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It will be missed. I always get really depressed when I revisit memories from long ago. Music, movies, games, certain places and even smells tend to drag me back to places I haven't thought of in a while.
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The other day I transferred an old, MiniDV tape to my computer, to make a digital file, and there she was again, as beautiful as the day I met her. The brilliant, California sunlight reflecting off the vast, Pacific ocean, her dark silhouette splashing against the waves, almost as if she was a part of the mesmerizing backdrop itself.
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She turns toward the shore, raises her hand above her head, waving to me from the distance, an endless cycle of water crashing down all around her. She waves to me from the past, no matter how far away we are now, no matter how many years of separation come between us, that moment will always exist.
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She waves to me and I remember how beautiful she was; how in that moment, despite the ocean calling to her, she thought of me, what a selfless and thoughtful gesture. I wish I could stop loving her. It hurts me too much knowing she'll never be a part of my life again. Nothing brings more pain than the absence of her; the warmth she gave. She has children now, we cross paths from time to time, passing each other on the road, in grocery stores, but never speak. We both prefer it that way. Whatever we shared so long ago is gone now, I'm a forgotten memory.
If I could just go back to that day, that moment, that time, I might be able to do something to keep her in my life, even as just a friend.
Gameloft Forums • GT Racing Motor Academy, iPad2, iOS5
What happened to us? Nine years together and now we're nothing. You showed me how sacred a love between two people can be, it was the most fulfilling time of my life, you made me a better person with your kindness, and now it's a love that will haunt me forever. This is like three week old news now, but I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion about it. Really shitty of EA to just completely nix a bunch of popular titles.
Apparently, they want to focus on "efforts on developing new and exciting titles, as well as bringing new content and updates to existing popular games. Publishers should pull classic books from store shelves so people will pay more attention to new books. Registered users: A8sully gmail. All rights reserved.
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Game play questions go here. Please fix sound loop issue and very-very-very choppy gameplay in iOS5. And disable "Pause Game" in Multiplayer! And let last racer on the track when all others quit get credits! Hi liikur, you'll receive an e-mail from our Support soon. Please answer their questions Wish you best of luck! Please remember that every time you use your Gameloft Live Account in an unofficial site or application, you are giving the site owners access to your account!
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