck!!
Its strang coz my hotmail and other email address doesnt do this.. I'll appreciate if someone can enlighten me: Many thanks in advance. They say this can be used on pretty much any java device i have a sanyo scp aka katana 2 with the 1. Thanks Abby. Help me please im having the same issue with emails sent on my Gmail account. Its getting really annoying. Does anybody have any ideas? Is there any way to change how often it checks for new mail? I went for at least an hour earlier today with new mail showing in my Gmail, but the Blackberry wasn't seeing it until I told it to check the Gmail inbox.
Virtually I've managed to do it right however it first complains that " you need a working data connection": You provided ". Does anybody have an idea what's the problem and how to fix it? Can this create a conflict pb?. Annoying pb because it did always worked on my former Nokia. Gmail 2. I am confused, please help. I installed the application, it was on the Blackberry Pearl, no problems. I went to move the icon on the phone, and now its gone, no were to be found. If I send an email though my gmail moble app, does it go though my compnay's blackberry server? Hello I'm trying to download this to my But it reads on my phone.
This program requires a working data connection. Does this mean that I can not download it off of my wifi? How do I set the icon on my desktop. Have searched everywhere but cannot get to the icon any other way. How stupid. Blackberry sucks Treo ruled but Palm sure missed the boat by losing all us loyal treonauts by not upgrading fast enough. Could not wait anymore for a newer phone. Anyway, not to ramble on off topic but I know a lot of other people have had this problem so here is the answer The Gmail icon can be found under "Downloads.
I am having problems with my new emails not showing up under the gmail icon just under my messages icon on my blackberry curve. Any ideas on how to fix this? Can Gmail for Mobile in Blackberry see pictures? Or is it text based? I cannot see pictures in Gmail for Mobile. All users who want to download the gmail app for blackberry Only Os6. This is a wonderful app for blackberry..
But D app does not have an attachment module when u compose a new email.. An unofficial blog that watches Google's attempts to move your operating system online since Not affiliated with Google. Send your tips to gostips gmail. Google Operating System Unofficial news and tips about Google. August 27, Mobile Gmail 2.
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