Dungeon keeper mobile room guide
Dungeon Keeper was a real-time strategy game released back in by Electronic Arts and made by the genious at Bullfrog. In order to make something out of an strategy game in a very overcrowded market at the time dominated by Warcraft II: The Tides of Darkness and Command and Conquer , games had to do something new. So there, while games like M. Your main goal is to design a dungeon, and populate with monsters, so the brave and gallant heroes who join the quest to liberate it from the evil abominations who risk the life of their people That means "YOU" can't claim the treasures and stuff.
In other words, you have to defend the dungeon and keep the treasures hidden there from the righteous hands of the good and benevolent people. Sounds like fun, eh? Oh yes. It is. Does this game even have an history? But I don't know it! Customized for a x resolution, this guide can be view on anything else bigger than that.
Dungeon Keeper review • phon-er.com
Dunno why you would be using that resolution nowadays, but, meh, i know how does it feels when someone with a rather powerful PC like me tells that to someone with a modest Pentium I MMX. I'm planning a walkthrough since the game can be considerably difficult sometimes, but I was wanting to release the guide as soon as possible seeing how up to date information about this game is certainly lacking. I haven't played this game on multiplayer there must be around two people today who want to play this game online, and the other one maybe doesn't has a internet connection , so any information concerning multiplayer tactics or watchamacallit about it is very welcomed.
Time took to reach that ammout of points varies from creature to creature. These will keep it happy. If its a fellow monster, each time they are forced to cross, it will attack it. The feeling is the same for both monsters I. E: Spiders hate Flies, Flies hate Spiders.
If it's an activity, they will become annoyed when forced to do so. You might disagree. So, let us go! Creatures are ranked in a particular order of power. Imps dig, dig, and dig gold. They are used to open up new territoy, claim territory, reinforce walls, scout, and some digging. While Imps are very weak in combat, you should train them up to level 3.
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Once they hit that level, their performance on their work is drastically improved. No real need to train them further, though, they are far too weak and easy to kill anyway. Try to keep an eye on them at all times. Also, the fact that they are not very fond of Spiders makes them particulary easy to get killed.
Flies only appear on the first levels and even so, they are quickly killed by Spiders. If you get a fly, your best bet is to train them quickly and then possessing them to explore as much as you can. A particular nasty trick is to cast disease on them. Very difficult to train and very slow to move, they are best suited to the temple sacrifice than to keep them around.
Don't waste your time and money with these. The Spiders are rather good attacking units, however, they are fairly easy to kill, and none of their attacks are very effective Except Freeze. Better to sacrifice them. Attracted by large Training rooms. Trolls are very good tinkers, and they should belong in the workshops at all time unless the situation is desperate.
Attracted by large Workshops. They are rather useless in combat, but they are very good explorers and are very cheap to maintain. Once they are fully trained they are very annoying to kill and very effective Imp-hunters. Use them as scouts as soon as they get to level 3. They are easily owned by Dragons or Mistress, let alone Orcs.
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Even worse, they are very hard to attract. Train them as much as you can and leave them at home for defense. Only appears on levels with large masses of water. Attracted by a large temple. They are quite effective in open combat, but their biggest advantage is the fact that they retain the experience they had in life Of course, a Level 10 creature takes an eternity to die hungry in the dungeon, so don't take it for granted that you will get ten level 10 skeletons as soon as you kill your first heroes. They are very easy to maintain and train, making them perfect cannon fodder for invasions.
Bile Demons are also much more valuable, so if you're using a rather big ammount of demons you might want to avoid using skeletons. If so, disable the Imprison option.

They also have one special ability: They morph into Dragons level 4 when they reach Level Demon Spawns are your most basic soldiers that are actually worth it. You might want to use them as front soldiers due to the fact they are very expendable, but sometimes you might also want to keep a few alive to make them into dragons. Attracted by large Training Rooms. They are incredible quick, very powerful and durable, and rather easy to train and maintain.
They hold a grudge with Demon Spawns, but unlike Flies and Spiders is easy to keep them apart. They, just like flies, then to go out exploring and drawning probably unwanted attention.
Keep an eye on them, and is best to train them to the highest level possible before letting them out, so they can hold their ground until help arrives They also make corpses decompose faster by urinating on them ahem. I have a thing with dogs, but you gotta admit they look great when held.
Dungeon Keeper™ 2
Attracted by large Scavenging Rooms. I've read about it on Phil's Site, though. Warlocks are easy to maintain happy as long as their library is very far away from anything else and no Vampires are around, but if anything interrupts their labors they become insanely annoying and can incite massive unhappiness to the rest of your dungeon. Of course, this also means that two of the most powerful creatures are quite difficult to maintain at the same time, but it's a price to pay. That helluva great ammount of spells can be used by just pressing the numbers key to use them, even if the first person view doesn't shows them at first.
Attracted by Librarys duh. LIKES: Being slapped, tortured, woken up, thrown into combat, and whips, chains, latex, high heel boots, and the stuff you would guess. And Samurais. By slapping them, they totally get happy as hell, as well as working faster. They are easy to train, as well. They are also one of the two units you can control that can teleport, making them especially useful to attack enemy territory by using the Call to Arms spell. Very good unit, and wonderful abilities. Attracted by large Torture Rooms.
They can be grouped in Barracks with independent monsters to make them more loyal. Is hard to go wrong with Orcs.