Iphone voicemail password not saving
You'll need to type in the password you just set to hear any new voicemails.

Access your voicemails. As long as your carrier supports visual voicemail, you can access your voicemails by tapping the Voicemail button in the bottom right corner of the Phone app's screen. You will be able to browse through all of your voicemails and choose which ones you want to listen to. Tap a message you wish to open. Doing so should bring the message up in a window that includes several options like Delete and Call Back.
If your iPhone supports visual voicemail messages, opening a voicemail message will display a transcript of the message's content. It's in the bottom left corner of the voicemail message you opened, directly above the Speaker option. Tapping this will begin playing your voicemail message. Tapping Speaker will play the voicemail message over your iPhone's speaker.
Tap Delete to delete messages. The Delete button is in the bottom right corner of the message window. To delete multiple messages, tap Edit in the top right corner of the screen, tap each message you want to delete, and then tap Delete in the bottom right corner of the screen. Tap Call Back to dial the number that left the message.
- iPhone Keeps Asking for Voicemail Password, How to Fix It.
- Manual: How to Reset Voicemail Password on iPhone AT & T or Verizon.
- Delete Document.
- Reader Interactions.
- iPhone Voicemail Won't Save Greeting | Synonym.
- Fixing iPhone Voicemail Not Working or Voicemail Playing Issues.
It's at the center of the bottom of the voicemail message window. You can see how many new messages you have by looking at the little red number on your Voicemail icon. Restart your iPhone. Restarting your device can solve a lot of minor problems you may be having. To do so: Hold down the Power button on the side or the top for iPhone 5 and below of your phone. Slide the slide to power off switch at the top of the screen right.
How to set up voicemail on iPhone
Wait for a minute. Hold down the Power button until you see the white Apple logo appear on your iPhone's screen. Update your iPhone to the latest version of iOS. There may be a bug that's causing your voicemail problems, and a more recent version of iOS may have fixed the problem. You can check for updates in the "General" section of the Settings app, or you can use iTunes.
How to set up voicemail on your iPhone
Also check for any Carrier Updates, which can be found by tapping About in the General section of the Settings app. Call your carrier if you can't access your voicemail inbox. There are several issues that may occur when setting up your voicemail, especially if you are upgrading from a much older device.
Contacting your carrier's Customer Service line can help you reset your voicemail settings, change your password, and get your visual voicemail setup. Sprint - T-Mobile - or from your iPhone. Boost Mobile - Cricket - or from your iPhone. Reset your iPhone's Voicemail password. If you need to change the password for Visual Voicemail on your iPhone, you can do so from the Settings app.
Enter your new Visual Voicemail password. Tap "Done" to save your new password. My phone says "no voicemail" even though I have messages. What is the problem? The Visual Voicemail system will only work if your carrier allows it — and it may charge extra for the feature. If it worked before and doesn't work now, make sure you have a good data connection and try Settings: General: Reset: Reset Network Settings.
Yes No. Not Helpful 5 Helpful While setting up voicemail, my phone asks me to enter my number, then says it doesn't recognize it. What do I do now? Your carrier may have a mistake when activating your phone. Hold down Home and Power to soft reset your iPhone, then use this password to access your voicemail.
Set up Visual Voicemail
If this password stops working or if you have a different carrier, call the carrier's customer service to get a permanent password. Not Helpful 8 Helpful I am no longer notified when I receive a voicemail. How can I turn notifications back on? If you can listen to voicemail but don't get notifications, your cell carrier is probably at fault.
First, connect online and go to Settings:General:About to check for a carrier update. If there's no update, call your carrier's customer service number and ask to talk to someone who knows about Message Waiting Indicators MWI. Note that you can only get notifications when you have a cell data connection, not just WiFi.
Contact your carrier's customer service and request the change.
What is my voicemail password? | MTS
You can enter any number instead of Not Helpful 12 Helpful Exit the phone app. Tap Home twice then swipe up on the phone app to close it completely. Perform a soft reset by holding down the Home and Power buttons at the same time, until the Apple logo appears.
Wait for the phone to finish starting up, then try your voicemail again. If this doesn't work, contact your service provider.
Not Helpful 6 Helpful 9. When I try to record a voicemail, it just goes back to the default Turn off your WiFi and try again. If this doesn't work, delete all your voicemail messages and try again, with your WiFi still turned off. Not Helpful 9 Helpful Your phone may be programmed with the wrong voicemail number not the same as your phone number.
The easiest fix is probably to ask an Apple Store employee to reset it. If you'd like to do it yourself, call your carrier to ask for your voicemail number, then look up instructions on how to program the voicemail number on your iPhone model. Not Helpful 2 Helpful 4. I just bought a new iPhone and it asks for a mailbox number when I hit the Voicemail button.
Please advise. Your carrier sets the mailbox number. It's often the last four digits of your phone number, or If these don't work, try resetting it through your carrier user website, or by calling your carrier. If your Visual Voicemail is disabled, make sure to mention this so they give you the right type of mailbox. Not Helpful 7 Helpful 5. Can you set up to play a message but NOT allow a message to be left? Example: "You've reached my cell phone where you cannot leave a message. Please call my office instead".
Your carrier can disable your voicemail for you, but it might not let you set the message. Try linking your phone number to a third-party voicemail service instead, such as YouMail or Google Voice.